[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

Deadbringer wrote:
So i have made every boss up to t14 so far. On hardcore. I mus admit i dont usually push lots of tier and run iir/noob shaped map strategy up until i got bored, and it went pretty smooth. I think ive run them with 4 mod (to get atlas) and then ran most of them alc/go. I avoid no regen cause i tempt to get out of mana... lots of leap slamming.

Currently 94 on BHC. My gear is pretty much min/max. Could use some jewel upgrade or rings but such thing doesnt exist on bhc yet.

Think im at like 140k pob dps 7.7k life.using 2 lgoh rings. No flaks and no frenzy/no onslaught.

I killed red elder guardians like they were t1 map boss. Only the eradicator somewhat hurted a little.
Im not sure about elder,ive never ever attempt that but,the builds feels good and smooths ,might attempt it after i go shaper.

Next goal would be shaper, but i was wondering,which one of the guardian is the easiest to farm with this build?

I don't play HC, but this char has very low death count which is mainly from Eradicator (I was experimenting if could facetank him while taking his full damage while being shocked, apparently not) and Uber Elder, and I think one death from Minotaur with triple damage mod.

However I don't think you need to worry about anything outside of those three I mentioned and something like Uber Atziri or Vaal Temple. Unless you're like totally afk while fighting the boss or something. Shaper is also a non issue since you can pretty much facetank him, including his slam with 4 endurance charges (left me with something like 1.5k life left out of 7.8k life), well of course this doesn't include his yellow balls and bullet hell, there's no way you'll out leech those.

The hardest fights I've been on with this char was the bugged Fenumus Last Night (Aspect of Spider fight) and Uber Elder. The rest are a complete joke. For guardians (I assume you meant Shaper Guardians), if you don't go at them with insane map mods I would rate them in terms of risk of death (lowest to highest) : Phoenix < Hydra < Minotaur < Chimera (some of the adds can outright kill you depending on map mods if you missed too much leech).
Thanks for the reply,

Sadly phoenix is the guardian i have less experience with ,but i guess this is a good time to get some.

Do i need to dodge that explosion and thats about it?
Last edited by Deadbringer#6937 on Apr 11, 2018, 5:18:21 PM
Deadbringer wrote:
Thanks for the reply,

Sadly phoenix is the guardian i have less experience with ,but i guess this is a good time to get some.

Do i need to dodge that explosion and thats about it?

And dont tank too many small phonixes. They reduce your fire resists with their shots and hit quite hard. What can get you killed is taking too much stuff at once. Like eating a full spin from the boss followed up by three shots from a small phoenix. To me he was always the most dangerous of the four but not really a problem. Dont roll increased boss AoE. The big explosion can get extremely large that way.
Hi All, need some advise

Currently setup is as follow
Cwdt - Tempest shield - increased critical strike - firestorm
This setup can confirm provide 100% uptime on elemental overload with firestorm constant hitting every 0.1 sec

I was thinking if its worth to replace tempest shield with blind support
Cwdt - firestorm - increase critical chance - blind support. I believed firestorm can trigger blind more often.

But is the 3% block impt?

Note: i m not using curse here as my ring already has warlock on hit.
I am not sure what I am missing. My mana just melts off me and cont sustain. I have the jewels and such. Can you look at my toon and help me figure out why my mana will go from full to instant 0? Toon is strad_warchief
Strad1975 wrote:
I am not sure what I am missing. My mana just melts off me and cont sustain. I have the jewels and such. Can you look at my toon and help me figure out why my mana will go from full to instant 0? Toon is strad_warchief

It should work. In no-regen maps you need to just be a little careful cause you aint got mana sustain outside of attacking. You need to just drop a few strikes onto each group. Its a bit of an annoying map mod, but once you get the hang of it youll be just fine. If you actually run out of mana just leapslamp a few times onto a group to get +2/4 mana for each hit enemy.

Things to look out for when mapping - Bleed stacks T.T

Sometimes when i leaped into a big grp and the mass graphics processing just lag the screen haha even with my GTX1080ti. when the adds are mostly down, the number of stacks can really hit you fast even with 7.6k hp...

Last edited by Uzap#7147 on Apr 12, 2018, 8:54:15 AM
GornoDD wrote:
Strad1975 wrote:
I am not sure what I am missing. My mana just melts off me and cont sustain. I have the jewels and such. Can you look at my toon and help me figure out why my mana will go from full to instant 0? Toon is strad_warchief

It should work. In no-regen maps you need to just be a little careful cause you aint got mana sustain outside of attacking. You need to just drop a few strikes onto each group. Its a bit of an annoying map mod, but once you get the hang of it youll be just fine. If you actually run out of mana just leapslamp a few times onto a group to get +2/4 mana for each hit enemy.

After closer observations, it seems to happen when my cwdt goes off. Is it possible that I am getting hard enough that they go off more than once and are draining my mana? Not sure if it works that way, but it feels like it.
Hi Gorno, just to check, how is this build able to run elemental reflect mod? i happened to run one and was killed by my own damage.
Uzap wrote:
Hi Gorno, just to check, how is this build able to run elemental reflect mod? i happened to run one and was killed by my own damage.

Really? With Loreweave and Yugol Pantheon I have no problems at all. Also make sure to use Increased AoE and Ancestral call and dont use conc or fire penetration. If you use a watchers eye with FirePen for Anger you should take it out for the map.

Fire penetration especially is pretty dangerous (cause it even penetrates loreweaves defenses). Personally I dont take out anything. I just switch to yugol and use AoE + AC. For really large groups also pop your Wise Oak Flask (for that extra ele mitigation).

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