[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

I was planning to try this for the first time in Delve but wanted to see how the 3.4 patch notes may have affected this build. Overall I think it is a lot of improvements, which makes me more hyped to try this. Am I missing anything significant or bad though?

The auto-targeting done by single-target melee attacks such as Heavy Strike or Molten Strike (ie. any attack that requires "namelocking") now targets enemies within a wider area, based on the total range of your attack. The width of this targeting area grows by 1 unit per 3 units of melee range. This should make it much easier to target enemies with these skills.
The following melee skills now gain additional melee weapon range every 7 levels, up to +2 at level 20 (and +3 at level 21): Dual Strike, Elemental Hit, Frenzy, Glacial Hammer, Heavy Strike, Molten Strike, Puncture, Riposte, Static Strike, Viper Strike, Wild Strike, Vigilant Strike, Ancestral Protector, Dominating Blow.

This should be a buff improving mapping, but would this change the totem trick spacing though that doubles the damage with bosses though?

The following skills are now instant by default and can therefore be used while moving: Blood Rage .... Molten Shell .... Anger .... Herald of Ash ....
All instant skills now have some sort of cooldown (typically 1 second or less).

Will this change anything at all (like with the ones on CwDT)? I can't see how, but I'm still learning more about this game every day.

The Retribution notable now grants 14% increased Damage (as opposed to 14% increased Spell Damage and 14% increased Melee Damage).

Shouldn't this increase our overall damage because it will now cover the projectile damage portion of Molten Strike now?

The Elementalist, Catalyse and Light of Divinity clusters have been merged into one unholy cluster. Small Spell Damage and Weapon Elemental Damage passives have been replaced with Elemental Damage passives.
Catalyse has been renamed Divine Fervour. In addition to the 24% increased Elemental Damage and +10 to Strength and Intelligence, it now grants 25% increased Melee Critical Strike Chance and causes Damage with Weapons to penetrate 3% of Elemental Resistance.
Elementalist has been renamed Holy Dominion. In addition to +12% to all Elemental Resistances, 5% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite, and 12% increased Elemental Damage (up from 10%), it now grants 12% increased Global Physical Damage.
The small passives leading to Holy Dominion now grant 10% increased Elemental Damage (up from 8%).

We get 25% more crit chance for EO, 3% PEN, and 6% more Elemental Dmg. I'm wondering though if we wouldn't also get more damage if we have Xophs Blood before the physical conversion because of the 12% increased Global Physical Damage being put on it?

Since they merged part of our path into one cluster, we'll have to update the pastebin though for the new tree path.
Last edited by ZeroCloud#5900 on Aug 28, 2018, 11:02:46 PM
QtkanthaZaarl wrote:
It's with great pride that I can say that this build can indeed complete all the content in the game, as I have done so this very league.

Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Chayula, Hall of Grandmasters, Shaper, Guardians, pretty much any map mod (I did have to run a sybil's for ele reflect but ye).

Much obliged.

I died to Chauyla multiple times on the last day of Incursion, but that might just be due to lack of experience (1st time fighting him). Turns out I can't face tank this boss, even though I had close to 40 LGoH on both rings combined :) I am still very likely to play this build in Delve, plus GGG might finally drop a Molten Strike MTX...
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
So what's the word, is this build still viable for Delve or not?
junkypic011 wrote:
So what's the word, is this build still viable for Delve or not?

Lets hear OP about it but due to patch notes Molten strike got buffed (easier to aim and more damage range).

I have another question.
Are there any other skills for fast clearing? What about wild strike?
Anybody tried it or 200k doesnt feel smooth?
junkypic011 wrote:
So what's the word, is this build still viable for Delve or not?

Same question here. Can we play this build in Delve League?

Best Regards
Jadran wrote:
I died to Chauyla multiple times on the last day of Incursion, but that might just be due to lack of experience (1st time fighting him). Turns out I can't face tank this boss, even though I had close to 40 LGoH on both rings combined :) I am still very likely to play this build in Delve, plus GGG might finally drop a Molten Strike MTX...

Chayula does a lot of chaos damage, if you had -60% chaos res you'd have a hard time. Most people use a breach ring or two with chaos res specifically for this fight :)
Sapsip wrote:
Jadran wrote:
I died to Chauyla multiple times on the last day of Incursion, but that might just be due to lack of experience (1st time fighting him). Turns out I can't face tank this boss, even though I had close to 40 LGoH on both rings combined :) I am still very likely to play this build in Delve, plus GGG might finally drop a Molten Strike MTX...

Chayula does a lot of chaos damage, if you had -60% chaos res you'd have a hard time. Most people use a breach ring or two with chaos res specifically for this fight :)

I did it pretty easily with regular gear that i had
but i had like 2x chaos res on belt and 2x chaos res on helm.. so..

only boss i had problems with atziri / uber atziri

did uber elder like 11 times
Dropped some life nodes for ele dmg and faster attack nodes, and switched to a chernobog's shield, and was finally able to get my first uber atziri kill. With the goal being able to dps the mirrors down fast enough w/o having to dodge all the bs.

Onto elder attempts now!

Also, looking forward to seeing the delve claw jugg build.
I am trying to get ready to the leage, and i took OP's POB and changed it alitle bit.
I removed all the GG gear.
Would be happy to get some opinion.

POB: https://pastebin.com/sBj54G2R
i wos collect your build. TY WM 4 pretty safe gameplay.



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