[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder

loonypt wrote:
I'm looking for a build that can push either to level 100 or to depth 600 (for the challenge) while being relatively forgiving to player mistakes, as I'm easily distracted and keep dying to random simple things with most of my characters (which are often squishy).
Is this a solid build for level 100 / depth 600? If not, would someone kindly point me in the right direction? And how does this build compare to the dual nebuloch molten strike 90% mitigation build?
Thank you!

as far as i heard the nebuloch has potential for getting deeper ... playing myself this build however and only 220 depth so far.

... or try to make a combination of this and nebuloch ( grelwood + one nebuloch + more endurance charges -> someone posted an idea about that 1 or 2 pages ago )
I terms of gear you should have around +35 Life gain on hit and around 8k HP as well as loreweave with 80% maxres to do the encounter, as well as all other core items like xophs. DPS wise you should have at least 45k Tooltip in Hideout DPS under the following circumstancs: No-Golem, No-Totem, No-Charges, No-flasks, No-Bloodrage, Links: MoltenStrike-MultiStrike-EleWithAttacks-EleFocus-AncestralCall-Conc

Im reading this and I cant see "auras off" anywhere, so the dps should be around 45k WITH Anger and Herald right?

If I am wrong, how is possible to get 45k? My gear is "good" and I have like 30k dps in Hideout, but I still need to lvl up all the gems and quality, but I dont think leveling the gems and quality will give me like 15k dps, so if I left the Anger and Herald, its impossible to reach that 45k dps.

Anyway, I left my gear for suggestions.

Last edited by automecanic#6165 on Sep 21, 2018, 2:32:08 AM
Hello guys, what do you think about this shield for dps boost? Is it an option or not really?

M4R4 wrote:
Hello guys, what do you think about this shield for dps boost? Is it an option or not really?

- less armour
- less block
- less physical dmg mitigation
- significantly less life


more damage

... so what to think about ... imo for higher content use lioneyes the other one in ANY case, for lower content you do not need more dmg ...

so, draw your conclusions
Last edited by bex_HB#1414 on Sep 21, 2018, 6:08:29 AM
Just finished leveling this char (second this league), picked up loreweave, lioneyes remorse, thiefs torment and I`m amazed how actually tanky this jugg is. Life leech reminds me of an old vaal pact. Did uber straight after merciless lab at lvl 69, easily face tanked everything, jumped straight to red maps. Clear speed with ancestral call and reave is really fine. This might be one of the best builds I've tried, thanks a lot :) . Looking forward to uber elder.
How do you guys get so much currency? The gear seems so far out of reach for me. My gear is pretty crappy right now.

Got up to 66 with this,

and had some fun with these

Great guide and fun build. I started league with a Bow Slayer and wanted to die after levelling. I levelled this guy in like 6 hours easy pace, and delved a lot. Found lots of chaos and an ex down there to get my Grelwood ( you can get a nice corrupted one with extra dex and strength if needed)

Also, got lucky on a merc lab finish at lvl 60 with a darkshrine or two. That really made the difference.

So far even without any high end gear I dont see anything stopping me sans a random one shot up at least tier 10 and down a ways in delve.

Ok. I gotta say the build has been going great for me with one exception. Shaper, HoGM, and Uber Elder all completed with ease. Screw that Uber Atziri though! Every damn time I get 1 shot by flameblast on the clone phase. There is literally no time to react and dodge it. Almost every time I start to see it form I'm multistrike locked into molten balls and hitting leap slam furiously and it NEVER gets out of the way, and it 1 shots me.
Replace multistrike with something else..

If multistrike is what kills you then you removed it. faster attack should be a good alternative since it would helps you reacts faster. Also ruby flask can helps a little on those one shots, even though it depends how many life you got stacked up.
If I'm not mistaken, Ruby Flask won't help as Loreweave states that your max res "are" 80% so I think Ruby Flask will not change that amount. However, I've been wrong before and could be wrong again. I'm too broke to afford good gear for now, but it's coming along and I can't wait.

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