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Thief torment is more for lvling which is needed for the loh and moh until one has 2 better rings to replace. I have been lvling using tt until lvl 60+
Last edited by Uzap#7147 on Apr 16, 2018, 7:35:26 PM
Hi Gornodd, and first of all thank you very much for this build and guide. I've gone from struggling on a warchief totem champion to just breezing past red elder and am now working on the last memory fragments and Shaper :)

it's been surprisingly easier than expected to put the basic gear together, and I'm working towards the more expensive parts now. just got a double health and 3 mana on hit ring, it really changes everything and was worth the 2.5ex without question !

I have a question regarding Xoph - I understand that it will be a big damage upgrade, but how much really compared to my current amulet (including getting back the 3 points I put for Avatar of Fire in the tree and the one point I'll have to put in a 30 dex node somewhere) ? I wonder if it's worth the 6ex right now.

same question for the watcher's eye jewel, as PoB doesn't really give me any change for either of these items (around 600 dps more).

as a side note, it's kinda hilarious to see the game become all pixelated for a few seconds due to dynamic resolution scaling when I left click on a big pack of monsters.

and my wife laughed at me saying "look at my balls ! they're amazing !" =)
Last edited by le_vagabond#3240 on Apr 17, 2018, 2:09:18 AM
How does Watcher's Eye work with this build?
It converts phys to fire but we don't have any phys when running Xoph's Blood?
Total noob here sry, can some explain? :/
le_vagabond wrote:

I have a question regarding Xoph - I understand that it will be a big damage upgrade, but how much really compared to my current amulet (including getting back the 3 points I put for Avatar of Fire in the tree and the one point I'll have to put in a 30 dex node somewhere) ? I wonder if it's worth the 6ex right now.

I think you forgot to tick the box in POB that says "enemies covered in ash". You need to do that manually. It should be a huge damage increase.

Besides that, by switching to xoph you gain fire penetration wich is helpful against bosses and 10% extra life and strength. Adding the 3 skill points on to that that is roughly 22% max life + the extra life you get from the strength.
Esquilaxxx wrote:
le_vagabond wrote:

I have a question regarding Xoph - I understand that it will be a big damage upgrade, but how much really compared to my current amulet (including getting back the 3 points I put for Avatar of Fire in the tree and the one point I'll have to put in a 30 dex node somewhere) ? I wonder if it's worth the 6ex right now.

I think you forgot to tick the box in POB that says "enemies covered in ash". You need to do that manually. It should be a huge damage increase.

Besides that, by switching to xoph you gain fire penetration wich is helpful against bosses and 10% extra life and strength. Adding the 3 skill points on to that that is roughly 22% max life + the extra life you get from the strength.

Xophs is pretty much Chieftain in the form of an Amulet (its kinda sad a whole ascendency is pretty much replaceable this way). You could do the 40% missing conversion with watcher eye (60% from molten). But you would need to spend a fortune to get a watchers eye with all the other benefits as well (25% added). Also you miss out on the 20% more fire damage from coevered in ash.

A God Tier Elder Amulet would with a God Tier Watchers Eye would pretty do the same thing.
yeah checking that box changes things. I guess I know what I'm buying next then, thanks for the explanations !

edit : got one for 5ex, going to test that =)
Last edited by le_vagabond#3240 on Apr 17, 2018, 10:21:25 AM
You know what this screamed at me? Mind that I'm a Poe newbie and have no real clue about the delicacy of synergetic builds... but....

Cast while channeling + Cyclone
:D Multistrike would have to go, of course, and it would be one gem less adding power to Molten Strike, but I swear, it just jumped at me and now I'm leveling a marauder to try it.
Have you tried this build without a shield? What about duel wielding Grelwood or offhand Nebuloch? Trying to decide how to play this. Does the shield offer that much more survivability?

Thanks man!
HotterPotter wrote:
Have you tried this build without a shield? What about duel wielding Grelwood or offhand Nebuloch? Trying to decide how to play this. Does the shield offer that much more survivability?

Thanks man!


Comparison with my character, Lioneye's vs Grelwood x2. Numbers might differ in reality but personally I dont think there is a reason to go ham on dps. Shield is pretty nice.

EDIT: Forgot to mention this is with area dmg and ancestral call in the 6link
Last edited by Dex2644#7139 on Apr 17, 2018, 4:12:49 PM
Sadly, it turns out that Cyclone isn't a channeled skill -_-

But I am still having a riot with the build. I blazed through the story and only stopped for a breath at act 6 following my 'don't open chests, only pick small rares, LEAP SLAM FOR GREAT JUSTICE!' unusual strategy (I usually stop to smell the flowers, open every chest, break every barrel. Which is fine, but I'm on something like my 7th character in less than a month since I don't stick to one for long).

The Thief's Torment ring at a lowbie level 30 completely changed the game. No more mana flasks needed (I was Tabula Rasa-ing it since level 1, so I had enough mana for 4-5 hits before running dry. Couldn't even run Anger and Herald together since it would make my mana pool so small the flask could not keep up) and face tank errything.

This is me who dislikes playing melee build because I need to chase down mobs, but I left PoE before Ancestral Call came and that gem completely changed the game. Complete with two Wildfires and I can melee mobs and half the screen dies at the same time.

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