[3.5 Viable but Discontinued] UNDENIABLE-JUGG | FARM ALL CONTENT - incl. Uber-Elder
Molten strike enchants on good helms are currently very expensive, so I snatched a cheap helm with Burning damage support and increased burning damage. Thinking of a way to use it efficiently..
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Which watchers eye is better ... added phys to fire on anger, or fire penetration on anger?
I know, best is both, but 60ex is beyond my budget :D Thank you :) |
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" Ok thanks, uhm yes two 2 mana leech jewels could be an option ... however first i somewhat need one of my slots for a watchers eye ... maybe i need to remove two life nodes or something to get an additional jewel slot. Yeah i tried without harald of ash, improved it a little at least - using the +2 mana gained passive would coust me two passives as well, mhhh. Really sucks i need to waste 2 points for dexterity // why does the tree not work in the profile overview, damn -.- Last edited by bex_HB#1414 on Sep 30, 2018, 10:57:02 AM
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Im using this build and having a lot of fun, only question is, it says that this build can do even ele reflect, well my question is how u do that?
Thanks in advance |
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" use soul of yugul pantheon disable anger for this map do not use the conc effect gem be a little careful with huge packs, do not jump in and "free fire" ... this works well for me |
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" Cant seee your character and how much life gain on hit you have from rings but for ele reflect I'm gonna ctrl V my old comment.
At first I skipped every elemental reflect map, I was afraid of dying, trying out stuff, loosing exp etc. But there is very very simple solution. Have a High lvl Life Gain on Hit Support gem in your bags, replace your Elemental Damage with Attacks with life gain on hit. Turn of your Anger Aura, turn off Herald of Ash. If you want to run another aura instead, run maybe something like a high level Vitality (I always carry a lvl 20 Vitality gem in my bags)And finally take the minor pantheon for 25% reduced reflected damage! (Yughul, It costs you 1 map portal but worth it, if you run zana +5 maps for random mapmods) If you do these couple easy stepps, you will never ever have to skip an elemental reflect map again or drop under 95% hp! (This is very nice for you spam zana +5 maps on your t10 maps and you dont have to skip a single map. That's how I make most of my currency atm.) The other option is to grab one of those cheap Watcher Eye's with the mod "Take less reflected elemental damage while affected by this aura" and work out something. But I still think you'd want Life gain on Hit gem ready! |
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Guys i know i should be using POB but i have problems with that.
Question is what is the best gem set for bosses? For mapping i use molten strike - ele focus - inc area - ele damage with attacks - multistrike - ancestral call. For bosses i swap out ancestral call and inc area for fire pen and concentrated affect. Now here is the thing, for delving i am finding the mapping setup superior and only use the boss setup when there is a single target. Some are also using combustion support? Is there a superior gemset out there and is what i am doing ok? Thanks. |
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Hey there
First of all thanks to the OP for writing such an amazing guide. This guide is truly an all rounder which can tank and dish out damage as well. I'm currently level 89 with around 7.2k hp and 90% phys damage reduction with flasks and 80% elemental resistance thanks to loreweave. I would really like some suggestions on how can I boost my damage more and take it to the next level ? I'm not having any issues with the damage output per se, but my tooltip and POB numbers are nowhere hear what OP has shown in his build. Any advice on how to further improve my gear/build would be highly appreciated. I don't know how to tag jewels in this post, but I have a watcher's eye with phys as extra fire + phys converted to fire while affected by Anger. Thanks Last edited by ChimeraShots#0182 on Oct 1, 2018, 8:20:12 AM
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" You should have enough Damage, your Watchers Eye is really nice, eventually divine it if the stats could be much better. Otherwise, move your jewels to your inv so you can link them. Your Jewels in your Tombfist are not really good, if the others are also not that good you can do better there ;) Also your Tombfist, Rings and Helmet could be better. A rare Helmet with -9 Fire Resistence for nearby Enemies is nice. Today i've killed my first Uber Elder with this Build, i really had more than enough Damage with the following Gear: |
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" The phys conversion to fire doesnt do anything for this build, since we allready have 100% from Molten strike + Avatar of Fire via Xoph's blood. So dmg wise your Watcher's Eye is equalent of 1 dmg mod. Phys as extra fire, fire penetration, increased fire dmg are mods on Watchers, that increases our dps and will be huge dmg boost. I think my jewel is giving me more than 20k hideout dps, but I'd still use one with phys as extra fire + fire pen over mine. Other than that, try get life + 3 offensive dps stats jewels. It's not going to be cheap but they increase dps by alot. Really good Abyss jewels will increase dmg aswel, although ti can be hard to find 4 statted abyss jewels, 2pre+2suf usually dont give 4 useful, stats for us unless you can find one with delve mod "1% fire pen" which is a prefix. Other options to increase dps, either go dual wield for mapping/bossing, another grelwood, or start looking for wepaon/armor corruptions, but those are going to be expensive. Currently scouting myself for a decent Tombfist with ele weakness on hit, eventually 9% fire pen helm with decent life. Also managed to find a 341 pds Grelwood Shank which is pretty big dps upgrade, in combat I still have 95%+ chance to hit, so the 475 accuracy on weapon with my gear is overkill and rather use a good corruption on weapon. |
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