g00fy_goober's Physical Reave/Bflurry Berserker (Easily Clear All Content)
" No clue why you are dying. 5k life is not the GREATEST but should be perfectly fine. You take 10% MORE damage from berserker node but you take 20% LESS from fortify. SO in reality you are only taking 90%, then add in everything else and it should be fine. As for bosses they should die in less than a second. But say u are doing something like elder or shaper and they have phases or whatever. You get rage on hit so not sure why this is an issue. You gain blitz charges on crit which is all the time... not sure why this is an issue either. Flasks are up at start of a fight so not sure why they would be gone. |
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First of all, nice guide. Like the build so far even though I was skeptical at first if I could ever like blade flurry at all.
Now since I didn't find it in the guide (probably because it's a new mechanic): Which amulet oil annointment would you recommend using? Anything with Critical Multiplier like Assassination (35% multiplier/30% chance) notable? Or perhaps the big life node from the life wheel Constitution (20 flat life/14% max life)? Or maybe another one like Overcharged (gaining end/frenzy/power charges) and then picking up more max endurance charge nodes rather than jewel slots? Would appreciate your opinion on this as it is quite a big deal having various options on the tree. :) Arian Synthesis of G3
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Yeah it's a real bummer for me cause I played this build as duelist (w/ loreweave and tombfist) without any trouble but can't make berserker work. Maybe I'm playing it wrong
Some things I have in mind that might be an issue : - How high should my crit chance be ? - Am I supposed to drop the Banner at some point ? - Is ancestraal warchief required for boss fight or just a bonus ? - One of my claw has 350dps 1.81As which I assume is fine. The other is 330 with 1.56AS, is the low AS an issue ? Thanks for your time, I sometime follow your twitch stream and your effort for making guides are really appreciated ! Last edited by Wiz_Liz#7408 on Sep 11, 2019, 3:37:48 AM
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" First i want to say that surprises me, bladeflurry CLEAR and targetting can get prty bleh, but using it for single target the skill LOOKS awesome, its damage is one of best in game (if not THE best), and feels really fun to play. Just saying that im surprised i found someone with so much hate for blade flurry lol. Glad you liked the build, think im going to be building it next :D As for anointments it is very much w/e you want. If you are going for dps, i would pull up POB and look at the notable that gives you the most damage. This you simply click show node power and bam its like a cheat sheet for what free notable on the tree you should grab. If you are going for defense, i would look at the biggest ones listed and compare them and if u need life/res or pure life or w/e. My opinion would be more damage obviously, but if i literally kill or phase shaper/elder in half a second maybe i would just grab more life, idk. " There is many issues you have. I don't have time to check your pob and such and tear apart your char one piece at a time, but looking at it for 5 seconds i can see tons of problems. - Your claw bases are awful - You do not have any crit on claws at all - Berseker does not have free 100% hit, you need to roll hit's can't be evaded on claws and don't have them at all so your hit chance is probably awful - No quality on any of your gems they need to be flipped - Helm is okay, but literally a 2 mod helm and then just crafted life - Gloves/boots/helms are very meh, its start of league and works great for start of mapping and stuff but overall are prty bad. I mean your gloves literally have 1 mod, life, and it is not very high life for being only mod on it and then u added attack speed - Amulet is decent start, your rings are horrible, one doesn't even have life on it - No jewels - No watcher's eye - No vaal ancestral warchief This is just a quick 30 second look. To answer your questions, your crit chance should be w/e is listed on POB. I mean seriously asking a question that you can literally look up in 5 seconds is just a waste of your time and mine. No you should not drop banner, you just use it for the impale chance. Ancestral warchief you place at boss encounters to do extra damage and to give you MORE melee damage while it is active. |
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I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time. This is my first league where I'm trying to reach uber elder and as an overall newbie I struggle a lot figuring out all the interaction on the gear that can make or break a build. Knowing what is mandatory vs what is a bonus is really hard. Especially when you have limited ressource to buy stuff so I try to come as close to the POB as possible with the money I have. Thanks for your comments, I'll work towards better stuff.
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" It's okay and i understand. I apologize if i was a bit harsh this morning. I work full time, my playtime is VERY limited, but i do enjoy helping others to love this game as much as i do. If my builds can help do that than great, and yes questions are to be expected. But i have quite a few guides now and get questions daily which is fine, but when they are questions that don't deal with guides or worse... questions that are answered in the guides already or can be found out by pulling up the POB link... can become very frustrating. Anyway again sorry if i was snappish at all. As for the guide/gear i would take special notice of the gear and stat prioritization section. If something is listed with say Life > xxx > yyy or w/e, then even if you had a ONE mod item it should be life. Obviously start of league and some people have bad luck or not a lot of playtime and dont have exalts to throw around, trash gear is fine and expected, but start with a few of the given mods, like life + move + res on boots or something and go from there. Jewelry and such is the same. Don't need the big rolls or crafts, or the quad damage rolls, just get life, res and maybe a bit of phys dmg or something. |
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No hard feeling man, honestly any help is appreciated in the sea of information that is PoE endgame. I have made a few adjustement based on your feedback, and within my budget, and was able to run t14 corrupted map without trouble.
I've looked up but didn't find any claw with "Hits can't be evaded". Apparently it's an expensive veiled craft mod so atm I'm sitting at 80% chance to hit on both hand and that's seems to be enough to clear maps. I havent had trouble on bosses except the 6 rogue exile on T13 precinct wich made my life a misery. Working towards the POB build and having a blast so thanks again for the guide ! |
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" Well hit's cannot be evaded is a mod you can craft and they drop from vagan items and you have to unlock it like any other veiled mod. 80% hit chance is super low, may be enough to kill maps but that is still 80% of 100% so you are missing 20% of your damage. Glad things working out a bit more though. I will be rerolling this build very soon on blight :) Last edited by g00fy_goober#7177 on Sep 12, 2019, 5:38:17 AM
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Hi and thanks for the build. You’ll have to forgive me as I’m not a very knowledgable player but I’m fighting my way through the mass of information. Thanks for the build I think I understand most of it but could you please explain the Vaal Reave? I don’t see how I can sustain it - or is it meant to be there to flick to once the charges are built up and then return to normal to generate them again? Or is there a mechanic I’m not seeing somewhere? Thanks again.
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" So 99.9% of "reave" is just plain old reave. Normal reave only stacks up to 4 stages. Vaal reave is a bit of extra damage and allows you to stack up to 8 stages. Basically you use vaal reave when you are surrounded (things like strongboxes and such is awesome to hit vaal reave once u pop them) but mainly it is used to make your reave bigger. As long as you hit enemies every 3 seconds you maintain that stack size. So in a perfect world you start map, kill guys, once you have enough souls for vaal reave you use it on the next pack making your area of normal reave pretty much the whole screen. Then everytime you attack and use normal reave it stays at 8 stages and you maintain this until the end when you reach boss and start using blade flurry. Now of course maps are not a "perfect world" so sometimes there is gaps in monsters, you stop to chat or type to guild, or hit a shrine or backtrack for loot or any number of other things, but you get 2 stacks of vaal reave which is nice so you can use it and start gaining souls again while still having another vaal reave use. Basically because of this you can maintain 8 stages through most of a map. Hope that helped. |
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