[3.3] Crit Fire/Flamethrower Trapper! - League Starter

Songweaver wrote:
Carlovski wrote:
I'm actually playing a scion variant, but this seems the most active discussion on the fire trap life, and builds are pretty similar.

Few observations/ideas/tips

- Yeah, arc traps probably are better, though think for top end single target damage we still beat it (though maybe shimmeron's will change that)

- Chaos damage in temple is nasty. I assumed regen would cover me, but a lot of it is on hit damage. Can't see an easy way to get a lot of chaos res. Maybe when I get all my dodge, and try and get one decent chaos res roll on an item.

- Fire traps 200% added damage effectivness is great, but flamethrower is only 30% so kind of an anti-synergy scaling it. though it does hit multiple times, so I guess it's higher in effect. I've been toying with switching to cremation traps, though casting desecrate is a pain.

- Immolate is a really good damage link for fire trap, but doesn't help with the initial hit for one shotting packs. I might swap it out for either AOE or damage (not using controlled destruction atm)

- On the added damage front, Gloves from temple with flat fire against burning enemies are great. it comes with a 'free' t1 fire res roll too, so all you need is a good life roll and they are GG. Basically best option until shaper gloves unles you run slavedriver hand.

- I've been toying with using https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Malachai%27s_Awakening . Free blood magic for sustain (That we can cover with regen) and a ton of flat damage. Either drop anger, or run in an essence worm (I'd probably leave it until I had a fire pen with anger watcher's eye).

- I'm seriously thinking If I keep the build going into endgame of going Kaoms chest (With a double corruption even better!). Either purely on pseudo links, or run a staff. You can get +2 fire, 130+ trap damage and a fire/spell damage roll on a 100% global crit staff. And they are cheap. I'd buy a white 6l staff and just get +2 fire until I could link a GG one.

I feel that, for top end, we don't outdamage the lightning build, even with ignite/burning, just because of how shock works. If we would incorporate shock in our build, we would definitely outdamage it, but without the shock, I'm not too sure. But our damage is more than enough...

Immolate is actually a very good choice for bossing, but me, personally, I won't have links for that, as I focus on pure damage Flamethrower for single target with all the juicy more multipliers, and I plan on running pseudo 5 link of:
Trap and Mine Damage shaper mod + Fire Trap + Cluster Trap + Combustion + Charged Traps - for my trash clear.
Yes, I switched out of increased AoE and using Charged Traps, for constant uptime on charges, since having only Blast Cascade and Master Sapper is making fun of me sometimes. Still no issues with clear, the difference between clear time per map is minimal, 10 seconds difference tops. So no biggie.

Yeah, I've been thinking about staff as well, but that would only be possible after I get Kaoms, because I don't run MoM, and my only source of defense is my 4.5k life, trap range, regen and capped dodge/spell dodge. I'm much more inclined on pseudo 6 link for helmet and pseudo 5 link for gloves, even with Kaom's, but also keeping the weapon and shield, due to how much life and resistances a shield can roll. It really makes the life easier.

Well the shock thing is pretty much equalized on my build by going chieftain and having them covered in ash. Though if you grabbed enough shock effect, yeah could be higher.

I'm contemplating going charged traps too, maybe drop master sapper (At least until endgame), the throw speed will help too.
Yeah the staff would only be in order to run Kaom's really. Would have to try playing with phase run for some mobility (though my whirling blades isn't very good anyay, need a faster weapon)
I personally went for more aggresive setup with double wands, running at 5,4k HP level 85 I try to be close to enough from enemies to blind them, but far so that they don't hit you. With ranged enemies you just side-step their projectiles. Also I noticed a misplay in your gameplay on that Temple boss, you want to stack traps before the boss even activates ( each trap is 8% dmg from ascendancy) so that when he activates he just gets destroyed, I personally 1 shot uber izaro with that tactic. Spam Fire trap and last 3 are Flamethrowers so that they don't get replaced with Fire Traps. My wands:

Also for me it's a must to have a "panicked" flask
. I can't tell how many times it saved me. "of reflexes" is there just for memes.

Mobility is just another meme with classic setup

Last edited by Khaazir on Jun 4, 2018, 12:51:38 PM

If anyone is interested, this is current gear, lv82. A bit of progress, not too much. It's shitty, I know, pay no attention to that ring, most of it will be replaced, but it lays waste on everything that the game launches at it.
Will upgrade once I'm able to, as I have only 91 chaos as we speak. So, saving up for upgrades. Character has only 19 hours of playtime as we speak.
Just to show for anyone interested, that with shitty gear, you can easily clear yellow maps. Easily.
Generally, double fire trap and everything dies before I reach to blind them. Since I have 4.6k HP and still lacking the dodge flask, my dodge is not capped, but generally, the only thing that can kill you are projectiles. Melee will never reach you.
Last edited by Songweaver on Jun 4, 2018, 3:15:56 PM
Hey, just wanted to post some endgame progress here.

I'm lvl 92 atm and i went the staff/kaom's heart way with essence worm so i can use enfeeble/anger and Hoa.

Everthing up to guardians went really smooth, iv'e also killed shaper with ease and you can still push alot more damage from the gear with a great staff/watchers eye with anger crit etc.

You can check the gear on my profile if you like, you can kill shaper and guaridans with worse gear than i have firetrap/flamethrower does very good damage.

Anyway will try to kill uberatziri and uberelder also and see how my current dmg stack against that.
Xyrre wrote:
Hey, just wanted to post some endgame progress here.

I'm lvl 92 atm and i went the staff/kaom's heart way with essence worm so i can use enfeeble/anger and Hoa.

Everthing up to guardians went really smooth, iv'e also killed shaper with ease and you can still push alot more damage from the gear with a great staff/watchers eye with anger crit etc.

You can check the gear on my profile if you like, you can kill shaper and guaridans with worse gear than i have firetrap/flamethrower does very good damage.

Anyway will try to kill uberatziri and uberelder also and see how my current dmg stack against that.

Glad to hear that!
Keep us posted after uber atzubi and elder.
Side question, since you're using Fire Trap mainly, have you considered Immolate instead of Crit Strikes? Or is it not worth losing up the crit chance?
so im a bit confused on 1 thing.
why do you drop chain reaction when you get a tinkerskin?
does it just not add anything besides the dmg?
todumbtodie wrote:
so im a bit confused on 1 thing.
why do you drop chain reaction when you get a tinkerskin?
does it just not add anything besides the dmg?

Well Tinkerskin gives bonus based on traps triggered. If chain reaction is causing traps to trigger instead of enemies then it takes away one of the reasons we use Tinkersin. Not to mention with the area and spammability of traps chain reaction is no longer required.
♥ we all go tissues ♥
Last edited by weallgotissues on Jun 4, 2018, 5:40:07 PM
Really enjoying this build. Melting all the content so far and having no issue with anything. Only have gotten to around t10 maps so far but can't wait to try shaper out later. The damage is insane.

Here is my gear so far, toon is TimexTraps on my profile.

Helm will be 4l once I can color it right with advanced traps. And once I get a 6l aoe/conc will be the 6th link.
Last edited by Timex1 on Jun 4, 2018, 6:04:35 PM
What do you think about going with nodes to Herbalist and Revenge of the Hunted, instead long way up to the life cluster? Losing Shaper node, but saving lot of points to compensate for it.
Last edited by Gosen on Jun 4, 2018, 7:40:48 PM
what about this build for uberlab farm?

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