[3.3] Crit Fire/Flamethrower Trapper! - League Starter

Gosen wrote:
Immolate goes with Flamethrower, Combustion with Fire Trap so you can make great synergy between two of them. Every not too mobile boss is dying instantly with that. For example Merc Izaro died on the spot for me :D Feels almost like spawn killing.

That's make sense to me :) But one question, why combustion is so good for Fire Trap? You crit a lot of times so you burn your enemies and also fire trap leaves behing burning ground which makes enemies burn also. Wouldn't be better to change that gem for other one with more dps? That's why I also mentioned before to use elemental focus (that would remove the chance of burn enemies on crit but we have also the burning ground).

EDIT: Nevermind, just forgot about fire resistance penetration xD
Last edited by Cachopin on Jun 7, 2018, 12:32:43 PM
Build been working fine so far, need to know a few things tho.

- Do cluster traps shotgun the initial burst?

- Is the burning ground from fire trap considered "burning" for the increased damage from flamethrower trap?

- Can we improve single target by adding Lightning Spire trap as well in the rotation?

- Voidbringer worth using for a setup that uses Anger and two heralds? Any other potential uniques that can help?
Last edited by BrightonSM on Jun 7, 2018, 1:44:02 PM
Thoughts on Soul Siphon vs Deep Thoughts for additional mana?
Thanks for the guide, I've been following it this league and it's really fun!
I just have a few questions, first is it mandatory to get "Eldritch Battery"? I'm not really that mana starved to look for an alternative source.
And second one is about the Flammability curse, wouldn't it be better to just keep the curse's level lower and link it directly to CWDT instead of using Ball Lightning and COH?
How big should your tooltip DPS on firetrap be?
How big should your tooltip DPS on firetrap be?
How big should your tooltip DPS on firetrap be?
So when can I use MoM? I tried using it at 40ish and just lost all mana instantly.
Lv 78 and enjoying every minute of this build. Finally got enough currency to get a Tinkerskin and it opens up a whole new world of surviving maps. Was a little squishy with MoM before this and it should be smooth sailing to Lv 90 now. Also need to pick up some %Trap Damage daggers so I can use WB and Fortify.

Gear is still pretty lousy but will get that fixed soon:

So when can I use MoM? I tried using it at 40ish and just lost all mana instantly.

I think I personally started using it in the 50s. Even then, I was seeing I'd have issues at times with taking enough damage to run out of mana.
First thing that helped is I started leveling my Clarity. Got a bit more mana to help with the reservation and I'm now 70 and using Clarity and Herald of Ash with around 50% reserved I'd say.

Honestly, I feel like the time to take it is when you can justify the mana regen to keep it going.

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