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kayella wrote:
Zickakiller wrote:

a question arose about how the specters kill bosses in building S&S, if they don't hurt Ignite? For example, if I use RK, do they correct the damage caused by the cold? how do they kill bosses in exchange for weapons if I don't change the helmet?

Holy Flame Totem :)

oh true hmm .. one more doubt there is some min max in the build of specter and spiders for more dps in bossing (i know i may want to ask mto but i have difficulties in sirus so the faster he dies the better)
Hey, quick question about animate guardian. Anyone know if the Elder boot affix "Socketed gems are supported by level 20 Fortify" works on an AG with the gem socketed into the boots? I'm not rich enough to be using Kingmaker, so wondering if this is an easy way to toughen him up a little bit.
(7–10)% chance to Freeze
Adds (13–16) to (33–36) Cold Damage against Chilled or Frozen Enemies

(22–25)% increased Projectile Attack Damage

Hi all,

Does anyone know if the above redeemer mods would apply to minions if I rolled them on a ring? I'm never sure of what mods effect minions.

Will immortal call + cwdt setup better than steel skin with pure spectres??
Hey Kay,

So something I've wanted to do since their implementation is 6x Mindweave Razors(Synthesis maps) and make use of the spin attack/cyclone. There seems to be some sort of internal cooldown or limitation on the spin attack and before building I was wondering if you know if the blood magic trick helps this or even Second Wind support? They aren't in the PoB fork yet. My main goal is to get them spinning as much as possible and hopefully not losing a ton of DPS in the meantime.

Thanks in advance!
Out of curiosity... What's the best way (via harvest crafting) to improve this?

It has "low" Minions deal increased damaged so even if it's an upgrade over my previous wand (AND I have 4 spectres now) my total dps didn't go THAT up...

EDIT: dps didn't go UP according to POB, need to check on the field, yet.

Also: I have a few mana issues. How do you guys fix mana problems with our "starter league" build? :-)

That's called pain. Get used to it.
Last edited by Azareus#1625 on Jul 18, 2020, 2:10:56 PM
Ekkîe wrote:
Today is my lucky day. Finished my wand:

Dang that thing is beautiful. Is losing around 30-40% minion damage worth gaining that +1 spell and hatred benefit? Because I have a wand with 15% attack/cast speed, and 104% minion damage and I'd lose quite a chunk of minion damage for those mods if I were to recraft it.

Edit: added my wand

Edit 2: So I'm asking because I honestly feel pretty satisfied with how fast I'm killing endgame bosses and mapping right now. But if the dps upgrade is SIGNIFICANT I'd probably consider pooling the rest of my currency in recrafting a wand.

Last edited by Agahan#2228 on Jul 18, 2020, 3:14:52 PM
Agahan wrote:
Ekkîe wrote:
Today is my lucky day. Finished my wand:

Dang that thing is beautiful. Is losing around 30-40% minion damage worth gaining that +1 spell and hatred benefit? Because I have a wand with 15% attack/cast speed, and 104% minion damage and I'd lose quite a chunk of minion damage for those mods if I were to recraft it.

Edit: added my wand

Edit 2: So I'm asking because I honestly feel pretty satisfied with how fast I'm killing endgame bosses and mapping right now. But if the dps upgrade is SIGNIFICANT I'd probably consider pooling the rest of my currency in recrafting a wand.

Its hard to say, you can only calculate itn POB.
If i remove the hatred mod in POB i lose ~9% dmg. My dmg was more then enough for everything befor i crafted this on.
My goal is to use my new Helmet and oneshot any non boss with A GMP and A Fork/Chain.
could some one pleas check my minion chaar Jangolina i have build the spectre spider build but i get 1 shot´s so often its horrible
Hey Kay, is there any reason you do not use "Necromantic Aegis"? This keynode makes it so that all my minions, party members and myself have Frenzy and power charges almost all the time. Also makes it so you do not need Holy Frame Totem and allows you to use cast when hit instead. (Xbox Player so have to limit the number of skills needed to activate all the time)

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