Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

I'm slowly moving towards the Pure Spectre build, after having played with the Starter Build up to T12 maps.

I recently switched to Redemption Sentries (I have 4), went for Diadem helm, etc etc.

Due to the modifications I made to my setup, I died a lot...

I can confirm that, as Kay and others said, leaving the tanky Starter build for a DPS oriented one can be... disorienting at first. I died so many times, lost almost a full level of experience.

Yes, for being a noob I'm happy: my RSs kill nearly everything on sight when I enter a zone. Yes, bosses die really fast even without gem swap (of course: I'm not in T16 maps yet!).

But... Kay actually stated in the first page that Pure Spectre build is DPS oriented and a bit of a cannon glass, so it's not actually not your fault, milady!

We could actually use two different gear setups for each build, straight in the first page: one for DPS and one a bit more tanky, but if we spend a bit of time reading and following the forum, we learn and improve our knowledge. I, for one, am a way better player now thanks to this forum and players using these builds.

Now, a random question: I now have the proxy ring and one of my skitterbots is my mobile curser. Is the curse on hit on my gloves REALLY not useful now, and should I remove it asap, or does it work anyway? Like: is there a limit to the max amoount of curses on mobs?
For the time being, I don't want to mess with socket colors, yesterday has been a harsh day with colors for me, AHAHAHA! I could use a Convocation gem in there, actually, instead of curses... Mmmm.

Thanks, guys.

EDIT: WOW, I love this "live link" features, didn't know about that!

That's called pain. Get used to it.
IrishWK97 wrote:
Quick input for people thinking about trying this build. I tried both league starter (with redemption sentry and slave driver) and the pure spectre build. Invested over 30ex into both. The league starter is the clear winner in terms of overall play enjoyment. Pure spectre is far too fragile. Yes the dps is far greater but you will die at the drop of a hat if you arent EXTREMELY careful. If you are a min max hardcore player, pure spectre's is better. But if you just want to do quick mapping easy mode without much effort and not worry about dying, use the starter build.

I totally agree.
That's called pain. Get used to it.
Azareus wrote:
Now, a random question: I now have the proxy ring and one of my skitterbots is my mobile curser. Is the curse on hit on my gloves REALLY not useful now, and should I remove it asap, or does it work anyway? Like: is there a limit to the max amoount of curses on mobs?
For the time being, I don't want to mess with socket colors, yesterday has been a harsh day with colors for me, AHAHAHA! I could use a Convocation gem in there, actually, instead of curses... Mmmm.

Unless you have something that specifically says otherwise (like the Hunter mod) you can have only 1 curse on a monster.

So if you and your skitterbots are applying them, only one will be active at a time - and given how those bots zoom around and how fast you see the curse icon appear overhead on monsters, it will most likely be theirs!
adeleax wrote:
Unless you have something that specifically says otherwise (like the Hunter mod) you can have only 1 curse on a monster.

So if you and your skitterbots are applying them, only one will be active at a time - and given how those bots zoom around and how fast you see the curse icon appear overhead on monsters, it will most likely be theirs!

Ah, interesting.
Uhmmmm, I think I've read somewhere that the max was one curse for each source and I was hoping me and the skitterbot counted as two different sources. xD

But Ok, I can free those sockets up for more powerful gemsss.

Thank you.
That's called pain. Get used to it.
I could be wrong - but if getting a 2nd curse was as simple as using a Profane Proxy ring, then folks wouldnt be so interested in getting that Hunter mod onto their body armour!
You are absolutely right, and I'm an (absolute?) beginner, so... xD
That's called pain. Get used to it.
Since its a new SSF spectre build , what should i use before i can raise RS ?
domdesbiens wrote:
Since its a new SSF spectre build , what should i use before i can raise RS ?

It depends on your level, and I see you are lvl 67.

Anyway, you can check the "levelling" section on Page 1.

Act 3: Use a fire spectre: Cannibal Fire-Eater (Act 1 Ledge) or Flame Sentinel (Act 3 Battlefront)

Act 8: Can change spectre: Solar Guard (Solaris temple)

After that, for mapping, Slave Drivers from Control Blocks (Act 5) are the way to go until you can raise 4 or 5 spectres.
That's called pain. Get used to it.
Last edited by Azareus#1625 on Jul 20, 2020, 8:27:59 AM
What are the biggest changes I can do to this build atm? Not sure if my level is high enough for cluster jewels withoung dipping to 5k life.
Is a wand with +2 all gems or 103% minion damage better? Ill still have 5 specters with either one.

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