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Bollwerk wrote:
I'm trying out the "pure spectre" build option, but it feels very much like a glass cannon. The DPS is pretty good (I still need gear upgrades), but I feel like I can't survive very well.
Is it just a matter of more life on my gear? (I'm at 3.7k life and doing tier 4/5 maps right now)
Open areas where I can move around are better, but in confined areas, like Delve, I can die very fast if I'm not super careful.
My suggestion is quite similar to the previous post:
- Mistress of Sacrifice (Ance Passive)
- Bone Offering
- Glancing Blows
With this setup, you can get more than 70/70 Attack and spell block.
This setup already give you a lot of defense, and you can keep a very good dps.
If you need more defence, starting using a shield like that:
- With Life on block.
This shield with the previous configuration focused on blocks will give you more survivability.
I`m currently using the same, but I changed for a more DPS configuration, with:
This shield + Necromance Aegis
I`m still with more than 70/70 attack/spell block and Improved by DPS a lot (I can say that practically doubled my DPS).
One more tip:
There are two small clusters very useful for survivability, I`m using:
- small with Enduring Composure
- small with Surging Vitality
I hope this explanation helps.
Last edited by afonsosp#2315 on Jul 22, 2020, 12:50:26 PM
I'm trying out the "pure spectre" build option, but it feels very much like a glass cannon. The DPS is pretty good (I still need gear upgrades), but I feel like I can't survive very well.
Is it just a matter of more life on my gear? (I'm at 3.7k life and doing tier 4/5 maps right now)
Open areas where I can move around are better, but in confined areas, like Delve, I can die very fast if I'm not super careful.
My suggestion is quite similar to the previous post:
- Mistress of Sacrifice (Ance Passive)
- Bone Offering
- Glancing Blows
With this setup, you can get more than 70/70 Attack and spell block.
This setup already give you a lot of defense, and you can keep a very good dps.
If you need more defence, starting using a shield like that:
- With Life on block.
This shield with the previous configuration focused on blocks will give you more survivability.
I`m currently using the same, but I changed for a more DPS configuration, with:
This shield + Necromance Aegis
I`m still with more than 70/70 attack/spell block and Improved by DPS a lot (I can say that practically doubled my DPS).
One more tip:
There are two small clusters very useful for survivability, I`m using:
- small with Enduring Composure
- small with Surging Vitality
I hope this explanation helps.
Why do you use the +2 minimum charges shield? Isn't it better to have life on block with Enduring Composure?
I spent all my money to build the full spectre build...
I have the core items more or less. I usually die 1-2 times PER MAP. And Ive just lost to an elder guardian (used all portals)...
I have AG with all the expensive gear (the mask and kingmaker)... I know im missing a lot of stuff like all the ghastly eye jewels and the shield gem setup... but I don't think any of those have to do with the fact that i get one hit by an Elder guardian.
I spent all my money to build the full spectre build...
I have the core items more or less. I usually die 1-2 times PER MAP. And Ive just lost to an elder guardian (used all portals)...
I have AG with all the expensive gear (the mask and kingmaker)... I know im missing a lot of stuff like all the ghastly eye jewels and the shield gem setup... but I don't think any of those have to do with the fact that i get one hit by an Elder guardian.
from your charter, only have life & shield with 24% chance to block, and your life is low so of course you will get 1 shoot.
You want to get the shiled gem setup first, steelskin, thats like extra 2k life
also for your flask, you want to have remove freeze/bleeding/ignite.
you dont need mana flask with devouring diadem
Already asked this but if you can currently only add one cluster jewel. What notables would you have on it to increase DPS? I cant't afford a bunch of them yet but I will have 6-8 skill tree points to put in a cluster.
For medium and large jewel: Vengeful Commander. Aura scaling is very powerful for cold and lightning spectres. Especially phys->cold spectre like redemption sentry/knight.
If you just have 6-8 points: A medium jewel is easy to craft. Even you can use 6-passive medium and harvest craft with any element (cold/light/fire). Just get venegful commander and first among equals (10% aura) or replenishing force (8% aura + 1% life regen).
Then you can also use small cluster. You can use armour cluster and get 'enduring composure' to generate end charges or life cluster to get extra life/regen.
* For fire spectre, Anger aura is atually terrible. So scale damage with Renewal.
I ended up being able to fit 2 vengeful commander with replenishing force. Then my big cluster is another vengeful commander with disorienting display. What a game changer !!! I am ripping up bosses now finally and very good clear speed :) Thanks for the tip. It cost me a good amount of currency but well well worth it. I followed various peoples trees and I'm pretty damn tanky too with call to arms and glancing blows.
Last edited by BenN1ce#7309 on Jul 22, 2020, 1:41:11 PM
Managed to optimize most of my gear. Using the starter build with redemption sentry's, I almost never die even on t15+ and can clear them under 5 mins. Just keep moving, deathmarking rare's, and attacking for curses when needed. Best build I have ever played, well done Kay.
I spent all my money to build the full spectre build...
I have the core items more or less. I usually die 1-2 times PER MAP. And Ive just lost to an elder guardian (used all portals)...
I have AG with all the expensive gear (the mask and kingmaker)... I know im missing a lot of stuff like all the ghastly eye jewels and the shield gem setup... but I don't think any of those have to do with the fact that i get one hit by an Elder guardian.
I spent all my money to build the full spectre build...
I have the core items more or less. I usually die 1-2 times PER MAP. And Ive just lost to an elder guardian (used all portals)...
I have AG with all the expensive gear (the mask and kingmaker)... I know im missing a lot of stuff like all the ghastly eye jewels and the shield gem setup... but I don't think any of those have to do with the fact that i get one hit by an Elder guardian.
how much HP do you have?
I know my setup is nowhere near OK but against a boss like the Lightning Elder Guardian guy. Which hits you like 2-3 times per sec and literally one shots you is not good. That said. My hp is 4500 ish. I know. I should take the life nodes first or something before damage but if we think about it. 4500 hp gets one shot. The guy elder guardian hits 4500 MINIMUM on me. Even if i had 9000 hp would result in death since as i said he hits 2-3 times per sec... And im guessing you would end up at 6500 hp at max anyways... The build lacks in damage mitigation and block isn't enough. Block cap with glancing bow means you take damage anyways and when you don't block which is inevitable because of the block mechanics you get oneshoted anyways. Only 4 hits later... Or i am missing something crucial defends layer?