[3.7] A Little Outdated - Crit - CONSECRATED PATH - Chieftain - League Starter

I know it may be boring for you to watching my shitty gear again and again, but as i am progressing (slowly but still), I am again in situation, when i dont know what to upgrade next, and i will be really thankful for any suggestions.

What is most shitty part of my gear for this moment? It's still armour (so i need to find some 6l if i dont wanna use tabula as soon as possible)? Or maybe amulet/belt/something else?

Last item i changed was my sword (ironic is that i tried to craft 2nd ichomonji with orb of chance for fossilfarmer, and finally get a little better weapon with that before i even tried fossil crafting).

sirdec wrote:
What about the gloves?

mine actually are :

but ihave this too:

the best for now are the spiked gloves cause i cant find good jewels for the tombfist...

What do u think? should i stay with my spiked gloves or should i switch to tombfist?

ty for ur answer!

tombfist is way better unless u need sockets or youre ssf and your jewels suck
sirdec wrote:
i have an other question.

I didnt see it in the cons sesction:

is it possible to do reflect map? physical and/or elemental


can do phys. cant do ele
hali0321 wrote:
Can I use xoph’s blood for amulet instead? Is it a better choice here?

for chieftain, its terrible. you literally have more dps without an amulet.

for others like jugg, its an option but not necesary
dest00 wrote:

which item is better as a stat stick? I thought it would be the second one but the first one shows up as more dps.

not sure if pob and in-game dps shows the phys as random ele mod.

both r good. keep in mind tho that if u use whirling blades, using that sword will slow u down, but not the sceptre
Popeyez9110 wrote:
looking to see if i should upgrade this stat stick
] for more phys to cold or lightning as well or keep this one with the ele resistance pen

well, another phys as x is somewhat hard to get, but it's really easy to get these same mods except with an open suffix so u can craft crit multi
Lunatyk wrote:
I know it may be boring for you to watching my shitty gear again and again, but as i am progressing (slowly but still), I am again in situation, when i dont know what to upgrade next, and i will be really thankful for any suggestions.

What is most shitty part of my gear for this moment? It's still armour (so i need to find some 6l if i dont wanna use tabula as soon as possible)? Or maybe amulet/belt/something else?

Last item i changed was my sword (ironic is that i tried to craft 2nd ichomonji with orb of chance for fossilfarmer, and finally get a little better weapon with that before i even tried fossil crafting).

vendor all lv 20 gems with gcpm to quality them

yea get a tabula. if u remove damage nodes and take life nodes on tree, you'll probably end up with more life and more dps cuz 1 support gem is a ton of dps.

hmm... item rarity might be nice for unique drops tho in ssf

amulet is probably the easiest upgrade. it has phys and multi which are both low. it's a 2 mod item. try to get accuracy and life
Hollyphantom wrote:
sirdec wrote:
What about the gloves?

mine actually are :

but ihave this too:

the best for now are the spiked gloves cause i cant find good jewels for the tombfist...

What do u think? should i stay with my spiked gloves or should i switch to tombfist?

ty for ur answer!

tombfist is way better unless u need sockets or youre ssf and your jewels suck

Thank you
Well, hello. I have actually tried to follow that guide rather than Mathil's voidforge one and Im certainly missing something. I can easily clear content up to tier 15, everything just melts(except some bosses), but I'm still far away of one-hitting Carcass boss like Mathil did. I've spent some time to figure out what's the thing and I'm not able to find a way to upgrade something there without spending a lot of currency. Maybe I dont undestand some way of scaling DPS or so. So far I've found lack of accuracy, which I dont personally know how it affects my overall damage. I would be grateful for any piece of information here. Maybe there is a piece of gear that can be easily replaced for something better? Here's my EQ atm:

I'm about to replace my passive tree jewells, adding some more critical strike mods there for some HP. Sorry for my bad english. If you could explain me which item doesn't fit this build and why I'd be very grateful.
Prothory1337 wrote:
Well, hello. I have actually tried to follow that guide rather than Mathil's voidforge one and Im certainly missing something. I can easily clear content up to tier 15, everything just melts(except some bosses), but I'm still far away of one-hitting Carcass boss like Mathil did. I've spent some time to figure out what's the thing and I'm not able to find a way to upgrade something there without spending a lot of currency. Maybe I dont undestand some way of scaling DPS or so. So far I've found lack of accuracy, which I dont personally know how it affects my overall damage. I would be grateful for any piece of information here. Maybe there is a piece of gear that can be easily replaced for something better? Here's my EQ atm:

I'm about to replace my passive tree jewells, adding some more critical strike mods there for some HP. Sorry for my bad english. If you could explain me which item doesn't fit this build and why I'd be very grateful.

yes you need accuracy. without high accuracy, your crit chance becomes very low. try to get to 90% hit chance in your hideout. you want 300+ accuracy on every ring/amulet ideally. abyss jewels can have 200 accuracy too.

btw mathils voidforge build is a lot slower. i think my build attacks like 2x fast. so his 1 shot is basically as fast as my 2 shot.

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