[3.6] The Lazy Walker - Jugg - VMS walk and kill, 3M shaper, phys/ice/lightning immune, HC

kestak wrote:

I was curious and did a quick and dirty calculation about how much healing you get each time you ignite a mob:

Fire Physical
Initial damage 100
Converted 90 10
Resistance 76% 21.6 10
5 Endurance 20% reduction 17.28 8
Wiseoak 15.552 7.2
Armour at least 2200 15.552 2.37
Unbreakable + Unrelenting 13.53024 2.06

Healing from rings 27*2 (average) 54
Total healing per ignite 38.40

If you are using Razor of the Seventh Sun and you have 6k life (easy to get too with jewels and the tree), this is 60 more life per ignite for a back of the envelop math of 98 life healed per ignite.

Note 1 : To prevent two thirds of damage, you need armour 20 times the damage(easily attainable and it should be higher for almost every one...)

Note 2 : I did not include Fortify.

Note 3 : As I wrote at the beginning of the message, it is a very very quick and dirty math. I assumed the rings healing to be average (27) and I did not do a deep research on the priority of the reductions. But it gives a good idea on the healing power of the build.

Note 4 : I would be curious to see how to calculate how many ignites occur per second on a group of mobs or a unique boss.

Thank you

You are roughly correct with your math. Some corrections: armor & endurance don't reduce fire damage; there is some intricacy of what's MORE what's increased and what not, I won't bother to look it up.

A general rule thumb I use: one ring will be just enough to balance all self damage; the sword heals for two rings amount.

As for max ignites: I remember my theoretical calculation is roughly 60-80 ignites/second, but this is throttled by server feedback loop, in reality it's more like 30-50/s.
I don't know if it was addressed, but two things:

1) Can you update your Jewels section? I only see 4 potions and 3 jewels. I wasn't sure if the potions were meant to be suggestions, seems like they should be with the other potions.

2) Leveling gear? It's not touched on much and I'm having a bear of a time sitting at level 45. I tried Herald of Agony around lvl16-20, it didn't seem to do much and took up 73% mana res. Most of the gear isn't usable until lvl68-70. Got a Tabula, but I don't know what I'm doing. I also have to solo level, none of my buds play PoE.

Any help is appreciated! I'm fairly new to PoE - I started right after the "Don't you guys have cell phones?" controversy.

Last edited by keefyboy#3859 on Jan 16, 2019, 7:20:54 PM
keefyboy wrote:
I don't know if it was addressed, but two things:

1) Can you update your Jewels section? I only see 4 potions and 3 jewels. I wasn't sure if the potions were meant to be suggestions, seems like they should be with the other potions.

2) Leveling gear? It's not touched on much and I'm having a bear of a time sitting at level 45. I tried Herald of Agony around lvl16-20, it didn't seem to do much and took up 73% mana res. Most of the gear isn't usable until lvl68-70. Got a Tabula, but I don't know what I'm doing. I also have to solo level, none of my buds play PoE.

Any help is appreciated! I'm fairly new to PoE - I started right after the "Don't you guys have cell phones?" controversy.


Leveling is not an issue if you know Marauder a little bit. Here is what I did for the current league:
- I leveled with molten strike and put the needed gems needed for the build asap in the swap weapons.
- I took melee nodes close to the Lazy Walker path(followed really the molten strike/Consecrated path leveling builds) until level 50ish then I began to switch my tree to Lazy walker build. Why? Because of the pathways and you need a few points free to take the right pathway.
- I bought cheap high damage weapons (each time it was under 2 chaos and swapped when I could not single hit kill a mob), used kaom's rings, high life amulet and I had a tabula in my chest.
- Once I hit level 68, I swapped to full lazy walker. My herald was level 16 and most support gems were in the range of 15-17. I respected the nodes that needed to be respected.
- I did something that I do not recommend (check pages 6 and 8, players linked the old setup): I used the old lazy walker weapon/shied setup and CWDT helm with Vaal Molten shield (got a great helm at that time) for extra damage until my Herald and supports gems were higher WITH the herald setup in my chest. Because the boots had the poison, it worked pretty well.

I hope it helps if you have a little bit of an issue.
Thank you
Last edited by kestak#6493 on Jan 17, 2019, 7:28:33 AM

Something that I discovered yesterday. It may be useful for some players here:

I am in USA with a very good connection (highest speed ATT full fiber optic right to my door) and my computer is quite powerful (Last year Alienware with upgraded graphic card).

I had tons of disconnects yesterday. I was simply kicked out of the game. Losing my Delve or my maps portals. My settings are per what the OP suggest.

I found out EACH time that it occurred when I had a bunch of mobs around me and I could not kill them fast enough. I as doing nothing else than popping up my potions. I did not experience any lag or any screen freeze. Simply a lot of action on the screen, then I got booted to the login screen.

When I was not popping out my potions, same thing occurred.

I noticed that when I was fighting mobs that lose all their life minus 1 (do not die until the totem or a yellow mob die) I got disconnected almost time BUT when the fight was lasting more than around 20 seconds.

I tried quite a few things to add to what the OP described to avoid lag: lower resolution, change a lot of the settings from high to low. I still was getting disconnects.

I tried something each time when I noticed a pattern of non disconnect: In each case, when I was popping my VMS or VRF, a miracle happened: I got to the end of the fight! Even if the fight still last for a long time (Delve Azurite node for example), using VMS or VRF in the middle of the fight resolved the issue.

I played about 6 more hours after I discovered that and not once I got disconnected. The last three hours, I removed predictive networking and dynamic resolution (It makes my graphics look not as good) and no disconnect.

Thank you
kestak wrote:


Leveling is not an issue if you know Marauder a little bit. Here is what I did for the current league:
- I leveled with molten strike and put the needed gems needed for the build asap in the swap weapons.

-- That's mostly what I'm doing, it's helpful to know I'm not doing it totally wrong.

- I took melee nodes close to the Lazy Walker path(followed really the molten strike/Consecrated path leveling builds) until level 50ish then I began to switch my tree to Lazy walker build. Why? Because of the pathways and you need a few points free to take the right pathway.

-- I'm following the passive nodes strictly. It makes molten strike slow, but it's liveable.

- I bought cheap high damage weapons (each time it was under 2 chaos and swapped when I could not single hit kill a mob), used kaom's rings, high life amulet and I had a tabula in my chest.

-- Got the Tabula, had 2x Kaom's but swapped for a +65% mana regen Perandus Signet as I was always running out of mana. I recently swapped for a +12/+91 (+103 total) to all attributes Astraments amulet to make up for my huge Dex deficit.

I hope it helps if you have a little bit of an issue.

-- Thank you very much!
Thank you

My responses are above, with a "--" before. Thanks for the advice.
Last edited by keefyboy#3859 on Jan 17, 2019, 8:54:11 PM
keefyboy wrote:
kestak wrote:


Leveling is not an issue if you know Marauder a little bit. Here is what I did for the current league:
- I leveled with molten strike and put the needed gems needed for the build asap in the swap weapons.

-- That's mostly what I'm doing, it's helpful to know I'm not doing it totally wrong.

- I took melee nodes close to the Lazy Walker path(followed really the molten strike/Consecrated path leveling builds) until level 50ish then I began to switch my tree to Lazy walker build. Why? Because of the pathways and you need a few points free to take the right pathway.

-- I'm following the passive nodes strictly. It makes molten strike slow, but it's liveable.

- I bought cheap high damage weapons (each time it was under 2 chaos and swapped when I could not single hit kill a mob), used kaom's rings, high life amulet and I had a tabula in my chest.

-- Got the Tabula, had 2x Kaom's but swapped for a +65% mana regen Perandus Signet as I was always running out of mana. I recently swapped for a +12/+91 (+103 total) to all attributes Astraments amulet to make up for my huge Dex deficit.

I hope it helps if you have a little bit of an issue.

-- Thank you very much!
Thank you

My responses are above, with a "--" before. Thanks for the advice.

Taking damage nodes and Respecting nodes later will make your leveling REALLY REALLY faster and easier. You will end up at level 68 with at least 20 respect points in the bank.

For mana issue, there are easy ways to circumvent that. The cheapest and easiest are:
1 - Warlord's mark and blasphemy.
2 - Belt with 0.4% mana leeched. It is a very cheap belt: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Wurm%27s_Molt
3 - If you are lucky and find one or two rings with -(x-y) to Total Mana Cost of Skills for cheap, you will resolve your mana issue too.

The mana regeneration really is not enough to not run out of mana.

Thank you
Okay, so I'm lvl61 and it's getting better.

1 question, when I used Embalmer gloves w/Herald of Agony on it, Firestorm/Incinerate/CwC on my shield would spawn the crawler and I could easily get 40 virulence.

I put the HoAG on my Tabula and put CWDT/Firestorm/Ball Light/Poison on a rare glove and I left Firestorm/Incinerate/CwC on my shield, now I can't get any virulence and the crawler barely spawns.

What am I doing wrong where the Embalmer works great but HoAG in the Tabula doesn't work?

edit - I cleared the Tabula, put HoAG+Empower on the rare glove, nothing. Swap over to Embalmer, crawler spawns like normal.
Last edited by keefyboy#3859 on Jan 19, 2019, 2:00:31 AM
keefyboy wrote:
Okay, so I'm lvl61 and it's getting better.

1 question, when I used Embalmer gloves w/Herald of Agony on it, Firestorm/Incinerate/CwC on my shield would spawn the crawler and I could easily get 40 virulence.

I put the HoAG on my Tabula and put CWDT/Firestorm/Ball Light/Poison on a rare glove and I left Firestorm/Incinerate/CwC on my shield, now I can't get any virulence and the crawler barely spawns.

What am I doing wrong where the Embalmer works great but HoAG in the Tabula doesn't work?

edit - I cleared the Tabula, put HoAG+Empower on the rare glove, nothing. Swap over to Embalmer, crawler spawns like normal.

embalmer has +chaos to spell. that gives you virulence. Without it you need a jewel with +phys/chaos to spell. This was mentioned in the guide several times.
alexh1985 wrote:

embalmer has +chaos to spell. that gives you virulence. Without it you need a jewel with +phys/chaos to spell. This was mentioned in the guide several times.

Which I somehow completely missed, despite reading many, many times.
Thank you. Some days I'd forget my head if it wasn't permanently attached.
Any suggestion where to go from here? I guess trying to improve jewels and getting corrupted luxury upgrades.. Level 97 with around 6.2k hp. Resistances are around 100%.
Filling res/dex is the only part where my brain is activated while playing this build. T15s are sooo easy I managed to complete a few at lvl 82 without uber lab done.

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