[3.17] Hybrid's Molten Strike Jugg - Hold right click to TANK anything |MELT the Atlas|Divine Flesh|

I used the skill tree that wasnt the 3.7 one in 3.7, did i screw my character or no?
Do i have to scrap this character?
Last edited by FalseGodd#5853 on Jul 2, 2019, 6:03:39 AM
FalseGodd wrote:
I used the skill tree that wasnt the 3.7 one in 3.7, did i screw my character or no?
Do i have to scrap this character?

no, just respec some points and you are fine.
but im like act 7 rn and there are huge differnces in the trees
and im new to game so im not really sure what respec points would really help
FalseGodd wrote:
but im like act 7 rn and there are huge differnces in the trees
and im new to game so im not really sure what respec points would really help

you are just at the beginning of the game.
the differences between the skill trees arent big at all, you are just using another skill tree that i dont know where you got it from.
you are probably getting confused with another build.

regret all the points from "resolute technique" and up.
spec the points into "strong arm" and connect to "barbarism".

then make your way from "born to fight" up and right to "constitution".
now connect to "master of the arena" and respec all of the other unnecessary points.

you then want to rush to "elemental overload".
I know its probably a very noob question, but I cant find in your guide any Gem lvl suggestion. So I have found in other guides some tips like, do not lvl your cast on hit more than lvl 1 and other gems should be at lvl X etc...
So I want to ask, should I max lvl all gems? If not, which ones should I keep in which lvl?

Thank you.

This is my helmet. Should I upgrade it and get a better helmet with upgraded levels? OR should I enchant it with a +1 level of projectile gems. I have a level 21 molten strike gem. placed on it. Thanks for the help!
elvorfindra wrote:

This is my helmet. Should I upgrade it and get a better helmet with upgraded levels? OR should I enchant it with a +1 level of projectile gems. I have a level 21 molten strike gem. placed on it. Thanks for the help!

lvl16 is enough.
an upgrade from this will be either getting the MS enchant or the 30% more ele dmg mod.
So is using multistrike still optimal or are people using something else?
Can anyone tell me how else I can further improve on this build? Currently playing in 3.7 Legion League and the damage to rare mobs and legion mobs especially is terribly slow. Survivability hasn't been an issue, although damage-wise and clearspeed for Legion monsters is a major issue.

Here is my PoB of my Juggernaut with max lvl skill and support gems: https://pastebin.com/xMFqV3hA

Thanks in advance!!
Is the "gear" section the end game gear? " My Gear \ "what to upgrade":" is the mid game stuff?

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