{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

@ YYakovliev:
YYakovliev wrote:
@Hercanic, the build feels really powerful but I have one big problem and I want your advice. I am currently level 94 and want to go at least to 96 before the end of the league. The problem is that I am dying 95% of the times due to corpse explosions on the ground. I have around 6700 life. From everything else I feel save but these "corpse explosions" constantly kill me especially in the Nexus. Can I build another layer of defense regarding this? Thanks.
Proceeding conversation
Valmar wrote:
Are you totally sure you are dying cause explosions, or may be other different things?

Im level 96 now, have like you, around 6900ish life, and I don¡t use CWDT nor Spirit Offering.

And I have not died even one single time to corpse explosions in the entire game, not even close.

So I don't think what's exactly happening here.
YYakovliev wrote:
I am not a master at the game and I can't tell for sure if there are several types of corpse explosions or it is another "spell" or something else is happening. I am certain that in such situations everything is dead, I Charge Dash or move into a dead pack and BOOM I am dead. EVERY F*** time :). Since the original post I died 4 more times due to this. Nothing else is killing me, just this… constantly.

I forgot to mention that I am missing Fortify in my setup because I am using flame dash (I cannot imagine playing without flame dash), but if this is the core of the problem I will switch to Shield Charge...
Valmar wrote:
Uhm could be bearers? I mean, flame bearers, frost bearers, etc? The ones that make like a big ring around them when dead, and you die if you enter the circle.

If that's the cause, they are not like porcupines, and I understand what you said. I stopped using charge dash because of that, I think its an aweful skill, so I changed it for Blade Flurry, wich is 400% more reliable and better than charge dash in almost every way. I almost didnt died since I changed, in like level 88 or something (96 now).

I also recommend you to use convocation (it's like a +300% damage boost a lot of times. mayme more, its a poersonnal estimation, plus blocking and reposition, wich let you clean maps like 300% faster, its uncomparable), and other skill you like (phase run, golem, animate guardian, or even phase run if you like it, etc), you can remove the CWDT + offering for 2 of those skills, you wont really need them with your army plus convocation, etc.

Give it a try, thank me later!

You must learn what monsters and effects to be wary of. It is essential to know when you should back off and play cautiously, or when to race ahead so as not to get caught in what the monsters leave behind. We bulldoze over most things, but on-death effects are hard to avoid. Freeze shatters usually take care of most, while CWDT Spirit Offering is meant to mop up the remainder. But then there are Bearers, a Bloodline mod (purple hue), which can only be escaped from.

There are synth versions of Porcupine Goliaths (Wrought Reavers) whose corpses will begin to quiver and launch projectiles upward into the sky, which then rain down in a medium-sized area a few seconds later. These can be dangerous.

You have two immediate solutions. First, swap out GMP on Ball Lightning for Fortify. Charged Dash will trigger it, and you'll pretty much have it up all the time that you're using Charged Dash.

Second, try using Immortal Call instead of Spirit Offering on CWDT. If what's killing you is physical burst damage, this can help. If it's elemental or chaos, it will do nothing.

Aside from those two things, get more life. Keep looking for a better Shaper ring with resistances, so you needn't lean on your helm resistances so much and can get a life roll there. Being 40% overcapped is nice, but remember that a Curse Immunity flask will negate an Elemental Weakness curse, too.

Your five jewels can have another 86 life altogether with perfect T1 life rolls, equivalent to an entire gear slot. Something to keep in mind when looking for upgrades; every little bit adds up in the end.

Are you using Arcane Surge for the Cast Speed (11%)? You could instead use a Chaos Golem for more physical protection (4% = 1 Endurance Charge).

Even a Lightning Golem would give near the same amount of cast speed (9%) while being an additional minion. Its damage would be weakened by EE, but it's still damage, plus a small lightning damage aura for all your minions (= shock proliferation).

+1 to Minimum Endurance Charges craft on your amulet would add another 4% Physical Damage Reduction. You could also craft this on your Shaper ring. With two permanent Endurance Charges, a Chaos Golem, 10 Zombies with Flesh Binder, and +2 Zombies crafted on body armor and helm, you'd be at 24% reduction. Taking a quarter less damage is equivalent to 32% more life against physical damage. For comparison, a 5% life node is worth around ~1.6% more life, so 32% is like 20 nodes or 100% increased life.

@ Banana_Lee:
Banana_Lee wrote:
Top build, absolutely loving it at the moment and so far I've taken it to Level 89 on T11 maps. I think I'm starting to plateau in terms of performance so I'm wondering if anyone can give some tips as to what I need to focus on next?

For what it's worth, I have ~200 chaos in reserve for my next upgrade.

Read the Gear check section of the FAQ. Read the Gear section of the Epilogue in the Leveling Guide.

Gloves - Without the Poison Support affix, you only have 20% chance to poison from Herald of Agony. Without the Chance to Bleed Support affix, you aren't inflicting bleed with Charged Dash, and thus Bloodlust on Skeletons is doing nothing.

Life nodes - Don't bother with 3-point jewel sockets if you have crap jewels. Invest in life until you can afford 1-3 ex jewels. Refer to Passive Tree #1.

+1 Maim Weapon - Levels mean tankier zombies and more Crawler damage.

+3 Minion Damage Helm - Turns your Skeletons from 4L to 6L, a massive power boost. Best for Red Maps+ so you can delete bosses.

LGoH for Spells Unset Ring - Makes you practically immortal against large packs, instantly healing thousands of life. You'll need a better belt to cover for the resistances.

Belt - A linchpin for resistances, a great belt is vital for taking pressure off your other gear slots.

@ foxooo:
foxooo wrote:
Hello thx for nice build bud i need help with my weapon what should i craft first?

Nice claw! Are you aiming for Maim? That'll be very hard to land on, because there are a lot of possible suffixes.

You can use Beast Crafting to make an Imprint, which lets you reset an item to its original imprinted state after trying to craft. This is great insurance for when crafting doesn't go right, but the required material beasts are fairly rare and expensive.

If you don't have the resources or patience to go all the way for Maim (starting over if Regal fails to land Maim), then your best bet is to Regal to turn the item Rare for crafting. If the new mod is useless, then try to remove it with an Annulment Orb. This is risky, though, as you might lose one of the other affixes instead. Imprinting would be your only safety net. Otherwise, you'll need to start over with Alteration spam should the Annul fail.

If the Regal/Annul went well, then you're set to craft "Can have Multiple Crafted Mods" and go from there.
Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Apr 15, 2019, 5:50:05 AM
@Hercanic - thank you for the detailed explanation and advice.

1. I will look for jewel upgrades (T1 life + the other things) but I think they will be very costly, if there are any on the market at all.

2. If i keep the flame dash setup the arcane surge will go for sure and will be replaced for Chaos Golem.

3. I am looking for a better shaper ring with resists from a long time - there are almost none on the market, but I will keep searching.

The real dilemma for me is still present though - should I keep the flame dash setup or replace it for the shield charge with Fortify? I don't want to replace the GMP in the Charge Dash. Maybe I should try and see for myself if I can play without the teleportation aspect of the flame dash (going on ramps, ledges, better escaping from the decay...).

@ YYakovliev:
YYakovliev wrote:
@Hercanic - thank you for the detailed explanation and advice.

1. I will look for jewel upgrades (T1 life + the other things) but I think they will be very costly, if there are any on the market at all.

2. If i keep the flame dash setup the arcane surge will go for sure and will be replaced for Chaos Golem.

3. I am looking for a better shaper ring with resists from a long time - there are almost none on the market, but I will keep searching.

The real dilemma for me is still present though - should I keep the flame dash setup or replace it for the shield charge with Fortify? I don't want to replace the GMP in the Charge Dash. Maybe I should try and see for myself if I can play without the teleportation aspect of the flame dash (going on ramps, ledges, better escaping from the decay...).

Just in case you weren't aware, Charged Dash is also a teleport.
Hercanic wrote:
@ YYakovliev:
YYakovliev wrote:
@Hercanic - thank you for the detailed explanation and advice.

1. I will look for jewel upgrades (T1 life + the other things) but I think they will be very costly, if there are any on the market at all.

2. If i keep the flame dash setup the arcane surge will go for sure and will be replaced for Chaos Golem.

3. I am looking for a better shaper ring with resists from a long time - there are almost none on the market, but I will keep searching.

The real dilemma for me is still present though - should I keep the flame dash setup or replace it for the shield charge with Fortify? I don't want to replace the GMP in the Charge Dash. Maybe I should try and see for myself if I can play without the teleportation aspect of the flame dash (going on ramps, ledges, better escaping from the decay...).

Just in case you weren't aware, Charged Dash is also a teleport.

That's a really good point actually :D.
First off: AWESOME build!

Noob question, whats the easiest way to get high lvl spectres 2x frost 1x solar without using desecrate? or do we kinda need desecrate to prep corpses?

@ Snaak:
Snaak wrote:
First off: AWESOME build!

Noob question, whats the easiest way to get high lvl spectres 2x frost 1x solar without using desecrate? or do we kinda need desecrate to prep corpses?

The only other way would be to encounter them in the wild. The only way to make this deterministic is to roll the map mod, "Inhabited by Lunar/Solar Fanatics".

Is there some reason you can't use Desecrate? It's the fastest and easiest way. When you need to raise Spectres, you can give Desecrate +4/5 levels by swapping it with Herald of Agony in your +1 weapon with a lvl3/4 empower. It shouldn't take more than a few map runs to get even a level 1 Desecrate to 16-17 while it sits in your second weapon set.

If it's a matter of DEX, you can temporarily use a DEX amulet to boost yourself, since we only care about using Desecrate one time to raise our Spectres. After that, it just sits in our second weapon set/inventory/stash until we need to make new Spectres. It'll continue earning XP in our second weapon set, too, even if the item is technically disabled due to not meeting the gem's stat requirements.
Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Apr 16, 2019, 6:09:50 PM
Hello guys,

Having great fun with this build..

Just one noob question. I'm levelling right now and i have no idea what type of stats i'm looking for on my weapon. I understand the end game affixes needed, but not what affixes are working for this build on weapons you get while levelling. I think i'm missing something there.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
@ Lyrya:
Lyrya wrote:
Hello guys,

Having great fun with this build..

Just one noob question. I'm levelling right now and i have no idea what type of stats i'm looking for on my weapon. I understand the end game affixes needed, but not what affixes are working for this build on weapons you get while levelling. I think i'm missing something there.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

When you first start leveling with Smite, having decent damage and attack speed on your weapon is handy for smacking monsters around. As we acquire the rest of our minion horde and their support links, the importance of our personal damage shrinks dramatically to zero.

In short, our weapon, as far as being a weapon, doesn't matter. What becomes important is its utility, defense, and anything that assists our minions. For example, while leveling, I found a Dreadarc:

Its Flammability curse on hit mod boosts Flame Sentinels, so this can be nice up until I replace Flame Sentinels with Frost Sentinels. The Fire Resistance and Movement Speed are also great protection and utility. But I don't care about its damage.

Attack speed = Smoother Shield Charge.
Resistances = The most significant early improvement to protection.
Poison on Hit = Saves a socket when using Static Strike for the Agony Crawler.

Unique weapons like Brightbeak (highest attack speed + 20% resistances), Aurumvorax (60% resistances), Mortem Morsu (60% poison chance for attacks), Bitterdream (lots of free links for a minion), Cybil's Paw (life on spell hit), Al Dhih (triggered Abyssal Cry), and Advancing Fortress (extra block and life) are all great leveling options.

On a rare weapon, just a high attack speed (~1.5+) and some resistances will be plenty. Crafting minion damage is also a plus.
Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Apr 17, 2019, 5:18:25 AM
Thanks a lot that's exactly what i needed to be confirmed :)
Other pint to be confirmed : we need 0 added frost and fire dmg in our gear. Only the affix cold/fire to spells is to be avoided?
@ Lyrya:
Lyrya wrote:
Thanks a lot that's exactly what i needed to be confirmed :)
Other pint to be confirmed : we need 0 added frost and fire dmg in our gear. Only the affix cold/fire to spells is to be avoided?

  • 1. Worst = Cold Damage added to Spells. Affects Ball Lightning. Avoid at all costs.

  • 2. Bad = Cold Damage added to Attacks. Affects Charged Dash. You can live with it because Ball Lightning will replace the EE applied by Charged Dash in short order, but there will be microseconds where your minions' cold damage is weakened because of this.

  • 3. Not Good = Fire Damage added to Spells. You might as well forego fire damage from your minions by using only Frost Sentinels, and not bothering to get Added Fire Damage Support as a weapon affix for your Agony Crawler/Zombies.

  • 4. Tolerable = Fire Damage added to Attacks. It's like #2, but since we deal far less Fire Damage (or 0 if you follow #3's advice), we can live with this if necessary.

If you're ever unsure what damage types you're dealing, you can check the DPS tooltips for Ball Lightning and Charged Dash to verify.

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