[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide
" Yeah Watcher's Eye is expensive and more a luxury item. There are multiple jewel sockets in 2 point reach so I guess you should just take them as you level up and get a got jewel for them. When I check your char in PoB you have 51% crit chance buffed (with 3 power charges, 5 inspiration stacks and at least 5 recently detonated mines) and over 70% with the Diamond flask, so seems fine to me and is even more than I have currently. So try to throw some mines in a pack and then check your crit. |
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There are some discrepancies between the PoB and the guide here. Do we use Zealotry or Skitterbots?
And what is the reasoning for it? |
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" If you use essence worm you use both since one of them is free then. Zealotry is just more damage and crit exactly what we want. Skitterbots is 10% more damage and some more mine detonations for free. |
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" Okay that’s great to hear about my Crit chance thanks a ton for that. Yeah there’s a double zealotry watchers eye for 6ex so I feel that’s a little out of my range at least until I get a good loreweave. Gonna level to at least 90 asap for another jewel slot. Another big question I have, I’m looking through the helmet enchants you can get from lab and why aren’t we talking about those more? I just rolled “Arc chains and additional time” and I already have a lv 21 arc so I’m pretty stoked on that but I’m seeing that you can get the enchant “Ball Lightning fires an additional projectile” or just ball lightning 40% increased damage which both sounds absolutely ridiculous? Shouldn’t we be going for that? |
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" The arc ones is best but also expensive and I never felt the need to actually get it since my clear is more than fine. The Ball Lightning thing looked like double dps until I read up on it. "Lightning bolts strike targets every 150 milliseconds and each target cannot be hit more often than this. That restriction is shared between all balls fired on the same cast." Source: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ball_Lightning So this is also why we don't use multiple projectiles or anything. It doesn't improve single target damage in any way and so is not important for this build. These 40% increased damage one is actually a overall damage increase of about 4% for me. The thing is it is "increased damage" and isn't "more damage". "More damage" is the signal for a multiplicative bonus, 15% more damage is really 15% more damage. 15% increased is just added to all the other increased modifiers. For better understanding from a reddit post since it explained it best: Total Damage = (Base Damage) x (%Increased1 + %Increased2 + ... + %IncreasedN) x (%More1) x (%More2) x ... x (%MoreN) or Total Damage = (Base Damage) x (Sum of %Increased modifiers) x (Product of %More modifiers) Source:https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3t38i9/are_the_increased_damage_jewels_worth_using/ Last edited by NopileosX2#3709 on Jan 4, 2020, 4:18:28 PM
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" Okay that all makes a lot of sense thanks for the explanation. I got arc chains an additional time so I’ll definitely stick with that, my clear is insane right now. So The CWDT w desecrate and volatile dead, what level cwdt do you recommend? I have it at 4 rn and the other gems at the appropriate levels to still proc but I still don’t really notice the effect too often. I see it happening but not too noticeable, is there something I’m missing? I also have no idea what else I would put in its place anyway. On main link, if lightning pen isn’t recommended and elemental focus prevents proc of ailments from call of brotherhood, what is best for the final gem slot? |
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Is using Inspiration in Arc helmet setup better than Charged Mines?
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" Maybe Controlled Destruction, it lowers the crit chance but I think it would still be better. Also I don't really know how often Ball Lightning would proc ailments, since it hits with low damage very often and a hit has to at least deal 0.2% of the max hp to even have a chance of applying any ailment. I currently use Elemental Focus because of it, but maybe I will try to use something different and see if it feels different. A replacement could also be one of the new awakening gems, like added lightning or cold damage, especially added lightning damage on level 5 would give us one more level on ball lightning, which would result in 9% just form that. |
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Does anyone have a quick guide on how to craft/buy multimodded scepters? How much should one expect to invest while crafting/buying?
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Hey guys
New to this build and just got back into PoE. I've gone through a lot of comments as well as the guide and the PoB and its information overload! It seems like there are so many possibilities and different ways to do this build. Can anyone take a look at my gear/passives and give me some advice on which direction to head in? What would be some good gear upgrades to focus on? Should I be going for jewels? Is it more important to focus on a 6L loreweave or maybe some wands/scepters? I'm currently using 6L Pyroclast mines and haven't had any issues with clearing or damage yet, though i'm still only doing t4 and t5 maps. What is the 6L for Ball lightning? I've seen a lot of people saying its best but not sure what to link it with. Any C&C is appreciated! |