[3.17] Beginner Friendly Arc Mines Guide | All Content on 5L | Lvling Guide
Hi, playing my 1st char into lategame following your build and I'm a bit stuck on gear progression.
Playing this char I've learned a lot of mines mechanics and tried to apply some suggestions I've read in this thread. Still don't know a lot of gems in the game and what they do, also don't know a lot of top end late game gear/uniques/crafting. Ultimately I want to gear up to be able to solo all of the content. Can solo Shaper/Elder (not without dying a couple of times), almost can solo Sirus. All conquerors and awakening bosses are relatively doable, maybe dying 1-2 times. Tried to solo Atziri in alluring abyss and failed miserably. Have not tried the ubers. My biggest dilemma is what gear to buy/aim for. And what gems to best set up with it. And currency is not a problem, I've no idea what best to spend it on. I hope you can access my character and get all the necessary info, if not I'll figure out a way to relay it here. I tried the ice spear set up initially, but arc seemed to do more damage even to bosses, so I'm utilizing the 6l loreweave for more survival, but still die sometimes on tougher maps, I do dash aggressively. Also, I decided to focus purely on lightning. I haven't tried, but I heard of people using Ball lightning for bosses, not sure if mines or not, for faster kills than with arc. Should I? I had Orb of storms + Ice bite in my CWDT setup, but switched back to desecrate+volatile dead. Issue was I still died sometimes before the leech. Now I'm testing a 6-l setup with Immortal call/Molten shell/Desecrate, but so far still die sometimes, mostly to bosses/metas. I'm contemplating buying an Impulsa or Shroud of the lightless but I keep worrying I'll lose on both dps and survivability, even tho I really feel like LW has to go. Running lab right now when the layout is good, trying to get arc/HoT enchant on the helm. Afterwards thinking of getting the "dmg if haven't killed recently" on boots, tho it really pains me to lose every bit of movespeed. And no idea what gloves enchant to get really, haven't researched that yet, any suggestions? I'm ok to try going either way: 1) Increase single target dps to the max, keeping my defenses at current level, ultimately killing bosses faster than my pots get depleted. 2) Increase defenses to the max, killing fat single targets slow, but without having to keep jumping around dodging stuff so much and still risking dying. Thank you for your assistance. |
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" Did Sirus 7 with one death (mistake on my part, didn't know the fight well enough). Corrupted blood jewel is mandatory ! Then went on to kill the 4 shpaer guardians, and shaper, deathless. Trying to get an elder. Thanks for all your advices. This build had many lives, but LL Ball lightning is the hightest ceiling one. |
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" End-game with mines has 2 variants ignoring the insane glass cannon Delve builds: Life or LL (ES-based). LL will be stronger, but will come at a much higher cost. If you want to do LL and have at least 8 ex to spare, let me know and I can help you switch to that. But it will require learning quite a lot of mechanics at one time. If not, here are my recommended tips for you surviving end-game with life mines: Ball Lightning is going to be higher single target, but Arc is going to be faster clear. If you're pushing bosses and red maps, Ball Lightning may be better just to nuke bosses/metamorphs. You can gem swap too as it would only be a few gems to change. CWDT set-up is too high for current set-up. You have to take 3272 damage to proc it and your Molten Shell is less than 200 shield. Kaom's over Loreweave. With that plus the recommend respec below, you can get to like 6.7k life, which is about 830 life regen. Would only have 1 damage skill thought so that reinforces using something like Ball Lightning. If you need more damage, re-do boot enchant to ele pen, flat damage, or crit. We don't kill with mines, so big damage buff. Change Aul Enchant to Counterweight and then can move those points to more HP and remove MoM. Change flasks, too many unique flasks. I'd personally stick to Life with bleed, diamond/mana with curse/freeze, and quicksilver with movement. Lucky on Diamond is like 20-25% crit chance and with all of our crit multi, every non-crit is just a tickle. Atziri's Promise is less damage, but you have no chaos res. Would suggest using Atziri's over Vessel and then maybe adding chaos res somewhere else like belt if you can afford it. If you don't change belt, going to be expensive but 20 Fertile Catalysts for belt = 122 life with rework upping you to 6850 life. Change Flame Dash set-up to use Flame Dash, Faster Casting, low level Arcane Surge (proc with every cast), and Portal. Remove Cyclone, Empower, Herald of Thunder, and Phase Run. Leaving boot and helm with Wrath, Stone Golem, Vaal RF, and Skitterbots. And then the other 4L will be the new CWDT set-up of CWDT, Desecrate, VD, and LL at like level 10 CWDT with appropriate levels of Desecrate/VD. Vaal RF will help with boss nuke. If mana is an issue with this re-work, take out Crackling Speed for Deep Thoughts and something else. POB re-work: https://pastebin.com/4LG2Gx5k |
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Thanks A LOT, already a lot of useful tips, eg. I didn't realize I can use catalysts on belt (can't get used to belt being an accessory).
Also, after about 50 lab runs I didn't get any helm enchants that I was looking for, but instead got "Pyroclast mine fires 2 additional projectiles" - is it very significant? Made me consider using PM for single targets. Also got the "reflection when hit" gloves enchant and it works wonders! So many times the boss or meta gets distracted by my illusion just to let me finish him off. Now, to the point. I have about 30 exalts to spend right now, so I would really love to consider the more expensive variant. Please don't make me wear Kaom's, I do believe the armor is way underpriced for what it provides, but feels weird losing the 6l. |
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Pyroclast +2 is a good helmet enchant for people using Pyroclast, but I just don't like it. Lots of people use it just fine, but I'd much rather have 1 6L for all content and just faceroll everything. I don't use glove enchants, provides almost nothing.
Yea, Kaom's is a hard one to break for me with mines, but I wasn't sure what your budget was. I don't know all the new conqueror mods, but any of the spell crit with over 100 life and life %, and extra chaos res or other res to upgrade other stuff will probably be the expensive upgrade over Kaom's. Probably some stuff with extra curses and double curse ring too. Something like that will still drop you from 6.7k to 6k life for damage and resists. For 30 exalts, you should easily be able to switch to Low Life mines. But best of luck in your searches this late into league and you will be locked into 1 6L and maybe a pseudo Shaped helm if you get lucky. So to try to explain LL mines without posting 3 screens of info.. you reserve almost all of your life, you put on a ton of auras, and you have really high ES instead, which means you have really high ES regen. My miner has 9.7k ES and can push 11k if I drop some damage, which equates to over 1k ES per second. Spoilering this out to reduce screen space.
Here's my tree, and you can flex some of the points as you desire. I've optimized some of my passives/gear/jewels to get the res and stat requirements so you may need to adjust accordingly. Pretty straightforward tree once you start learning ES. Just grabbing all of the ES nodes, aura nodes, typical miner nodes, and Pain Attunement/Arcane Vision. INT stacking as well for added ES, mana, and damage.
https://pastebin.com/Sz8yhXF8 Uniques needed: Shavronne's, Presence of Chayula, Prism Guardian (for damage, rare ES for tankiness), and Energy from Within. Rares: 1h weapon - Typical spell caster focus. Ideally looking for empty suffix to do a trigger set-up. ES helm with some res, ideally with your skill of choice enchant or something flexible like Skitterbots. Optionally go for high ES shaped helm if you really want 2 skill set-up. ES gloves with res and some damage. ES belt with some res Sin Trek and Doryani's are the go-to boots on budget. Can probably find some solid rare ES boots at this point with comparable ES plus res to take off res weight of other slots. 1 ES ring with res 1 ES ring with curse on hit and hopefully some res Ideally empty prefix on both rings for faster recharge. I recommend opening a tab for like every res-based slot to try to optimize before buying to avoid ending up with not enough lightning res or something. I went through quite a few interim gloves, rings, and jewels from re-optimizing. Prism allows for multiple aura stacking so I'm running 8 auras with this build. If you lean towards Shaped helm, use a rare ES shield instead and drop some auras to free slots for 2nd set-up. From there things should start making more sense. Feel free to ask if you need more guidance. |
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Hello, why is added cold used over add lightning? Wouldn't added lightning benefit from the lightning pen support?
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" Chill/freeze for clearing for extra QoL. If you need the more damage, go Added Lightning, but the chill/freeze for corpse destruction and porcupines is why I usually switch to GC mines at some point when gearing up for more survival. |
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Any obvious optimization ?
Have to change the weapon, but it's good engouh. For a dps upgrade, I need to pay 10+ex though. |
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" Ok so I've applied your suggestions to the life based build for now. Actually got a Kaom's, and to make myself feel better bought a corrupted 50% dmg one. :D Anyway, I decided to see where I can take my life-based build to, and try lowlife later, probably a week before the league ends. Now, what I feel about the changes: 1) Most metamorphs just die in 2 secs, so dmg does feel better. 2) CWDT setup without molten shell feels much weaker. The way I play, is if I die - I die before any desecrate/vd lifeleech can take place, eg. when getting 1-shotted by a boss or a stream of projectiles, or hitting an fps freeze, and molten shell+temp chains used to really help in those moments. I will try to swap around to see what's better for me. 3) I really need some advice with jewels. Are there any good unique jewels to look out for? What about those legion jewel? I have 35ex budget atm that I'm planning to spend on crafting better gloves/boots/belt/rings/helm and getting best jewels I possibly can. TYVM. |
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" Should be level 20 Vaal Discipline instead of Discipline. You'll want that toggle ES recharge for emergency ES regen. Life flask shouldn't be needed. Wise Oak instead for 15% ele pen and a little bit of ele damage reduction. No freeze removal on flasks, probably use that on Diamond and either hope you outleech bleeds or Vaal Disc through them. Can use corrupted blood jewels, but can be fairly expensive for good ones. I've TP'd out with some high stack bleeds before. Quality on Ball Lightning adds a bit. Getting both 21/20 adds like 10% damage for 1.5 ex. Belt could use some more ES like ES % or ES from body armor, but will only take you to like 9k ES for a few exalts probably. Your call. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/aVLneLaTe Only PoB'd 2 items from that search. There is currently a 70c wand that you can replace the crit multi craft with trigger socketed spells. Slight DPS upgrade not including the frenzy charges, VD leech, or whatever else you put into the sockets to replace CWDT set-up. Just be careful with ele reflect maps. " 2. Yea, it is hard to recommend stuff for people without actually watching them play. Most of my suggestions are stuff that have worked for me or I've seen work for others.. but there is always hundreds of other options. One of the best parts of PoE. If it works for you, then keep with MS. 3. Legion Jewels are something I avoid, but high tier/rich players almost always use. They really dropped the ball on that one, IMO. They provide some really great build changes, but aside from the keystone change jewels, the ones that impact regular passives are a complete mystery until you put them on. And I just double checked and all of the keystone change jewels are not that good, IMO. There are jewels out there that will add like 800% increased damage to one of our spells or massive defensive stats, but good luck finding them and not getting scammed. There is a point in most of the recent leagues where Divine Orb prices skyrocket. During Legion, it was when everyone was spamming Divine Orbs on the passive jewels to try and create god tier jewels. They reached like 40c at one point.. only 23c atm which may or may not be because of Metamorph drop rate. You're welcome to try your luck to create your own jewel that surpasses your own stuff. Just be sure to use the right jewel base and check all of your nearby jewels for possible good outcomes. Try checking a YT video for further help on that. I can't recommend regular jewel upgrades for you. All of the ones you have are way better than mine. |
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