[3.9] Ryvenn's Arc Trap Build - 6k + EHP - 1.5M SHAPER DPS ALL CONTENT

jimjak94 wrote:
ponsq3 wrote:
jimjak94 wrote:
Hello everyone,
I generally love arc trap builds, had a very geared char last league when shavs when the shit, so i am trying this build this league and i have to say, i feel weak as hell.
The damage is definitely there, but the survivability is absolutelly riddiculously bad, idk if i'm doing something wrong or if my gear is just plain shit, but i die very very easily at this point and if i stop casting traps and triggering tinkerskin i just get instagibbed, sometimes even through tinker procs.
Any suggestions on what i might be doing wrong? Note that i don't have a 6L ofc only a mere 4L but as i said the dmg is there for me anyway for what i'm doing atm.

Born in the shadows ascendant. I prefer took it in merciless lab instead of pyromaniac.

is that really it? Is it going to make that much of a difference?

Im sure of it. So try to take this node faster.
How we deal with low mana beside flask? Or stuns and freeze?
xxxMEMELORDxxx wrote:
How we deal with low mana beside flask? Or stuns and freeze?

if you check my flasks

it currently has Freeze and chill immunity those it should be better if its on something else - but right now im more comfortable using a 2lifeflask setup.

for the quicksilver it has 50% chance to avoid so it works well for us too and we also do have Soul of the brine king to make us immune to stuns if ever we do get stunned recently.
Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper
Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner
Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices
Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices
Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn
hey, just quickly wondering; what do you do for 5l's (gem setup)? 6l tinkerskins are way out of my budget atm
Last edited by Comprehensive#3045 on Dec 18, 2018, 6:52:15 PM
I got one question why we use ele focus over light pen with ele focus we cant shock and we gain like 40 % more damage but with light pen we can make more damage and we can shok that means 150% more dmg i am talkin on six link already did shaper with this setup but i am a bitoverpowered for shaper
ervisberberii wrote:
I got one question why we use ele focus over light pen with ele focus we cant shock and we gain like 40 % more damage but with light pen we can make more damage and we can shok that means 150% more dmg i am talkin on six link already did shaper with this setup but i am a bitoverpowered for shaper

Shaper doesnt get shock so thats why we choose elemental focus over light pen.

EDIT : We can shock the shaper but only if we manage to damage by him 40k for 1 lightning damage hit.
Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper
Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner
Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices
Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices
Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn
Last edited by xRyvenn#4386 on Dec 19, 2018, 9:35:09 AM
Managed to get a 6L and finished uber trial, already feel MUCH better, tho i still need some levels to get my life and mana up cause as of right now i can still get oneshot.
One thing this build is missing that would help out a LOT is a breakdown of what are the main stats to look for in rares by the way
Very nice guide, but now i have a problem.

i have reached maps but i'm dying like crazy, like everything one shot me,

this is my gear:


What i'm doing wrong?
crhonox wrote:
Very nice guide, but now i have a problem.

i have reached maps but i'm dying like crazy, like everything one shot me,

this is my gear:


What i'm doing wrong?

I don't know how high your resistances are... usually the fix is just life and resistances my friend.
Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper
Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner
Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices
Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices
Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn
jimjak94 wrote:
Managed to get a 6L and finished uber trial, already feel MUCH better, tho i still need some levels to get my life and mana up cause as of right now i can still get oneshot.
One thing this build is missing that would help out a LOT is a breakdown of what are the main stats to look for in rares by the way

Try checking the guide again. its actually there.

The only main focus on this build is defence while still hitting like a truck.

so if you feel like you're still not tanky enough - you might be focusing more on damage nodes and not taking all the life and mana nodes available to us... which is what my tree looks like in the pastebins.

if you look at my items in 3.5 on the guide ( not in my profile because my trapper is a for fun character right now and will probably re-spec a month after on the league ) the main stats that you need for rares are already shown on the 3.5 equipment on the guide as well. be sure to check it out.
Arc Trapper Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennArcTrapper
Icicle Mine Build - http://bit.ly/RyvennIcicleMiner
Crafting Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennCraftingServices
Challenge Services - http://bit.ly/RyvennChallengeServices
Youtube Channel - http://bit.ly/SubscribeToRyvenn

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