[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

OK, I am know I am just over looking it, but where are we getting Power Charges from?
mrpetrov wrote:

Here is your end game PoB adjusted to be scion (ass/inquisitor). I tweaked a couple of jewels to make it fit for purpose. Changed wise oak for atziri (inq doesnt need more ele pen).


Ice Nova avg hit is 295k (against any number of targets) vs 212k in your build (or 244k v single target in your build).

So somewhere between 40% more damage vs most situations other than shaper and guardian, and 20% more dps vs shaper (not uber/shaper as they're usually near each other) or guardians.

More move speed on scion of course.

Life is identical virtually, 60 more HP on templar. 200 less ES on templar. Both running blasplemy, enfeeble and discipline.

What do you think?

PS: If you really want to go ham on dps, then dump enfeeble and run anger with the watchers and aspect of the spider and discipline all together - ice nova per hit goes to 390k per hit and you get the defensive benefits of aspect of the spider.

Had a chance to check this out Cheequ?
Quore_23 wrote:
OK, I am know I am just over looking it, but where are we getting Power Charges from?

Assassin ascendancy passives.
mrpetrov wrote:
Quore_23 wrote:
OK, I am know I am just over looking it, but where are we getting Power Charges from?

Assassin ascendancy passives.


Thank you.
Hey i am at 5.1k Life and im dealing just 120k dmg with conc and 17%from vortex and arcane surge what am i missing or what should i improve? Here are my items and my pastebin https://pastebin.com/VGKX8PQ5

With 2 x Might of the Meek jewels (left and bottom Scion tree location), and 1 Unnatural Instinct jewel (right side Scion tree), my PoB says my attack rate is 3.92, and that is after dropping the Coordination node.

Is PoB calculating this correctly, or should I look at my Cyclone in my hideout?

I havnt respec'd, just looking at all the changes and possibilities.

EDIT: Never mind, I was doing something wrong. It is showing 3.6 Attack Rate.
Last edited by Quore_23#7008 on Jan 9, 2019, 2:10:48 PM
If i use Cold snap instead of ice nova it's do good ?
mrpetrov wrote:

Here is your end game PoB adjusted to be scion (ass/inquisitor). I tweaked a couple of jewels to make it fit for purpose. Changed wise oak for atziri (inq doesnt need more ele pen).


Ice Nova avg hit is 295k (against any number of targets) vs 212k in your build (or 244k v single target in your build).

So somewhere between 40% more damage vs most situations other than shaper and guardian, and 20% more dps vs shaper (not uber/shaper as they're usually near each other) or guardians.

More move speed on scion of course.

Life is identical virtually, 60 more HP on templar. 200 less ES on templar. Both running blasplemy, enfeeble and discipline.

What do you think?

PS: If you really want to go ham on dps, then dump enfeeble and run anger with the watchers and aspect of the spider and discipline all together - ice nova per hit goes to 390k per hit and you get the defensive benefits of aspect of the spider.

Here you go: https://pastebin.com/VBaz2SWz
I leveled the playing field - exactly same gear. Same DPS vs single targets, little lower in maps but who cares. 5% more movement speed for the assasin.

I wouldnt play any of those 2 over the one in the guide though, they would both feel way slower (50%+ movement speed less).
CheeQu wrote:
mrpetrov wrote:

Here is your end game PoB adjusted to be scion (ass/inquisitor). I tweaked a couple of jewels to make it fit for purpose. Changed wise oak for atziri (inq doesnt need more ele pen).


Ice Nova avg hit is 295k (against any number of targets) vs 212k in your build (or 244k v single target in your build).

So somewhere between 40% more damage vs most situations other than shaper and guardian, and 20% more dps vs shaper (not uber/shaper as they're usually near each other) or guardians.

More move speed on scion of course.

Life is identical virtually, 60 more HP on templar. 200 less ES on templar. Both running blasplemy, enfeeble and discipline.

What do you think?

PS: If you really want to go ham on dps, then dump enfeeble and run anger with the watchers and aspect of the spider and discipline all together - ice nova per hit goes to 390k per hit and you get the defensive benefits of aspect of the spider.

Here you go: https://pastebin.com/VBaz2SWz
I leveled the playing field - exactly same gear. Same DPS vs single targets, little lower in maps but who cares. 5% more movement speed for the assasin.

I wouldnt play any of those 2 over the one in the guide though, they would both feel way slower (50%+ movement speed less).

Wait a sec - you can't call out MS as a difference, just move the crit chance flask mod onto your diamond or silver flask and you're back to the same MS essentially. Also, the build I sent you did take the flask effect nodes, like your end game PoB, so the movement speed will be virtually the same if you just move that crit flask mod.

I'll go through this in more detail now, I'm genuinely interested to see which is the strictly better ascendancy (as I'm sure you are!).

Also, I'm not sure 9% less damage is quite "who cares" territory, again especially if you're planning on farming uber. I mean almost 10% better damage for ass/inq seems like it's strictly better, no? What's better about the end game PoB link in the OP?
Last edited by mrpetrov#7089 on Jan 9, 2019, 2:28:01 PM
Gem section updated. Also changed 3 points in the Unnatural Instict tree.

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