[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

Cant find the information in which slot i should put Frozen Trail Jewel.
2207722zw wrote:
First of all, Thank you for the guide. I have so much fun with it. Finally I have every gear ready. but I only have around 210k dps for ice nove in POB. I dont know if thats normal for my gear or bit low.

First off, you have some absolutely insane gear, a quick glance puts it at over 70 or 80ex easily. Probably some of the best gear I've seen in this thread.

Secondly, accounting for increased damage from Vortex, Conc Effect, some extra levels and Opportunistic your damage is around the 300K mark, which is above average here.

I'd say focus on life nodes and maybe an extra power charge for the remaining levels to help your Cyclone crit chance.
Furrylav wrote:
What sword to use while I dont have 3 exalted for Corpis ?

Try Cospri's Malice, it's 3 exalts divided by 2.
Hohenheim, if you want to nail the last big DPS nail in the coffin go for a +2 AOE Gems Loreweave.

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Hey, loving the build. I'm doing a bit different take on it using a Warlord's ring, but mainly just because I'm trying to push this character to 100 for the first time. I'm running with Unnatural Instinct and 2x Might of the Meek.

At this point, I am kind of at a loss on what to upgrade. Anyone have some input? Thanks in advance!

I got some currency. Decided to run The godmode gear because I love the build, damage seems to suffer extremely from stage2.

Anyone have time to go over my char, if there's something I missed

Last edited by Grozak#6013 on Jan 16, 2019, 6:58:32 AM
I feel as if i dont visually see my triggered frost bolts casting ice nova as theyre zooming across my screen. Any reason why that may be? (Yes gem order is correct)

First thing I would do is to drop Blood Rage, the frenzy charges it generates ruins you CoC proc rate by going above the Cyclone 3,75 Attack Rate.

Also, you are super overcapped on reisstances, you can change some of that with damage mods some way or another.

Last thing I would do is to take the 2 remaining jewel nodes instead of the Throatseeker nodes, 2 good jewels will give you same damage and life as well.

Have a look at this tree:

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Last edited by Dkodr#6088 on Jan 16, 2019, 5:14:11 AM
Very good and powerfull build! I clear all content with it. Thanks!

Open me ---> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/n2o4ELggKFU <--- Open me
Thanks for making this build guide:) Was playing Winter orb Elementalist before this also with tier 1 clear speed, 8k life and easy uber elder kill dmg (2:20min kill). But with this one, I just completely erased uber elder and shaper from the planet.


Have way over 10 million shaper dps and still all the defense in the original build. Changed a few items and using the fact that abyss jewels are completely OP and will both scale our dmg and life to new levels. Most of my rare gear is self-crafted and did not cost me a lot, highly recommend multi-crafting in 3.5.

If you can find any upgrades to be made, please write:)

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