[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

wichtounet wrote:
Beskaius wrote:
Niinimaki wrote:
Could this build do Hall of the Grandmasters? Has anyone tried it? I'm curious to know.

deathless farming

Really? What about the unkillable dude with max block/spell block and all the CWDT and Aegis?

is the way :P
Beskaius wrote:

is the way :P

That's what I thought :P

My stream: https://www.twitch.tv/m_bison__
Hohenheim_ wrote:
doduytan wrote:
@Hohenheim_ @mrpetrov
so after switch to 2h sword.How many APS we should aim for?
And Do we need "increased cooldown recovery speed"?

I am aiming for 6.0 APS, as any more would be difficult to get and come at the cost of valuable stats. Therefore no CDR required.

The dream would be to get to 7.5 APS, but that would require max rolled attack speed on almost everything and potentially double/triple attack speed jewels (again, forgoing crit multi, life and other stats).

For me, I think the sweet spot is to get 6.0 APS without conditional buffs, negating the need to "charge up" your attack speed before bosses. So no Frenzy Charges, Blood Rage, Ice Golem and Onslaught.

However, waying up the pros and cons of each, I think only Ice Golem is going to go. Frenzy Charges add 12% more damage (which is huge for my character), Blood Rage is currently my only way of getting Frenzy charges but sucks otherwise and Onslaught just feels good, more movement speed is so nice.

I'm just curious why you would aim for 6aps when switching to a 2h. Isn't the reason for going 3.75 w/ CDR because of using cyclone which hits twice and have no relation to what you are wielding?
Daegon wrote:
mrpetrov wrote:
xNagato wrote:

Where do i go from here? xD

Do i craft -prefixes cannot be changed and then scour? or craft then slam dat Zalt

Hmm, not sure this is the best rolls for an assassin CoC build.

You must be able to craft hits can't be evaded, and the frenzy charge is wasted for a build that doesn't really need an extra frenzy charge. Similarly the movement speed is a nice quality of life, but it certainly isn't anywhere near best in slot for this build.

Honestly, I would scour and keep alt-aug'ing until you get an 18 or 16 Cast on Crit and a S1 or S2 at worst 20% chance for double damage/~20% IAS.

Hi there, I have been following this thread closely for a while taking note of the more knowledgable guys - you caught my attention not only because of this but because you too are an Ascendant like me, despite this being an Assassin build thread. I have also tried to adapt and apply different ideas from this thread due to it being much more active and the OP being so thorough in his guide. I noticed your character progression as well - I believe you were running a Farruls, dual Cospri and Avatar of Fire setup before - now you have switched to the 2h sword setup. I assume you also had the standard Lycosidae setup before.

I have some questions if you wouldn't mind taking the time to answer please? :

1. How would you compare your latest setup with EE and the 2h sword to previous configs you tried? DPS and survivability wise?

2. I have been trying to craft my 2hander to try this setup -

a) On rolls like this do you think its worth the cost of a craicic chimeral (90c) to imprint for two regal chances instead of one?

b) Since the crit roll gets multimodded anyway my crafting process so far is alt / aug only for CoC, AS + double dmg, and/or high crit roll. If either of the 2 main desirable affixes hit I then regal (even if a shit affix is present) and if I actually hit both mods I will take the 33% annul chance? Or did you ONLY alt aug until both mods are present, prefix and suffix - no regaling?

3. I noticed you have a lot of AS on crit jewels as well as silver flask - but no cooldown recovery - does that get you just under 3.0 APS? If I adopt your setup I need to plan since I am hesitant to change my boots I spent so long rolling - for 2 socket bubonics.. Plus I am perfect triple wise oak balanced and exactly 3.74 attack rate with 14% cooldown recovery currently..

You are not fond of the blasphemy / enfeeble setup and prefer the warlords mark on hit setup - how much of a survivability hit is it? I am lvl 95 and just trying to get a couple more levels without dying.. I figured enfeeble + spider aspect was the way to go.. I do have both enchants (40% ice nova dmg and 30% enfeeble effect both on shaper helms) available to switch if need be.

b) I noticed you tried going for second curse on the tree before - not worth the points?

5. Do you think the Pure Talent jewel is worth using for us to get more crit since we are not Assassins?

6. Would you mind critiquing my character please? (Naiyobi, Ascendant) - in light of the above questions as well.. any advice going forward, and whether its worth me still trying to craft this 2hander?

Please note: I have 3W Lyco so been switching between whirling blades, Leap Slam and Shield charge. Also tried Dread Banner for the longest time - where VRF currently is. I do have 20/20 Conc but put fortify in the main setup for more safety.. I have not tried the Discipline setup yet - my jewels are all really needed and I dont have space for the Watcher eye nor do I think I could afford it right now

Here are extra items in my stash available for swapping (besides what you can see me wearing on my profile) :

I really appreciate your time.

Hi Daegon!

I’m actually on a work trip for two days with only my phone with me, so I can’t effectiveky view characters or PoBs - I’d be delighted to help when I’m back.

I bought my sword, I didn’t craft it myself, sorry!

I really like the 2H setup, more than the others. I did 83 mastermind deathless quite easily and even Uber isn’t bad as long as you don’t get cyclone locked and ball smashed (the only big risk really). The dual cospris and avatar of fire stuff was me just kicking around with other (failed) ideas.

Second curse wasn’t worth it even when my avatar of fire build was pathing right by it, so certainly not now.

Pure talent isn’t worth it for us. Check PoB and see what you think?

With a two handed weapon you need to aim for 6aps with no CDR because you have two spells in your coc setup, so coc alternates between them with each coc proc (so you need to attack twice as fast). Going for 7.5aps with 14+% cdr isn’t worth the sacrifices you need to make.

As for enfeeble, that’s personal choice. I only die to Uber and enfeeble doesn’t really stop me getting ball slammed to death if I play poorly anyway.

What content are you doing?
itam wrote:
Hi there, so I read in your guide, when having 14%+ Cooldown belt you want 3.75 APS with cyclone and to achieve that you said 14% APS Cospri with onslaught flask and no other attack speed anywhere else, does that mean we lose starkonjas? =o

When I pop my onslaught flask I go from 3.5 APS to 4 APS, and that 70 dex from stark is a huge hit x.x

is it ok to hit 8APS vs single target bosses?
Hi all,

I spent some Ex on multicraft on some items I think is worth, what do you think? What should I improve?


I have Watcher's Eye with Life gain on hit with Vitality and -8 Cost of skills with clarity, that's why I have 4 auras (Herald of Ice, Vitality, Clarity lvl1 and Aspect of the Spider), I had some mana problems without -8 cost mana on ring.

Have 3.71 APS, 7,3k HP and around 600ES.

mrpetrov wrote:

Hi Daegon!

I’m actually on a work trip for two days with only my phone with me, so I can’t effectiveky view characters or PoBs - I’d be delighted to help when I’m back.

I bought my sword, I didn’t craft it myself, sorry!

I really like the 2H setup, more than the others. I did 83 mastermind deathless quite easily and even Uber isn’t bad as long as you don’t get cyclone locked and ball smashed (the only big risk really). The dual cospris and avatar of fire stuff was me just kicking around with other (failed) ideas.

Second curse wasn’t worth it even when my avatar of fire build was pathing right by it, so certainly not now.

Pure talent isn’t worth it for us. Check PoB and see what you think?

With a two handed weapon you need to aim for 6aps with no CDR because you have two spells in your coc setup, so coc alternates between them with each coc proc (so you need to attack twice as fast). Going for 7.5aps with 14+% cdr isn’t worth the sacrifices you need to make.

As for enfeeble, that’s personal choice. I only die to Uber and enfeeble doesn’t really stop me getting ball slammed to death if I play poorly anyway.

What content are you doing?

Hey mate, thank you for taking the time to reply :) Would you be able to view items if I directly linked them here in my post? As for my tree it is very similar to yours but currently pathed from Shadow start and not from Duelist's - I am quite interested in your take on pathing from Duelist instead to get more life and range on cyclone.. your tree seems quite optimized, would you say it's your best iteration so far?

As for content - I have never attempted Uber Elder. I have always preferred straight mapping to bossing and the fact that going for UE messes up one's elder square / shaped strategy etc has always been prohibitive to me.. It especially sucks because I have two perfectly placed shaper strongholds for containing influence top left corner and chaining elder underground seas... so that and some delving is mainly the content I do..

Wish we could have a dual atlas setup or something so I would more readily attempt some Uber Elder..

IGN : Drahmin (Legion SC League)
Timezone : GMT(+2:00) South African Standard Time
Legion Crafting Service thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2568765
Standard Crafting Thread (For Vouches) : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2207913/page/1
Can this build work off 5ex? And if it can, what should my priorities be?
CyberMike13 wrote:
Can this build work off 5ex? And if it can, what should my priorities be?

I always prioritize 5ex over PoE.
Niinimaki wrote:
Could this build do Hall of the Grandmasters? Has anyone tried it? I'm curious to know.

I did it, died 1 or 2 times, but I was just diving everything.

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