[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

guys i can't sustain mana with out thief's torment. what should i do?
FilthyMonkey wrote:
Herald of ice is better for clear, what with exploding packs. The build doesn't really need that much help with pack clear though. Zealotry is more damage, particularly if you start involving watcher's eyes. Consecrated ground is pretty nice to have too. Hatred is even more damage than zealotry, if you want to go that route. No consecrated ground though, and it is a little less multiplayer friendly to all the chaos occultists.

Keep in mind, the actual build guide as posted calls for a ESoH watcher's eye and discipline. I am not really following that part, and am running acro+phase acro as an extra layer of defense instead.

I just spawned and killed another uber elder. No problems. Dropped the following. Not useless, but not really big money.

Edit: Just killed an uber-atziri like it was a normal atziri too. It wasn't even a fight. Worthless armor atziri's splendor dropped.

Many thanks for your tips, I just got my first uber elder down today!

(The watcher's eye wasnt a huge one sadly (Just noticed this thing is worth less than 50c rip))

Last edited by Jaay#5503 on Mar 29, 2019, 8:01:02 PM
Grats! Exciting to see a watcher's eye too, even if it isn't a very good one. I think the one I got and posted above sold for 2 ex.

I do suggest kaom's roots, just to avoid getting caught in the slow. Tougher when your vortex setup is in the boots though. I also swap out my basalt for a sapphire flask.
Last edited by FilthyMonkey#0591 on Mar 30, 2019, 10:39:20 AM
I cant stay alive at guardians, it could be my level being too low but I'm not sre. My boss DPS seems way too low to handle them and life flask isnt enough to survive the fights. I'm not sure what am I doing wrong, could appreciate some advice.
Your damage should be perfectly workable.

PoB shows my damage per ice nova as 120k with power charges, chill, and flasks up. Yours shows at 117k. Admittedly, if I take off the very conditional CWDT frost bomb on yours, which isn't on mine, it goes down to 97k. If you use your ring shock though, it should be pretty close to mine. Your gems aren't fully leveled either, so you have some extra room to grow there.

I am not doing the RF thing for more spell damage either. I tried it, but eh. I felt like I would rather just use the sockets for other things. Pop that, and should be another damage boost over me.

I recorded a quick video of myself doing a chicken nugget man map. I rolled it until it had a couple of damage mods too, so it wouldn't be anything too super safe. You get to watch me expertly misclick the portal a bunch of times, so that is fun. I don't instagib the boss or anything, but it really isn't any more than five seconds or so of cycloning. People who do use the ring shock, have a damage 6'th link, and maybe manually cast frostbomb could do it in two seconds I am sure.


When it comes to defenses I have about 1k hp on you, acro/phase acro, and fortify in my actual 6L instead of a shield charge. If you get some levels you can definitely overtake me in hp with the scion life wheel though.
Last edited by FilthyMonkey#0591 on Mar 30, 2019, 1:51:38 PM
guys? can someone answer me about the mana sustain? can't sustaine mana without the mana on hit ring. I get stuck without mana at bosses and die.
Be careful with blood rage. It can easily push your attack speed into misaligning with CoC cooldowns.

As for mana sustain, I personally just keep arcane surge up, and use a -7 mana cost on my ring. You can see in my video it works well enough. Arcane surge + the life/decreased cost nodes on the left of the tree should also be fine.

If you still really can't deal with it, you could spend two points to pick up mind drinker.
Last edited by FilthyMonkey#0591 on Mar 30, 2019, 3:17:34 PM
Got wings, build done.
Next upgrade probably will be corrupted chest +1 gems/inc dmg and +1 curse amulet (but gl with that).

+ mapping items
Can someone please explain where we get movement speed (apart from boots) in this build? POB shows the end game build has something like +140% MS modifier where with my set up I’m only around 22%! I’ve probably missed something really obvious but I’m not zipping from pack to pack at all like on the GIF . Thanks
It is the quicksilver flask, mainly. I use phase run as well, but not everybody does.

Also, you've got some baller equipment there shockwave. I mean, shit, your headhunter alone is worth more than everything I am wearing combined.
Last edited by FilthyMonkey#0591 on Mar 30, 2019, 7:54:01 PM

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