[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]

@grindst0ne - thanks man, appreciate the time taken to help. The updated tree you provided looks great, doing these changes tonight. Also I can't believe I've been using controlled destruction this entire time over conc effect.. bloody hell. /facepalm
Last edited by killbotgamer#4084 on Aug 9, 2019, 7:26:40 PM
@ grindst0ne Thx again will try that tree once i get some regrets
grindst0ne wrote:
aastr wrote:
What's the exact breakpoint on APS for optimal proccing? At the moment I'm sat at 7.42 APS with dual cospri's, is that too much?

You should be close but not over 7.5, so this is very good.

is this in game screen or what pob has for aps? in game screen im at 7.63

pob says 7.49
Last edited by dragnmith1#2944 on Aug 10, 2019, 2:55:59 AM
dragnmith1 wrote:
grindst0ne wrote:
aastr wrote:
What's the exact breakpoint on APS for optimal proccing? At the moment I'm sat at 7.42 APS with dual cospri's, is that too much?

You should be close but not over 7.5, so this is very good.

is this in game screen or what pob has for aps? in game screen im at 7.63

pob says 7.49

They should match, so there has to be a reason for the difference :-).

I feel my damage isn't as high as it should be. Appreciate if anyone can comment on my build.



You should be close but not over 7.5, so this is very good.[/quote]

is this in game screen or what pob has for aps? in game screen im at 7.63

pob says 7.49[/quote]

They should match, so there has to be a reason for the difference :-).[/quote]

ok switched around my timeless jewel n my frozen trail n now in game 7.46 n pob 7.49 cant find out any other diffrence in tree so i dont know y lol but thx again for info

Same problem as many new users of this build.

My damage is lackluster.
I can clear T15 maps with ease but bosses die very slowly.

Could someone analyze my PoB please ?
Thank you.


IGN: Cyanyx
Qmabyte wrote:

Same problem as many new users of this build.

My damage is lackluster.
I can clear T15 maps with ease but bosses die very slowly.

Could someone analyze my PoB please ?
Thank you.


i ran your char thru pob n what i found is the Pandamonious amulet will actually give you about 6.6k more dps then the one your wearing..also more cold res which you are little below.. plus blind enemies also try conc instead of elemental focus in chest also i belive... your crit multi will go down abit but those changes would still be alot more dps then what you have now i belive
Last edited by dragnmith1#2944 on Aug 11, 2019, 4:24:08 AM
Done with this char for now.

tree + gear -https://pastebin.com/AdBJ73TW

Last edited by danciderus#6456 on Aug 11, 2019, 4:32:17 PM
danciderus wrote:
Done with this char for now.

tree + gear -https://pastebin.com/AdBJ73TW


Jeeezus! Your gear mate is insane! How much ex did you invest? 150+?

@Danciderus, is eternity shroud the way to go if you want to go max dps?
Last edited by illuminate89#6553 on Aug 11, 2019, 6:39:07 PM

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