Being an adult sucks

IIPheXII wrote:
Boem wrote:

It's a fair answer but misses my point.

Depending on social/cultural upbringing, inclination of character and age answers will vary.

Which makes the whole "i judge you responsible or not" meaningless.



Just watch some documentary about animals, parents are responsible for feeding and defending their children. Specially on mammals familiar ones and members of the pack go first.

That's a natural fact. Specially on species whose females can't give birth more than one or twice.

If your honestly interested in animal behaviour then you should know that in things like monkey packs if a new alpha male comes forth that he can go on a killing spree killing all the baby monkey's, even as far as to stress the female pregnant monkeys so they have a misscarry.

And that the female monkey's have no such protective behaviour. If anything it's the older females that tend to defend the children. I assume because they can no longer have children, therefore offspring is more important to them then to a healthy female.

so much for documentary's.

But again, irrelevant to my point.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:

If your honestly interested in animal behaviour then you should know that in things like monkey packs if a new alpha male comes forth that he can go on a killing spree killing all the baby monkey's, even as far as to stress the female pregnant monkeys so they have a misscarry.

And that the female monkey's have no such protective behaviour. If anything it's the older females that tend to defend the children. I assume because they can no longer have children, therefore offspring is more important to them then to a healthy female.

so much for documentary's.

But again, irrelevant to my point.



But do new alpha males kill their own baby monkeys?

If not mistaken they kill others to ensure they are the ones to reproduce and that all resources are destined to his offspring as well as reducing their competence which means increasing their survaival chances.

If anything it confirms my first point that biological family goes first.
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
Last edited by IIPheXII on Jan 25, 2019, 7:29:17 PM
IIPheXII wrote:
Boem wrote:

If your honestly interested in animal behaviour then you should know that in things like monkey packs if a new alpha male comes forth that he can go on a killing spree killing all the baby monkey's, even as far as to stress the female pregnant monkeys so they have a misscarry.

And that the female monkey's have no such protective behaviour. If anything it's the older females that tend to defend the children. I assume because they can no longer have children, therefore offspring is more important to them then to a healthy female.

so much for documentary's.

But again, irrelevant to my point.



But do new alpha males kill their own baby monkeys?

If not mistaken they kill others to ensure they are the ones to reproduce and that all resources are destined to his offspring as well as reducing their competence which means increasing their survaival chances.

If anything it confirms my first point that biological family goes first.

Read what i responded to please.

-parents are responsible for feeding and defending their children.
(female allows child to be killed in order to survive herself if young and capable of multiple other children)

-Specially on mammals familiar ones and members of the pack go first.
(baby monkeys are part of the pack right?)

And yes it is to "secure" his off-spring.

And i have to ask, why this off-topic discussion? I already told you your answer is as good as any.

If you dont think that moral and ethics differ between cultures and social groups and as a consequence the concept of "taking your responsibility" is also different for many people then that's fine?

You want to argue there is one single definition of "taking responsibility" for the entire human collective, be my guest.

It's a fine challenge like any other and many philosophers will surely be happy if you find a conclusion.



edit : if behavioral biology interest's you, then do a youtube search on robert sapolsky, he's a gifted lecturer and has an entire course online.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Jan 25, 2019, 8:01:18 PM
I'm talking about responsability coming from natural duty to protect your own.

Human societies ofc have a more diluded sense of "duty" and therefore "responsability" as both are linked.

Primal "duty" imo is clear, and that's survival and progress of family/kind.

Since today's society is more like a colony a lot more duties are with the colony than with yourself but in which order they go in the worst case scenarios is the one i stated.

And yes, you could bring soldiers or the "warrior class" that dies for the rest and what should they do in case they have to choose between nation and family. If i remember correctly it was Plato in the book "The Republic" where he stated that the warrior class ideally should renounce to have family as that creates a responsability conflict. If not mistaken yet again part of the militar training is making your teamm8s and your nation your true family.
"In this game you're just a cow being milked, not a human being entertained" - Kiss_Me_Quick
IIPheXII wrote:
If i remember correctly it was Plato in the book "The Republic" where he stated that the warrior class ideally should renounce to have family as that creates a responsability conflict.
I've never bought this kind of logic. Family is an investment in society that goes beyond individual death, so why have soldiers, the occupation most likely to die in carrying out their professional duty, renounce such investment?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
My brain has counteracted being adultified by refusing to adult 90% of the time. 10% I set up auto pay, doctor visits and have anxiety and stress, the rest of the time I'm little and do what I want.

Kinda sucks without my responsible adult around to make sure I eat and stuff but the 40 pounds I've lost since September doesn't seem to mind.

Don't take advice from me :)
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....

Think it's bad now? Wait until you start becoming old and rickety.
kolyaboo wrote:
John Grammaticus wrote:
You just wait girl, I tell you, if being an adult sucks, being a double adult sucks even more. I can't fucking wait until retirement.

For real! I spend about 10 hrs a day working on my business and it is NOT fun. But I want to have money so I CAN retire so ....

I've spent 5 years working about 250 hours per month, it nearly destroyed me. It gave me a bit of savings but it's hilarious by western standards. 3 years with no vacation in a row and now I am asking myself if it was worth it, there were opportunities that will never return no matter what. Now I am in my mid 30s, the later half and I still can't figure if I'm brave enough to chase my revenue dream or dumb enough to actually do it.

And I also find it hilarious how I_NO can trigger a massive philosophical discussion in her shitposts,, damn what a talent haha
Be ready. You're not paranoid, you're PREPARED.

I quit this game every few months and so should you to continue playing it in the future.

The device is believed to have been dropped
We all have our own experiences that are valid, and that the end of the day we are the ones dealing with whatever adult responsibility shit we have going on. Some of it is crushingly hard.

But -

Just having those responsibilities is a type of self-determination some people spend years gaining, or regaining. Often they only gain it with other people supporting them and teaching them how to self-advocate for things like control over their own finances, independent living, pursuing a vocation, and medical treatment. I'd rather be resentful of my responsibilities than have them taken from me because I'm deemed not capable of having them.


And I also find it hilarious how I_NO can trigger a massive philosophical discussion in her shitposts,, damn what a talent haha

XD Agreed.

鬼殺し wrote:

I was being dead serious, unless you're referring to my exemplary World War 1 service record, in which case, don't blame me, blame the bonespurs that held me back from single-handedly beating the Viet Cong in Tobruk!

...And you shoved TWO great book references in. Impressive.

forsooth :)
I am curious. Which part sucks.

Also, while it may suck for you, there are plenty who have a much less worse life once they are emancipated.

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