[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)
" You have a closed loop below the shadow start, so you could drop two travelling nodes there and pick up a bit more life in the Purity of Flesh cluster. |
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how come some of you are crossing 40k evasion? I'm barely touching 14k, can someone take a look at my gear and point me in the right direction, Please?
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" Ohh shit, didnt even notice! thanks man! |
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" You don't have a Bane setup. I'd probably look into getting a Devouring Diadem so you can swap your auras to the helm and squeeze in Zealotry as well as saving a few points from EB. Then you can put Bane on gloves and drop Essence Drain. The Whispers of Doom is wasted if you're not applying dual curses. Probably drop blasphemy too and have Bane linked to Despair and Temp Chains with Efficacy. " It's literally 3 posts above yours. You need to use flasks to hit that evasion amount. Two stibnites is redundant; if you plan on keeping Witchfire Brew then drop the other stibnite for ideally a well rolled Alchemist's Jade Flask of Reflexes. You can roll of Heat on your QS flask. |
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Thanks any other opnions on what i can upgrade and change =]
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I’m loving the damage this build does, but it still feels kinda squishy. I get 1 shot pretty often in red maps. Can someone suggest a way to improve my survivability?
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" Eventually switching to crafted weapons with multimod or a crafted bow. Also save for a Malevolence Watcher's Eye but all those are currently outside your listed budget. " The reason for using Ahn's Heritage is to use two of the Fragility jewels for permanent Onslaught. If you're not using those, you might as well roll a rare shield with life, mana, resists. Your rare ring has really low life and no mana. Since you're taking Acrobatics, you need to focus more on evasion, and your helm, gloves and chest are all ES pieces. You want big evasion there to help mitigate the incoming hits. Life rolls on the helmet and gloves are also low. |
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I wanted to come say thank you for the build and guide.
I am a total noob at POE and am using this for my first character ever and play on the PS4. I am moving slowly through the game and am near the end of Act 3 and working on the ascendancy test. Had my first deaths in this labyrinth as those traps can hurt if you aren’t paying attention! But that’s the thing. This build is easy and solid. I’m using the beginners life +MOM build and it’s not the enemies that are difficult, it’s the traps that got me lol. Anyway, I know I’m moving way slower than all you experienced players and am overleveled (40) but am just now hitting the phase where I can make the build work. Soulrend is doing pretty well already with just a crummy 4 link (SR, Efficacy, Void manipulation + Lesser projectile). And bane 3 link (+1 chaos wand, bane, despair, void manipulation). My only criticism would be that for a total noob like myself, it took a lot to get to the point where the guide really starts. The first 2 acts were touch and go using other guides and resources trying to figure out what skills to use and how. For more experienced players it’s not an issue because you’re all running through that phase in a couple hours. Anyway, overall it’s been a fun experience and I’m enjoying melting hordes with bane and looking forward to when I can start linking extra curses and getting SR really rolling (it’s already strong). Thank you! Last edited by Haleray#7315 on Apr 5, 2019, 11:41:15 AM
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This is the first time im actually playing poe and not quitting after 3 days and im loving it, this build makes me want to play this game all days. But im having a problem i want to upgrade my build but i dont know how to 21k dps tooltip and that is without greater multiple projectiles, what do i upgrade. And i've seen people here using the legendary helmet the diadem is it worth it? Please help me i have open profile so check my char. Will love any feedback :) |
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" Dont trust the ingame tooltip, get path of building and import your character there. I also noticed in your talent tree that you are wasting 1 talent point, you can reach EB with just 4 point if you go from the other side and use that point in revenge of the hunted. To improve your damage you need to get better weapons. See if 2x wands with spell power, cast speed, non ailment chaos damage multi and chaos damage + chaos skill increased duration mod are better than your current setup. |
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