Stress Free PoE| HOLY RIGHTEOUS FIRE |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas[3.6]
" Regarding your question, yes, the information I put in the Vortex guide regarding Curse on Hit applies to ALL Curse on Hit situations in PoE. It's not specific to the Vortex build. You bring up a good point and I'll be sure to add that statement to my other guides that use Curse on Hit. I'm glad you pointed it out. So, to explain Curse on Hit thoroughly, it seems contradicting to CwDT rules...but it isn't. Here: For CwDT to cast a skill, that skill has to be within the level requirement stated by CwDT. Support gems are not limited to the CwDT requirements because they aren't being casted. They just support the casted skill. Since Curse on Hit Support is a Support Gem, we can level it as high as we want. Now, Curse on Hit is unique in the way that it acts. It essentially takes a Curse, which is an active skill, and turns that curse into a support for the skill that CwDT is casting. When all linked together, Curse on Hit basically tells CwDT not to cast the linked Curse...Curse on Hit will take care of it ;). SOOOOO, here's where the level requirement comes into play; if your curse is within the requirements of CwDT's casting levels, it'll try and cast the linked Curse...but fail because it conflicts with Curse on Hit's rules. Only once the curse is a higher level than the linked CwDT will CwDT stop trying to cast it...allowing it to be a "support" gem. Does that make sense or is it clear as mud? Thanks again for such a thoughtful post :). I appreciate the time you took to pass it on to me. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Now it totally makes sense, although I have to admit, that I would have never understood it on my own. Like a lot of other game mechanics, it's rather not too intuitive. What a long way of learning I still have ahead...
Thank you very much for taking your time, for opening gates and for building bridges. You are indispensable :) Overwhelmed by Path of Exile? You might want to have a look at Wrecker_of_Days' beginner-friendly guides. One-click-wonders that do not require any specific items to conquer the campaign and the Atlas:
"Good. I'm glad it makes sense. Don't feel bad about learning stuff. The game is always improving (changing) so even people that have played forever are always learning too. I just learned through my Cursin' Vortex guide's thread that the Arcane Vision node on the passive tree (not applicable for this build) never applies to characters with Chaos Innoculation. And that's not something that has changed recently. Who knew! And thank you again :). You are very kind. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Nice build, I am at lvl 90 as of today and enjoy the laid back game play this build offers. Only thing I changed in the build was doing away with flame dash and went with a lvl 3 enlighten support for our auras as this helps with the manna trouble if you love to cast your totems a lot during hard battles. I don't use movement skills due to having Satellite Internet, with a ping of 650ms rubber banding is bad for me using movement skills.
I was going to go with Kaom's Heart when I got to endgame but I have over 8k hp and I love having my totems so I went with a 6 link Craiceann's Carapace my favorite armor by the way. It has great stats all around. And to add you keep crab barriers with RF so that is nice if you get in a hard fight and want to use aspect of the crab. Would like to thank Wrecker_of_Days for this build and a job well done. Going to be trying your other builds as well! :) |
"Hey Quicksilver27025, Thanks a lot! I'm a fan of a laid back PoE experience myself too :). I also am not a huge fan of movement skills. Most of the time I forget I have them as I use flasks to escape most of the time. I'm glad to hear that you've found something that works for you with your internet situation! Craiceann's is an awesome chest piece. 6 linking money bags you... Thank you very much for commenting and taking the time to be encouraging :). If you have suggestions for the guide(s) or build(s) please let me know. (Good job hitting 90 playing all laid back.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
If any gear works, what about using doedre armor or covenant?
I know doedre skin suits more with Occultists, but they do not interest me currently. Covenant is for blood magic. I heard chieftains are quite mana hungry. |
"Hey MacawLover, Any uniques work as long as you're staying alive. But the BIGGEST mod on gear for RF is Life. If you're unique doesn't give great life, it better give a HUGE benefit instead. I find Chest pieces the riskiest to have as a unique with an RF build because a Rare Chest can have SO much health on it. Chieftains are only as mana hungry as the skills. Totems are mana heavy...but mana is such an easy issue to overcome. A couple good mana regen mods and you won't even notice mana costs with a 5 link. 6 linking totems is always mana heavy. But anytime you 6 link ANYTHING, you should always be prepared for the cost. Thanks for the post! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Checked the price. Rare armors with 100+ life aren't expensive.
But since I acquired doedre's skin, it has always occupied too much stash space. Nobody tries to buy it as well. It makes me use it, and I like off meta. If I use doedre armor, I should stick to a staff since all the curses go to my armor. So links are... Searing Touch Lathi - all the totem gems Doedre armor- all the curse gems Rare Helmet - CWDT+Purifying flame rare Gloves - Auras and Enduring cry Rare Boots - CWDT+Golem+Molten shell It makes me abandon either the movement skill or righteous fire. Since I dislike movement skills I'll try to use the latter with it. If I die too much with a unique piece of armor, then I'll buy a rare one like you. Thank you! |
Is it worth using a 5-link searing touch to replace the 2 3-link weapon/shield? I'm playing ssf so there is low chance of me finding another usable unique, or 6-linking it...
"Awesome! Seems fun! I couldn't see your setup online, do you have the ability to cast all those totems or do they cancel each other out and you use them situationally? Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast