News of the horrific shooting is making its way to the US.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Kellog wrote:
What do you believe is driving the rise of right-wing populist parties around the world. Parties like those of Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro or even Trump. Why do you suppose that 'leaders' such as these, more often than not, refuse to condemn acts of terrorism perpetrated by white supremacists.

Also, who do you believe funds white supremacist groups around the world, who is it that provides the ideas that percolate down to the grass-root level supports like those found in places like this forum or r/The_Donald. /r/Conservative.
What incidents of white supremacist terrorism do you think those leaders have refused to condemn?

Who is it that you think funds white supremacist groups around the world? Bizarro Soros?

I collect my Soros bucks every week. Whose money do you take?
Kellog wrote:
A nationwide or worldwide, organized white supremacist terror network would be a problem, yes. There's no evidence of such a thing existing though. There's no evidence of this hit being perpetrated by an organized team either. It's just one guy who went off the rocker and found a reason to do what he did, nothing more.

No worldwide "threat" here, sorry. Just an individual tragedy.

What do you believe is driving the rise of right-wing populist parties around the world. Parties like those of Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro or even Trump. Why do you suppose that 'leaders' such as these, more often than not, refuse to condemn acts of terrorism perpetrated by white supremacists.

Also, who do you believe funds white supremacist groups around the world, who is it that provides the ideas that percolate down to the grass-root level supports like those found in places like this forum or r/The_Donald. /r/Conservative.


I didn't say anything about an organised network or team. The idea that ideologies need to be be formalised into official structures and representatives in order to be dangerous is bizarre.

Then you must live in permanent fear, for there a TON of unorganized ideologies out there that can be classified as "dangerous".
There are a lot of such problems in the world, yes, but I'm lucky enough to not have to face most of them, because of who I am and where I live. It is just luck though, and it's important not to let my relative personal safety lead to forgetting or denying that those problems exist.

When you get out of your safe zone and into the really real world, you'll learn that when you're cornered by a grizzly, a wolf and a wild boar you won't be paying attention to the rabid dog that's locked inside your car.
When you get out of your safe zone and into the really real world, you'll learn that when you're cornered by a grizzly, a wolf and a wild boar you won't be paying attention to the rabid dog that's locked inside your car.
Oh right, the really real world, where we dismiss mass-murders as nonexistent with meaningless disconnected metaphors. Silly me. I'll get there eventually.
Kellog wrote:
A nationwide or worldwide, organized white supremacist terror network would be a problem, yes. There's no evidence of such a thing existing though. There's no evidence of this hit being perpetrated by an organized team either. It's just one guy who went off the rocker and found a reason to do what he did, nothing more.

No worldwide "threat" here, sorry. Just an individual tragedy.

What do you believe is driving the rise of right-wing populist parties around the world. Parties like those of Orban, Salvini, Bolsonaro or even Trump. Why do you suppose that 'leaders' such as these, more often than not, refuse to condemn acts of terrorism perpetrated by white supremacists.

Also, who do you believe funds white supremacist groups around the world, who is it that provides the ideas that percolate down to the grass-root level supports like those found in places like this forum or r/The_Donald. /r/Conservative.


Pretty much what I expected.
Just popping in to say sorry that this happened to you, NZ.
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Nizaris1 wrote:
Nope, surely you don't know the history of European colonialism, it was under "God, Gold and Glory" banner. Christianity didn't spread around the world peacefully and it is HISTORICAL FACT that Christianity come into my country trough guns and cannons. The first church in my country was built on top of the ashes of the king's palace, and my people who refused to convert are crucified along the beach of Melaka in 1511 AD

Did a quick search, that event was related to the crusades and crusades had little to do with Christianity itself. Religion was just another political spear.

Regardless, that's how Christianity spread to South East Asia, don't act all innocent. of course Crusades started by the catholic, but after Christianity gain foot hold in SEA, other Christian sects follows.

How Christianity come to New Zealand? By missionaries who follow the Dutch colonizer
I am condolenced to New Zealand. Any terrorist attacks lead to nothing except grief. I sincerely understand (

My English is at the level of the translator Google, I'm sorry.

And regarding the attacks:
Such a coincidence - Today is the 5th anniversary of how Crimeans took their suitcases, their peninsula, and left Ukraine.
I am Russian and I am a Crimean and I voted in a referendum for Russia peacefully and without threats - but no country asked for the crimes of the United States, Britain, Germany, or France against the Russians in Ukraine.

Do you resent unsatisfied air strikes, French, Germans, Americans? Have you seen the streets dotted with corpses, not thanks to terrorists, but thanks to the army set up by the government?

In your smelly "news" do not show what the pro-Western authorities did in Ukraine in 2014 ...

Do you imagine your mom bleeding with hands and legs torn off? So look how you feel about Russian:
[Removed by Support]

All good and good luck !!! Everyone should have a chance in life, but not like that! And the American Democracy will boomerang back to the "democrats" even without us Russians.
Last edited by Kieran_GGG on Mar 18, 2019, 3:45:43 PM
Ya'll's "mentally stable" person just punched a kid in the face.

That seems a normal reaction to a harmless prank.

As an aside, I have had a pie thrown at me (which is worse than an egg) and I didn't punch the thrower.

kolyaboo wrote:

I didn't think his reaction was an overreaction. Someone comes up behind you and smacks the back of your head, turning around and slapping them once is fair. Then the boy tensed up for a right hook and the senator grabbed him, then they were split up. The video shows this all very clearly.

The only gross part was, after the boy was held down, someone kicked him. That was completely over the line.

Words are not equivalent to violence, and the boy had zero valid justification for attacking the senator. Lots of people hate what he said, myself included -- still doesn't make violence okay.
The guy who was hit with the egg is a known white supremacist Nazi. Nazis deserve ALL of the eggs.

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