(3.14) Toxic Rain + Caustic Arrow | 5-10m Sirus DPS | Fast + Durable | 50c Budget/SSF Uber Elder
I'm trying to figure out a priority list for what to improve.
I only have about 5-6ex to my name right now, and figured upgrading my bow is the biggest thing to do. So is the bow crafting guide on the first page still best to follow, for both the essence craft or the 5-6ex multi mod craft? Just wondering since saw the previous post mentioning fossil crafting. What other purchases should I look at following that? Vertex is still quite expensive at 2ex (someone said few pages ago that price should drop), so was planning on waiting before buying that. Thanks for the help. |
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" As is said in the guide "This method no longer works" Thats why i mentioned fossil crafting because its the best way to get a +3 bow. You will almost always get it withing the first few tries. I think this is the cheapest and strongest upgrade you can go for. If you want to get a bow like the one in the guide you're going to get a worse version for a lot more money So that leads me to think that for the very endgame the very best bow would be a fossil crafted one with +1 to socketed gems +2 to bow gems and +1 to dex and strenght gems. |
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Thanks for the build idea. I am using this right now. Here is my interpretation of it : PoB Link https://pastebin.com/6sKr8PBY
I have this bow ready to be 6 linked: I am streaming right now if somebody wants to see it in action: https://www.twitch.tv/nonex1337 |
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I am over 10ex into my TR/CA build (check profile) now and doing even t12+ maps bosses and deep delirium mobs start to feel uncomfortably tanky.
How can people tell, that you can do ALL content on budget with CA/TR? When you try to kill bosses in 20 minutes, maybe. I must be playing a different game. I have a 6L/21TR with a +3 bow, rest of the gear if fine too. Yes, my CA is still 5L, but it's meant to be supplementary damage on bosses and clearing, when TR is raining down with mirage archer. Still can't imagine doing highest juiced maps comfortably, not to mention on a bugdget. |
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" Yeah I read that part too but it continues on to say "it doesn't get you a fully modded bow" so I assumed it still got you the +3 and such. Guess I'll look into fossil crafting, all these people posting their bows, is that what you guys did? I will likely look into crafting one tomorrow if I plan to continue with this build. |
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" Your build is nowhere near complete. Your bow isn't a +3 as you said, its a +2, what you need to look for is +2 support gems +1 all gems, you have no quality in every single gem (important AF for damage), you are not using empower on your bow (that's a shit load of damage too), you are not using the extra pod flask neither Witchfire Brew, which both give extra damage. You are running a bow with extra poison damage, do you realize this build doesen't scale with poison? On your jewels you have 0 extra damage, like literally 0, you spammed so much attack speed that i don't think it matters anymore, if i where you i would get rid of those and stack life, damage over time and chaos damage in the jewels. There's a point where attack speed doesen't get better (at least from what i've tried) and you got there quite fast. Try yourself, shoot your TR, take some of your att speed and shoot it again. You'll find out the speed is almost (if not) the same. I've done all the content with this guide last league (including sirus awk8 and the other strong bosses), never felt as tanky and powerfull as this build with such a small investment. Obviously don't expect to do T16 with a 5ex build, because that wont happen, but you got really far for your investment, because 5ex for most meta builds is literally 1 piece of gear. You can check my equipment here: " Ended up spending a bit more on the build and then finished the league. Can't say much more, im probably missing something here aswell that would give you damage so let's see what the others say. Edit: Another thing you could switch is full life support. I wasn't comfortable using it in high tier maps because i sometimes found myself at 80% hp and the whole gem damage was wasted. Try my gem setup if you feel like it, and remember, 20% quality in gems is a must, same for empower and the other stuff. Also this guide isn't a CA build, i know some people use TR/CA but here we aren't, so keep in mind. Last edited by Xitomzz#1023 on Mar 18, 2020, 5:15:03 AM
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I know about all the things you mentioned and that my build isn't complete, but it's far from garbage and already over 10ex deep. Now add all the things you mentioned and you need to add several ex to the build. 1 empower gem won't the build do 1m extra dps. I stacked attack speed first because it's night and day when mapping, because TR feels terribly clunky with no AS. Now I can change jewels, but still somewhat disappointed how much struggle high tier maps are without BIG gear.
(let me tell that essence not to roll poison or spend another ex bying essences for rerolling kekw. I just rolled +2 +1 bow for now, how cares about other rolled mods. Remember we are still not crafting the 7ex+ endgame bow, since it's supposed to be budget :) I just love it, when people say something like "50c build all content" when it's just false, you would be in dirt with 50c doing high tier maps, not to mention killing any bosses. Or do 10 minutes per map. Last edited by frgntz#5389 on Mar 18, 2020, 5:58:51 AM
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"No build can do all content for 50c, not even miners unless they wanna die all the time, necros could last season maybe and they got nerfed on 2 best builds for that. Even if someone makes a guide title that's a bit "baity" apply common sense, "4m shaper dps" and "50c budget" are probably not on the same setup, but yeah, I remember some ice shot build where author put "50mil dps" in title and that was using legacy gear and he got so much crap for it he removed it this season from the guide title. |
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" Your build is far from garbage but its far from being able to do high tier maps, you lack damage. ¿Didn't you read that 50% of your budget has to go to the bow? You spent way more in other trivial stuff and your bow is pretty average, there are plenty options better that will give you A LOT of damage. Empower lvl4 will make you have TONS of damage, keep in mind toxic rain scales a shit ton every level, same for the quality in gems, you can't avoid those. There's no build that will make you do T16 with no quality in gems and mediocre gear, literally non, the league just started and your build is halfway, just relax and keep grinding. TR feels clunky with no AS, but you stacked so much AS that makes no sense. There's a point (which you could test if you want to) where more AS does almost nothing to TR, and as i told you before you got to that point a long time ago, but you kept stacking AS. This aint cyclone, ice shot or whatever, this is toxic rain, mobs will take a bit to die, and even more now that everyone has garbage tier stuff. Keep in mind its league start and everything is super duper expensive, your helmet wouldn't be worth an EX in a month or even less, you can't judge prices now, we are all almost SSF at this point. You are not missing BIG gear, you are missing FUNDAMENTAL gear and bought FILLER EXPENSIVE gear. What you spent in your vertex could have been spent in the bow, and have a much better dmg overall. You have no damage in your gloves, boots, rings or amulet. Yet you expect to have damage because potato, with your only dmg boost as a +2 bow that isn't even the +2 bow that the OP suggests. Dude are you mental? You didn't roll +2 +1 check your stuff for god's sake you have a +1 +1, this is a +2 +1, and yet the +2 has to be on support gems, so i lack tons of dmg. Poison roll makes no sense, i only said it because i thought maybe you didn't realize that the build doesen't scale on poison. If you had your attspeed roll there, combined with maloneys i wouldn't go for more attspeed, maybe one more roll on rings or ammulet but thats it. I really don't wanna sound rude, but it seems like you dont want to listen, you are lacking damage because you have no damage boost other than a +2 to your gems and a increased chaos damage over time roll. This for example is worth nothing and already boosts dmg, could be WAAAAAAAAAAY better, im just showing it as an example. You can't do all content for 50c, plain simple, miners are the least expensive and yet they gotta spend a good ammount to get rolling, like every build. As i said, chill, keep maping, get better gear, get empower, get gem quality and you'll find yourself dealing WAY more damage. You spent way more currency than me and im pretty sure with my shit gear i could be dealing more dmg than you with your gear choice. Not saying it to be a prick just to give you an idea of how important choosing the right gear is. |
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Empower lvl4 6,5ex currently, crafting a "decent bow" for high tier maps 7ex+. OK BOIIIII.
Holy shit, just checked your profile and current character, please don't even write. Last edited by frgntz#5389 on Mar 18, 2020, 6:45:16 AM
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