[3.6] Pure Incinerate Trickster - 25M Shaper DPS - Videos Up - Uber Elder Down (Deathless)


Really enjoying your build! Incinerate/RF was the build that enabled me to get my first regular Atziri kill a few years ago. I also appreciate how thoroughly you answer questions and you always take the high road when dealing with other players.

I didin't want to start another league character so i did a respec in standard. I had a 6 link staff (bad base maelstrom staff) with +1 +2 fire gems that I added 95% spell damage, 22% cast speed and 101 crit spell chance. It does give me a l27 incinerate with my empower. I don't know if I will try to craft a staff like yours or not.

Staff also doesn't have a white socket yet so I have been experimenting with culling strike and onslaught when I switch to bossing. Culling seems to work best so far.

I don't have a bottled faith yet either but I have come up with a way to continuously proc arcane surge. I got rid of my unearth totem and replaced it with with a holy flame totem/multiple totems/elemental focus and added fire. Even in t15's it does decent damage.

Once again thanks for this enjoyable build.
about the Patient Reaper asc it only for mapping right because incinerate is not damage over time . Just wan to make sure whether it useful against shaper/elder. Thank you in advance
wactober2355 wrote:

Really enjoying your build! Incinerate/RF was the build that enabled me to get my first regular Atziri kill a few years ago. I also appreciate how thoroughly you answer questions and you always take the high road when dealing with other players.

I didin't want to start another league character so i did a respec in standard. I had a 6 link staff (bad base maelstrom staff) with +1 +2 fire gems that I added 95% spell damage, 22% cast speed and 101 crit spell chance. It does give me a l27 incinerate with my empower. I don't know if I will try to craft a staff like yours or not.

Staff also doesn't have a white socket yet so I have been experimenting with culling strike and onslaught when I switch to bossing. Culling seems to work best so far.

I don't have a bottled faith yet either but I have come up with a way to continuously proc arcane surge. I got rid of my unearth totem and replaced it with with a holy flame totem/multiple totems/elemental focus and added fire. Even in t15's it does decent damage.

Once again thanks for this enjoyable build.

Glad you're finding success. Bottled Faith is an amazing flask, hopefully you can grab one from people ripping in Hardcore or when Synthesis gets merged into standard.

wactober2355 wrote:
about the Patient Reaper asc it only for mapping right because incinerate is not damage over time . Just wan to make sure whether it useful against shaper/elder. Thank you in advance

Yup, Patient Reaper is mostly a mapping thing. The recovery rate increase we get from killing something affected by Damage Over Time is basically always up though because when we crit with Incinerate things get ignited. For most boss fights this won't come into play, as you say, but for certain bosses like Uber Elder it's still very useful because those fights have additional monsters spawning all the time.
titan015 wrote:
How about socketing in Bodyswap for mapping before getting that white socket? I can't test right now but I saw some in youtube with incinerate cwc bodyswap. Im not entirely sure if it speeds up the clearing.

Edit: Yeah Bodyswap looks clunky. Ain't gonna work.

Yea, in theory it seems okay but in practice I can't imagine feeling very good compared to just Lightning Warping around and having Volatile Dead clean up the edges of your screen.
Nice build!

Followed your guide on my trickster and really enjoyed it!

I've made some adjustments to it, though. Current gear on my profile if you wanna take a look :)

10/10 would play this again!
Got mine in std this morning, pretty pricy
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
Swapping out Controlled Destruction for Energy Leech Support is by far better since this is a Eldritch Battery build, allowing us to essentially drop 2 points on the tree for more damage/life if necessary.

Just wanted to point it out for more damage/better consistency overall!
Thank you for the guide mate! I just invested 70ex into this character, and i feel abit underwhelmed. The damage is quite alot worse than what you have :P can u explain why?
meanwhile at GGG Headquarters: Fun detected! Alert, commence nerf initialization.
sneezz wrote:
Thank you for the guide mate! I just invested 70ex into this character, and i feel abit underwhelmed. The damage is quite alot worse than what you have :P can u explain why?

Well for one your weapon doesn't have cast speed crafted on it, and the crafts aren't max rank. Second you're running Herald of Ash, but you have no aspect of the spider crafted on any of your gear.

The belt can get damage craft (Ele Damage with Attacks doesn't help)
You're wise oak isn't 15% pen and Atziri flask isn't 15% elemental to chaos.

Honesly I doubt you had spent 70ex in the build based on most of your gear. I assume it was the boots and the max rolled gems that got you.

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