[3.6] WinterUnleasher 4Ex beats UberElder in 2.5min,Low cost with extremely special operation sense

covermystxii wrote:
Fullrom wrote:
Hi! great build! thanks a lot for sharing,
Next upgrade is this +2 aoe gems double corrupted frostferno (the freaking pleb who double corrupted this didnt 20%quality it /facepalm i know)

Ive already spent 5 ex in vaal orbs trying to recolor it to 3blue 1 red. not an easy task :)

Do you use chromatic or jeweller recipes ?

Ive used both the at least 1B socket for 4chrome + 4vaal and the at least 2B sockets for 25chrome + 25 vaal closest i got was 2B 1R 1G, already spent 8ex now on vaals, i dont think ill ever try to 4off color a corrupted item again :D
sorry for the question, but i am not sure of the mecanism of double ice spear!

Am i supposed to throw them twice, or they will unleash the second time automaticaly?
GrandChampion wrote:
sorry for the question, but i am not sure of the mecanism of double ice spear!

Am i supposed to throw them twice, or they will unleash the second time automaticaly?

Throw one and the other.Not the same one!

Unleash + Ice Spear(A) + Ice Spear(B)
both A and B has Independent Maximum 3 seals,

Throw A , then throw B, once 2.1 seconds each of A and B can automaticaly recover to 3 seals again.
And just test it by yourself ,you will understand, you can also use ice spear when A or B only has 1 - 2 seals,
You can just buy three lvl 1 gem and test it.
How well would this build do with magic find setup?
(Swapping gloves,boots,rings,amulet and belt)
Fullrom wrote:
covermystxii wrote:
Fullrom wrote:
Hi! great build! thanks a lot for sharing,
Next upgrade is this +2 aoe gems double corrupted frostferno (the freaking pleb who double corrupted this didnt 20%quality it /facepalm i know)

Ive already spent 5 ex in vaal orbs trying to recolor it to 3blue 1 red. not an easy task :)

Do you use chromatic or jeweller recipes ?

Ive used both the at least 1B socket for 4chrome + 4vaal and the at least 2B sockets for 25chrome + 25 vaal closest i got was 2B 1R 1G, already spent 8ex now on vaals, i dont think ill ever try to 4off color a corrupted item again :D

Why not you just use jeweler orb recoloring method? It cost me around 600 jewelers, and i wasnt very lucky.
Fullrom wrote:
covermystxii wrote:
Fullrom wrote:
Ive already spent 5 ex in vaal orbs trying to recolor it to 3blue 1 red. not an easy task :)

Do you use chromatic or jeweller recipes ?

Ive used both the at least 1B socket for 4chrome + 4vaal and the at least 2B sockets for 25chrome + 25 vaal closest i got was 2B 1R 1G, already spent 8ex now on vaals, i dont think ill ever try to 4off color a corrupted item again :D

Wow 8ex !
I managed to do it in less than 2ex worth of vaal with the jeweller recipe, i recommend you use the same method next time haha

Don't give up exile
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Last edited by covermystxii on Apr 17, 2019, 1:19:35 PM
Please break down your gear IN POST. I'm not going to watch the video, I'm just going to move on. Work on your OP post.
Minus The enchants is there any glaring upgrade you guys can find. Im starting to hit a point where its multiple exalter for a few HP / Energy Shield or DPS.

I mean, you guys realize its corrupted right...?

here it is again just in case ;)
Betrayssf wrote:
Minus The enchants is there any glaring upgrade you guys can find. Im starting to hit a point where its multiple exalter for a few HP / Energy Shield or DPS.

Heyyy another frein of the aspect of the spider :) I did the same as you,
can't really find any upgrades for you unless +to gems on helmet and body armour and +20% quality that cold to fire support in your chest, edit : your amu is insane but you would benefit greatly from +30% cri mult there too
edit 2 checked your tree, loled at unnatural instinct ya richmon', i'd suggest getting throat seeker for lvl 93; Ice Spear greatly benefits from crit mult. Having a watcher's eye with +1.*% to crit chance while affected by hatred is a huge boost to winter orb dmg too
Last edited by Fullrom on Apr 17, 2019, 4:35:55 PM

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