[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

Rake7 wrote:
I've reworked the Tree and the PoB Link. I did set Item Sets so you are able to switch a whole Gear Setup with one click. I also included the Leveling Tree now.

[3.7] PoB: https://pastebin.com/qQP4q5YX [New]

How to switch Tree's and Gear Setups
Always change the Tree according to the Item Set Gear Setup. The Jewels are bound to the used Tree, not the Item Set. So you always have to change the Tree too (although the T3 to T0 Tree's are the same - the Jewels aren't, so you still have to switch)

Could you take a look if oni-goroshi is viable and when it useless around and what tier if would be, Hope you could answer my question

Bless you exile!
Beepharoni wrote:
How would one craft the weapons you use in this build? I feel like buying those from poe.trade would prove to be near impossible.

I've never really been able to understand crafting in this game, however one of my goals for this league is to learn how to craft.

Buying them should be quite possible. When you have the currency (5-10 Ex probably). There will be a lot of crafters around who craft and sell them. I personally don't know all details about crafting them because i never craft them myself.

Scootypuffin wrote:
Really cool guide, I'm strongly considering it for my league starter.

When I import the 3.7 Pastebin into PoB, I only have the Default and 3.6 skill trees, none of the leveling trees, am I missing something?

The old PoB Link didn't have the Leveling Tree included. I have reworked the PoB Link and posted a new one.

Antihealth wrote:
Rake - Sorry if this has been asked before, but searching these threads is a bit of a nightmare once they get long enough. Have you considered such a build using a Staff

I didn't yet and probably won't have time for it the next days. I've still to update a lot and want to play Legion also :)

ryanemma21 wrote:
Alright, newbie question here!

Why take Tasalio over Ramako and Hinekora if those both give you more damage?

Is it for the survivability?

Yes, the defensive boost from Tasalio is pretty big. Also the gearing will be a lot easier, cheaper and we can focus more on damage stats with the granted 100% fire resistances.
Also don't forget that our damage is around 55% fire, 24% Cold, 14% Chaos and 7% Lightning Damage (roughly, will depend on the Gear). So, the -15% Penetration only works for roughly half of our damage - that means it's only worth the half.
The same goes for "Covered in Ash". It's not an 20% More Multiplier it's only around 11%.

m0000o wrote:
Hey Rake, awesome guide. Gonna league start with it tomorrow.

Any chance you could let me know in advance which of the new gems you're planning on trying as replacements for existing ones. I'll just level all of them in off weapons and use the ones that turn out to be good. Cheers mate.

The new 6l will probably be: Tectonic Slam - Pulverise - Fortify - Melee Physical - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Close Combat

Frylia wrote:
Hello there !
I was wondering, do you think it would be wise to drop the 3 points invested in the 10% chance to get an Endu charge on crit in order to invest 4 points to grab the 'Disciple of the Unyielding' notable which grant a 5% Endu charge on kill ? (+ all bonuses from the 3 nodes on Endu)

Hi, i don't think that this would be worth the points. Especially because i have changed the Tree. It would now cost 6 Points to get "Disciple of Unyielding"

dekebal wrote:
there is some problem in using Whirling Blades instead of leap slam?

You can ofc use Whirling Blades instead of Leap Slam

ermikoN wrote:
hey! planning use this build as a league starter.
got some questions
1) will we use Precision aura (new) ? 700 accuracy and 59% crit chance is awesome... and so we got hatred + precision. or hatred + purity + banner still better?
2) what is a new 6l? tect - multi - melee phys - aoe/conc - ele dmg - fortify?
3) will u add leveling tree till league starts?
4) is Oskarm still worth as t4-t2 gear?

Ty for answers and sorry for bad english :C

1. not planned currently. We will have to wait for the Accuracy Changes in Legion
2. The new 6l isn't sure yet. Maybe Tectonic Slam - Pulverise - Fortify - Melee Physical - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Close Combat
3. Leveling Tree is already in the PoB Link
4. Oskarm is still "okay". Rare Gloves can be better. Will depend if you find good ones for a good price.

systemszer wrote:

Please tell me why you took Smashing Strikes, if it only works with staffs. Endurance charges give chieftain, this is quite enough in my opinion.

For a lazy Endurance Charge Generation. Without it we would have to focus all the time to keep our charges up with other Fire Skills. Imho, worth the 3 Points to not have to care about our Endurance Charges.

EtanolR wrote:
Hi there, great build, will try it in new league. But i have one question. What about chaos resistance? i can't find anythink about chaos resis in this build. thanks for any answer!

You can get as much Chaos Resists as you want. I rarly felt the need for it. But it will ofc help in some situations. You just have to look what you can afford. 20% more resists on an item can multiply the price of it.

Minihobbe wrote:
Could you take a look if oni-goroshi is viable and when it useless around and what tier if would be, Hope you could answer my question

Bless you exile!

It's will depend what Gear Setup you want to reach and if you don't mind the 700 life/second degen.

Quick Comparison in PoB:
T1 Gear with Oni: 27% less Damage
T2 Gear with Oni: 11% less Damage
T3 Gear with Oni: 9% more Damage

T3 Foils will be around 50c-1ex (i hope), thus Foils for around 1.5-2ex would be equaly to Oni.
Last edited by Rake7 on Jun 7, 2019, 9:46:29 AM
no multistrike on new gem set?
are Belly of the Beast and Loreweave good options for chest?
What are your thoughts on taking Hinekora over Valako? It seems like the life regen part of Valako wouldn't apply much since you are probably spending endurance charges as you get them and covered in ash is 20% increased damage taken vs 15% more damage done.
RangerHalt wrote:
no multistrike on new gem set?

If we use multistrike, we probably will have a problem with the generation of endurance charges.
Hi Rake, did U think about possibilties of going Berserker ascend ? Ty for ure reply!
Thank you very much Rake. You're the blessing from heaven for players like me: too hardcore for diablo 3 and too pussy for PoE theorycrafting.

One of the best guide here :)
Heya, awesome guide!

What do you think about Facebreaker when lvling up?
Fenomenal build dude, grats

wanted to ask if you will incorporate blood and sand too... will it ruin the mana sustain?

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