
Hey, very nice build will play this as my second chracter!

I have a question about the leveling process:

Are we leveling with dual wield or 2handed?
And when do we generally upgrade? Is the rustic sash recipe viable or do we craft in a different way?

I did not read through every act because I did not have the time yet, maybe everything I asked is already written there.

thank you!
Verfall777 wrote:
Hey, very nice build will play this as my second chracter!

I have a question about the leveling process:

Are we leveling with dual wield or 2handed?
And when do we generally upgrade? Is the rustic sash recipe viable or do we craft in a different way?

I did not read through every act because I did not have the time yet, maybe everything I asked is already written there.

thank you!

We can definitely level with both one-handed and two-handed weapons, but dual wielding will definitely be the superior option. Just remember that we are using swords or eventuall axes for early leveling.

Yeah, rustic sash recipe is viable if you have trouble finding a good weapon before merveil's caverns.
UlyUly wrote:
Timmen00 wrote:

Hey thanks for responding. I see the 20% from dread banner, you get an extra 20% from weapons you say? Where can I see that?

EDIT: I guess you mean only with the crafted weapons. Ofc when u count those, and count 100% uptime on dread banner, impale does become better. But even then it is pretty darn close to melee phys damage. 49% always or 59% when u do 5 more hits. Is really only good for bosses.

Yeah, I assumed the crafted weapons.

Dread Banner is permanent to be honest, as we never intend to place it.

I don't think this build needs clear damage since white monsters will likely get one tapped anyway, so I went for the more single target damage.

Yep, you right :) Maybe it would be worth taking the impale nodes on the tree?
Last edited by Timmen00#5988 on Jun 7, 2019, 7:36:11 AM
Timmen00 wrote:

Yep, you right :) Maybe it would be worth taking the impale nodes on the tree?

Yeah, I will think about planning impale nodes at 90+.
Hey UlyUly, great guide, I have question about gems in offhand u put there 4 gems but we have 3 slots in offhand so do we choose 3 of them or there is way to have them all 4?

Second Question do we swap skill at boss ex: lacerate for double strike or we stick with skill for boss and clear beacuse it's versitale and capable of doing the job?

Hey, first of all thank for creating this build.
I only have one question.
What do you think about 2h weapons?
AtGoddd wrote:
Hey UlyUly, great guide, I have question about gems in offhand u put there 4 gems but we have 3 slots in offhand so do we choose 3 of them or there is way to have them all 4?

Second Question do we swap skill at boss ex: lacerate for double strike or we stick with skill for boss and clear beacuse it's versitale and capable of doing the job?

We don't swap skills for bosses, I selected these skills which should be able to do without any major gem swapping (other than Dual Strike and gem swapping ancestral call with something else).

The gem situation is an error on my side, accidentally placed an extra gem here, going to fix it!
Laufspur wrote:
Hey, first of all thank for creating this build.
I only have one question.
What do you think about 2h weapons?

To be honest, going two-handed would require some major tree changes and different gear (likely a 2-handed physical sword like Starforge or a Rare Sword). I'd rather stay with the dual wield setup.
Nice guide! Very reminiscent of Enki's.

Great job.
KingJeremyTheWicked wrote:
Nice guide! Very reminiscent of Enki's.

Great job.

Well, that's one of the greatest compliments a guide-writer could get.

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