[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Thank i'll take a look
Guys, sorry in advance if this is a dump question.

A couple of things:
1. Does accuracy and crit matter here? I am just wondering if getting skin of the lords with Resolute Technique is a good idea.

2. I have a double corrupt DS with 10% Chance to get frenzy of kill. However, it seems not to be proccing. Anyone knows why?

Also, if anyone can take a look at my POB for improvement. I am not aiming to have the 14 to 17 mil DPS from the guide. But, it seems the numbers I get are extremely disappointing in comparison. If I get have of the guide, I will be more than happy.

https://pastebin.com/6tYeKiSz | Note: did not activate flasks/calc options
Hey! Do we need magebane in skin of the lords? Or we can take something else?
Anyone else irrationally angry at GGG for making Infused Channeling with a visual effect that cannot be changed or turned off?

Seriously, BRIGHT BLUE BUBBLE... I mean, what were they thinking? That it would only be used with Lightning Tendrils of Charged Dash?

My eyes are bleedin
Okay, so ive tried this build for a while now and am wondering what im doing wrong. My current character looks like this: https://pastebin.com/GAPDP2eT

I lack a LOT of damage while in a youtube video i see someone with similair non-ward gear do massive damage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cuyTsPbtS4

Sure that video is 2 years old, but looking at the changes to scourge arrow, these are "only" a 30% damage nerf. If i subtract 30% of my damage from the one showed in that video i will not come close, by a LONG shot.

The reason for my setup is: i want to be more tanky. Now i have to say i did not achieve this and i think i will go back to armour AND evasion in order to increase the overal survivability. But looking at my PoB, when i take all DoT and bow nodes nearby (even if taking all requires level 500 to reach em), my dps still remains very very low. What is the video doing differently to my build? Was there a nerf that isnt on the fandom page?
Looking at your PoB you don't really seem to have followed the build, prioritising Iron Reflexes, the projectile damage nodes on the tree are worthless.
You aren't running petrified blood and your flasks need serious work.
You have not totems, no jewels, no mirage archer, no source of wither, no Malevolence
The supports on Scourge arrow are non optimal.

I would import the PoB from the guide and respec into that.

The build relies on many synergies which you don't have.

Hope that helps
Oh and the Fandom site is not being maintained/updated change your bookmark to https://www.poewiki.net/
hello i am test this build but make change for tank. my char is in ninja link. i change for phys as and influence ward/def bases. also rain of arrows apears to be much beter than scourge arrow. i swap melev for purity and can use eva flask. timeless jewel for wither hit + 90% chaos res.

i am complete wave 30 simu / feared release all / sirus a8 / 122% quant hidden.

very tank build and damage. no mana isue, only slight trouble map is -recovery but not bad. all content clear. been farming juiced glenach beyond for xp, dont need hh or anything.



completed: 6 man flawless stone carry+boss with aura, fully tank sirus beam, 15mil shaper dps, 105k phys ehp @10k hit, 90k ele ehp @10k hit
Last edited by cmontee133 on Jan 4, 2022, 5:03:52 AM
I tried to copy the build but I am way off the Full DPS like 100mil.

Can anyone point me, what/where I am lacking. :d

Here's my current build: https://pastebin.com/3mn2swER


I got it, need to configure or something like that. xD

Last edited by bGaming8907 on Jan 3, 2022, 5:15:20 AM
Anyone knows how to get ward up ? I'm following the pob both in passive and items and i only see ward on boots and helmet.
Value of ward in build items is: +842 / +135% total on helm ; +522 / +90% total on boot; Pob says total ward is 3565.

My items are: +544 / + 133% total helm; +535 / + 96% total boots. My ward is 1700.

is there anything that can be done to get this value up?


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