[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
![]() Looking for something similar in 3.20? Try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8BIS6Gq8kg 3.14/3.15 INFO : This build guide has not been updated since 3.13, and should not be followed in modern PoE. ■ Welcome to this guide, exile! ■ This is my take on ED-Contagion trickster. It is made for all content in the game, intended for trade softcore. While there are many other ED guides out there, the concepts shown here are the ones that prove to work best overall to clear the most game content. Most of them are nothing new, but this guide compiles the best ones to provide a well rounded character. I have played more than 800 hours of ED trickster in legion, metamorph and harvest (40/40 challenges), and have carried more than 130 uber elders and 80 lvl8 siruses, most of them deathless. I have killed depth 606 triple damage + AOE aul. ED+Contagion has INSANE CLEARSPEED, one if not the best you can get without a headhunter. This is offset by the skill having VERY LOW SINSGLETARGET, about 1M dps on a budget. This builds offsets the low singletarget by also using a 6link blight in our body armour, effectively doubling our singletarget to 2 millions. It differs from other ED tricksters by being EXTREMELY TANKY, utilizing many defense layers to be very durable. It is hardcore viable. We have about 7-8k eph with good mitigation and very good avoidance, alongside 2-3k consistant regen/s from ED. ![]() PoB:
These PoBs use localidentity's fork, available here: https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/wiki/Installing-this-Fork They may work with the classic version of PoB, but numbers will not reflect the game as accurately. [■--] t16 viable setup: https://pastebin.com/Wev6vzjR 2-4Ex - 6500ehp - 520k ED dps + 900k blight dps [■■-] All content setup: https://pastebin.com/Wae7923S 10-15Ex - 7500ehp - 1M ED dps + 1.2M blight dps [■■■] Endgame setup: https://pastebin.com/P03cddjL 100Ex - 8600ehp - 3M ED dps + 4M blight dps Mirror tier pob: https://pastebin.com/nuH2N1Lp Getting lua error? Skill tree isn't recognised? Install poe community's fork. Check above. Import doesn't work (error 302)? Try clicking on the link, and copy/pasting the code itself rather than the pastebin.com link. This seems to be due to a pastebin update where certain pastebins used by bots are flagged and need a capcha solve to be accessed. I'm not sure where pastebin is going with this new policy... ■ Videos ■
■ The simulacrum (Deathless, 20/20 waves) Delirium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEaN5f_H_94 Boss at 20:05. Recorded in standard, gear from metamorph. Sorry, playing ssf this league. ■ The maven Ultimatum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUx9epS1qvs This video is recorded in 3.13 with simulated nerfs accounting for 1.14 ■ Lvl 8 sirus Deathless (10ex gear) Metamorph https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX1x9tfZtzQ ■ T17 Uber elder week 1 deathless (trash gear) Legion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jciHSbYh5FA ■ Depth 606 insane AUL Extra cold + aoe + crit + chain + endurance(2nd try) Legion https://youtu.be/fjFgH-nYmSA?t=96 ■ Easy minautaur map + boss Harvest https://youtu.be/pwD_wJPS2zQ Hard Minotaur full facetank: ![]() ■ Build Concept ■
■ OFFENCE ■ This is a chaos damage over time build. We scale spell damage, chaos damage, damage over time and most importantly: chaos DOT multiplier. We are NOT lowlife based so we are missing a quarter of the maximum theoretical ED damage, but we more than make up for it in survivability. We also socket our gems in +x to level of socketed gems uniques and rares, to boost the base DOT of essence drain. They are items such as: Overall, there isn't many ways to scale our damage, as only the following are possible: - All increased damage sources (spell, dot, chaos...) - Chaos damage over time multiplier - ED gems level - Increased chaos damage taken by enemies - Lowlife for pain attunement And we scale all of these, except lowlife. While one could argue we can always fit a bit more increased damage sources, we're already above 800% total increased. It is difficult to get significantly more. ■ DEFENCE ■ Now, the spicy part! Here are all of our defense layers: ■ MAXIMUM DODGE: We have 75% dodge, we dodge 3 hits every 4. This is before factoring in evasion and avoidance, and is a massive defensive layer. ■ Insane regen: We easily reach 3k life regeneration. We do not rely on flasks or slow recovery to stay alive, we have consistent life recovery from essence drain. ■ 45% evasion: on top of 75% dodge, we also have 45% chance to evade. On top of other small avoidance sources we also take, we end up having above 90% chance to not get hit when we're supposed to. ■ Large EHP pool: We have 5k+ life and 2.5k es as MoM hybrid. ES is always up because of ghost dance. ![]() ■ 20% phys mitigation: name says it all. We permanently have 3 endurance charges, and pantheon gives us up to 8% additional. ■ Wind dancer: We take 20% reduced damage from the first hit on us. This is up most of the time, because we rarely get hit in the first place due to our high dodge chance. ■ 300%+ movement speed: really fast. We are hard to hit and can easily dodge telegraphed attacks. Some of them will still hit you, but it's no problem since we have other defense layers. Just get hit 4head. ■ Pros and cons ■
Overview: Clearspeed: 9/10 | Singletarget: 3/10 | Tankyness: 9/10 Game coverage: 10/10 Result/budget ratio: 9/10 early maps - 5/10 early endgame - 9/10 true endgame ■{ PROS }■ ■ Very fast mapper ■ All endgame bosses viable, including deep delve bosses. ■ Hardcore viable ■ Cheap, clear upgrade path. T16 maps 3EX, A8 sirus 10EX. ■{ CONS }■ ■ Single target lacks, you are not oneshoting bosses. ■ You are a meta slave ■ Performs really poorly in the timeless domain ■ Requires heavy swaps for HoGM (but can actually do it) ■ potentially clunky 1-2 playstyle (altho very fast) If you want a good allrounded build that clears fast, has most of the damage scaling options available and can facetank the world, this is most likely the guide for you. Here are very similar builds, with a short overview of what they offer/lack compared to this thread: ♥ Havoc's LowLife trickster + Higher frontend damage + Cheaper to reach good damage early - Much much squishier https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785198 ♥ ArtCrusade's SSF oriented guide + Offmeta hybrid choices + SSF proof and oriented guide - Doesn't reflect all possibilities in trade leagues, SSF based https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2606026 ♥ Hasunic's CI glancing blows trickster + Much more resiliant against oneshot, better suited for hardcore + Tankyness kicks in early, no weak point around early red maps + No rare uniques, suited for SSF - Slightly slower movement speed (still fast, no worries) - Half the singletarget damage https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2927786 Information for Halls of grandmasters:
After a discussion in this thread, here are a few tips to clear Halls of grandmasters with this build: " ■ Gear and explanations ■
Finally, the core of the guide! My gear:
{0c budget} My gear in metamorph when reaching maps:
■ Equipment ■ Flasks {300c budget} My gear in metamorph for my first sirus kill:
■ Equipment ■ Flasks {130ex budget} My minmaxed gear at the end of metamorph:
■ Equipment ■ Flasks In this section, for each item slot, multiple items may be shown. They range from budget to best in slot, from left to right. You usually want to pick the first in the list, and upgrade progressively as you farm more currency in game. ____________________________________________________________ ■ Boots Price scale: Budget - Expensive - Perfect Explanation
MATATL's boots with up to 6% attack dodge are hard to beat. They always come with 30% movement speed. Try to get life and resistances on top of the dodge/MS mod. A bad pair of boots with just MATATL's prefix and some life will be good enough for uber elder, don't stress it too much.
To try to minmax them, you should try to get t1 life and as much resistances as you can. The two-toned boots shown here are a great example of this. Dream boots have 16% dodge by combining the matatl's mod and redeemer dodge suffix. They can also be crafted with "cannot be frozen", for quality of life. ENCHANT: Movement speed or Regeneration. I prefer movement speed. Crafting tutorial {5ex} Consistant 100+res matatl's boots
This crafting section is to be used if good boots are too expensive. Sometimes, very good pairs can be available for less than the crafting cost shown here, so only follow this if you actually need to. 1)Get a pair of two-toned boots with t1 life, matatl's dodge and a free suffix: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/D6DvqR5H5 If you can get a good 3rd prefix, go for it. If you can't, you can hit a hunter exalt for desecrated ground immunity or pierce later. 2) Craft the following suffix: Prefixes cannot be changed 3) Scour the item to only get your prefixes left. 4) Craft the following modifiers: Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers (18-20)% to XXX and XXX resistance (18-20)% to XXX and XXX resistance Craft the resistances that you need. A good advice is to go for the one not given by the boots implicit. So if your boots give you lightning/cold, you should craft fire/lightning and fire/cold. 5) (optional) Slam with a hunter exalt if you have an empty prefix 6) Run uberlab to get either movementspeed or 2% regeneration enchantement Done! simple craft, it's as easy as that. 30% MS, 6%dodge, 85+ life and 100+ elemental resistances on the cheap. Sidenote: Matatl's 6% dodge is exclusive with movement speed modifiers, but not with redeemer's dodge chance. The maximum dodge chance on a pair of boots, not counting enchant, is 16%. But good luck. ____________________________________________________________ ■ Weapon Price scale: Budget - Midrange - Expensive Explanation
This is the only piece of gear you must invest in for endgame bosses. While the rest of items you wear can be 2 chaos trash, this one is important!
If you are on a budget, get a 4-5 links Cane of unraveling. You should upgrade to a 6L one to clear red maps and conquerors. Your endgame weapon should be an ED BOW with a quiver. While you can usually get a 6l cane after a few weeks in a league for ~1ex, the shortbow shown here will be around 5ex to craft, and the maraketh bow around 10ex. The synthetised bow is exactly the same as the maraketh one, but much more powerful. The base will of course be much harder to get too. Crafting tutorial
Warning: No matter what you do, do NOT craft aspect of the spider on your bow. It will be affected by support gems and cost more mana that it should. Crafting services If you do not have the mods on your bench (multimod, +2 supports, chaos multi...), some other players may offer them for a small fee. Check this forum to find trusted services. {5ex} Classic ED shortbow
1) First, start by grabbing a 6l bow. The best is an ilvl 50 shortbow, but a 6l imperial bow will work just fine. You can get them easily by using the following divination cards: 2) Then, use chromatic orbs to get the following colors on your bow: BLUE - BLUE - BLUE - RED - GREEN - GREEN 3) Then, use an orb of transmutation to make the item magic: 4) Proceed to use alteration orbs until you get the following modifier: (parangon's)+1 to level of socketed gems 5) Use a regal orb to make the item rare. 6) Now press alt and check the amount of prefixes on your bow. If you do not see them, go in options>UI>advanced_item_desctiptions and check it on. If your bow has only one prefix, go to 8. If it has two prefixes, use an orb of anulement on your bow: 7) If your bow now has only the parangon(+1gems) prefix and no other one, continue. Otherwise, go back to step 3. 8) Craft on your crafting bench the following modifiers: Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers +2 to level of socketed support gems (36-40)% increased chaos damage over time multiplier Using the following currency: Congratulations! You made yourself an ED bow! {10ex} Dot multiplier BIS bow
1) Grab an ilvl 82+ Maraketh bow without influence. Maraketh bow has the best implicit with 10% increased movement speed, and requires 222dex to equip (which we have). 2) (Optionnal) Increase the quality of your bow using perfect fossils or betrayal quality benches. 3) Increase the quality of your item on the crafting bench (+18% quality) for 4 chaos. 4)Use the crafting bench to set the socket amount to 2. 5) Use the crafting bench to force 2 blue sockets. 6) Then, use jeweller's orbs to do what's called the "vorici coloring technique". Set your socket amount to 3 using the bench. If it is red or blue, continue, otherwise reset your bow to two sockets and repeat. When you have 3 blues or 2 blues-1red, do the same technique for the 4th socket. Stop when you have 3 blues and one red socket. Then, set the socket amount to 6 using the bench to get: BLUE - BLUE - BLUE - RED - GREEN - GREEN 7) Use orbs of fusing to 6 link your item. This should take 900 on average due to the high item quality. 8) Use a scouring orb and an orb of transmutation to make your item magic. 9)Proceed to use alteration orbs until you get the following modifier: (of liquefaction)(31-35)% increased damage over time multiplier 10) Use a regal orb to make the item rare. Pro tip: If you care about crafting this item fast, you may use a Craicic chimeral beast to create an imprint of your item just before regaling. This usually costs around 1ex, and allows you to go back to this step anytime you want. This can save you the process you using alteration orbs again if you have a bad annulment roll and must retry. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Imprint 11) Use annulment orbs until the only modifier left is "of liquefaction"(chaos multiplier). If you remove the chaos multiplier, go back to 8. 12) On your crafting bench, craft the following mods: Can have 3 crafted modifiers Cannot roll attack mods 13) Use an exalted orb on the bow. You will get "Parangon's" +1 to level of socketed gems prefix. 14)On the crafting bench, remove crafted modifiers. 15) on the crafting bench, craft the following mods: Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers +2 to level of socketed support gems (36-40)% increased chaos damage over time multiplier 16) (optionnal) Use a conqueror's exalted orb to add a last suffix. I recommend redeemer for a good chance at movementspeed or onslaught on kill. Full mod list available here: https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Bow Congratulations! You made an almost best in slot bow for this build. This is better than a 1mod faceted fossil bow. ____________________________________________________________ ■ Quiver Price scale: Budget - Midrange - Perfect Explanation
Soul strike is pretty good. Gives a lot of es, which is free ehp, and faster start of recovery. It costs a chaos and performs alright.
If you have a bit more to spend, you should try to get a quiver with life, resistances, and damage over time multiplier. It's possible for a quiver to have both damage over time multiplier from [of liquefaction] and [of the hunt], giving respectivly up to 18% and 25% dot multi. Getting one with life and if possible a resistance is quite expensive, and should most likely be bought instead of crafted. You may gamble hunter orbs on quivers that just miss the hunter DoT multi mod to get double dot, but this is expensive. Ornate quivers are currently too expensive to be crafted, despite being technically the best. Don't bother, unless you want a costly crafting league goal. ____________________________________________________________ ■ Gloves Price scale: Budget - Midrange - Expensive Explanation
If you are on a budget, life and resists will do all content. If you have a bit more to spend, elder gloves with chaos multiplier are great.
For best in slot gloves, you can get chaos multiplier (elder) and culling strike (warlord) on a pair of fingerless silk gloves. Note that culling strike only kills when the ED projectile impacts a target. The dot itself doesn't proc it. It is still a very nice singletarget boost for endgame bosses, of about 11% more damage. More than this, if we consider that endgame bosses often don't start at full health. Null and void gives rampage. Rampage is a fun mechanic that gives a lot of speed on killstreaks. On top of this, these gloves give good life and decent mitigation options. ENCHANT: Of SPITE. Chills enemies around you when you get hit. awesome. Of LIGHT is also a somewhat decent choice but almost never actually triggers. ____________________________________________________________ ■ Helmet Price scale: Budget - Midrange - Expensive Explanation
Vertex is very cheap and difficult to beat! +1 gems allows us to have an additional level on enlighten as well as slightly boosted auras. It also gives the most ES out of any unique helmets, and also provides a lot of evasion. Just get a high Energy shield roll to synergise with your ascendancy:
![]() Vertex can be beaten with a properly crafted rare. It is difficult to break 300es with more quality of life (750 eva and +1 gems). If you have 20+EX to throw at a helmet, check out the crafting section below. A rare crafted helm will be 16% MORE damage overall and slightly more es, but slightly less evasion. A rare hubris is best in slot If you don't think you will have enough currency to afford a well crafted rare hubris, you may use devouring diadem. I do not recommend using it before you aquire an enlighten 4 gem, so it is quite expensive. ENCHANT: 40% Essence drain damage. Expensive, don't bother if you don't have the currency. If you're not using the expensive hubris, anything useful is helpful, it's difficult to target a specific enchant on unique items. Additionnal info to use Devouring Diadem:
+ Using devouring diadem is great because it saves 4 passive skill points, and you get enough mana to reserve flesh and stone with an enlighten 4. - However, you loose ~140es and ~1200 evasion by switching from the vertex. If you have an enlighten 4 gem, you should setup your gems in your helmet like so: Because you won't have enough space for flamedash anymore, you should put it in your gloves instead of faster casting. Passive tree wise, you should make the following changes: ![]() Crafting tutorial {20ex} BiS hubris circlet
This is a more advanced crafting section, and assumes you have basic knowledge of different crafting techniques. 1) Start by buying a level 4 enlighten. You will need this as you will not have +1 from the vertex. Better buy it now and not be sorry later when you are broke :p 2) Buy an ilvl 85+ enchanted hubris circlet with 40% increased essence drain damage enchant. It is better to buy it without influence or with hunter influence, but it doesn't change much. Do NOT buy it double influenced if it doesn't have hunter. 3) Quality your helmet up using perfect fossils. This takes 15 fossils and resonators in average. 4) Use a hunter exalted orb to turn your item into a hunter hubris circlet. If it already has a non hunter influence, use an awakener's orb and a hunter helmet to awaken hunter influence on it. 5)Use dense and aberrant fossils on your item. You need to repeat this step until you hit a t1 flat or % ES prefix, and the -9% chaos resistance to nearby enemies suffix. 6) If you need, annul your item to be able to craft a good energy shield prefix. If the item has already 310+ ES, craft whatever. 310 is the minimum you should settle for imo. Good luck! ____________________________________________________________ ■ Body armor Price scale: Budget - Midrange Explanation
Hyrri's ire is best in slot. It has insane evasion, giving us 500 flat ES from our ascendancy.
The dodge and spell dodge are also really cool, allowing us to reach dodge cap. Perfect form is an other option, but does not offer as many benefits as Hyrri's Ire. I'll go over it in the "popular alternatives" section. If you are on a budget and cannot afford hyrri's ire, Kintsugi is a very nice chestpiece that only cost a couple chaos. It synergises very well with the dodge/evasion mechanics of this build and will prevents oneshot mechanics, especially on bosses. After playing with both for a while, I can however confirm that Hyrri's ire is still the superior choice when it comes to real endgame. ____________________________________________________________ ■ Rings Price scale: Budget - Expensive - Expensive Explanation
Life, resists. The usual. Try to get +1 Min endurance charge if possible, it is a massive survivability boost!
The temple mod gives 2% increased maximum life on top of the t1 roll. It is a bit more expensive than just flat life but worth the cost. 3 Minimum endurance charges is our way to generate endurance charges. Once you can afford it, you should try to craft an arcane surge ring. Arcane surge gives you 10% more damage and some cast speed, which is well welcome here. Crafting tutorial {6ex} Endgame ring (x1)
This is a more advanced crafting section, and assumes you have basic knowledge of different crafting techniques. 1) Make sure you have good resistances on the rest of your gear. These endgame rings only provide 20% all elemental resistances + the implicit, which is low. Crafting a 100%+elemental res pair of boots could be a great way to do so. 2) Buy the following items: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/3nj964kc5 These are rings with the %life temple mod and t1 all elemental resistances. You can opt for an other suffix if you'd like. Buy any in this list that is cheap and has the least amount possible of other mods. I would pay 15c for a 5 mod ring, and 30c for a 4 mods ring. 3)Annul your rings and pray to get a clean base. 4) multimod your ring from here. Craft +1 min endurance charge and 20% increased damage. Done. PoG! This can be a tedious process as it'll most likely require you to leave live alerts for days, especially if you want a good implicit base (two stone, coral or at least single resistance). Good luck! ____________________________________________________________ ■ Amulet Price scale:Expensive - Perfect Explanation
Again, aim for life, resists, and an endurance charge. You may also minmax it by having a chaos multiplier elder mod and/or +1 gems level, but that's way more expensive. Just get life and resistances to start.
Once again, I cannot stress how good +1 min endurance is for a single suffix if you are rescapped already. If you have a very high budget, you may try to get +2 gems AND Dot multiplier, but getting that with a decent life roll and a free suffix for endurance is extremely difficult. Note that you can multimod the life and endurance mods if the item only has the 3 desired influencs mods. Anointment information:
You may use 3 blight oils on an amulet by talking to cassia to allocate a notable of the passive skill tree on your amulet. This section covers the notables you should go for, what they give and their cost.
■ Corruption [Crimson/Black/Black] 25% increased Chaos Damage 20% increased effect of withered You should anoint Corruption. The effect of withered line is equivalent to "enemies take 18% increased damage", which is in itself a 9% more damage multiplier for the build. While this is only active on bosses, singletarget is what the build needs, and this is great for it. Check out the alternative section below if you seek something else than raw damage. Alternatives:
Low budget: ■ Beef [Clear/Clear/Sepia] +30 strength A good node to annoint really early on. Dirt cheap, it's better than nothing. Strength helps, especially for leveling. ■ Freedom of Movement [Clear/Sepia/Violet] Phasing on kill 10% movement speed while phasing 5% dodge while phasing Allows us to reach 75% dodge more easily. This used to be the best anoint for the build, but has been made a bit redundant by no witnesses. It is still a decent option if you're just seeking more movement speed. High budget: ■ Constitution [Golden/Golden/Silver] +20 to maximum life 14% increased maximum life After the nerf of soul of steel, constitution took the #1 spot as the best defensive anoint in the game for this build. It's expensive, but if you have enough damage to justify not taking corruption, go for this. Crafting tutorial
{3-10ex} Endgame amulet
This is a more advanced crafting section, and assumes you have basic knowledge of different crafting techniques. 1) Grab an elder amber amulet with t1 chaos multi: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/G6RE8g3sb Also grab a hunter amulet with +1 gems: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Metamorph/venW80jCE 2) Make sure there is only one influenced mod on each item. 3) Use an awakener's orb on the hunter amulet, then put the hunter influence on your elder base. 4) If your amulet rolled life, just craft an endurance charge and you're done. Otherwise, annul the amulet until you have one spare prefix and two spare suffixes. Warning: Anulment orbs may remove the +1 gems or 16% chaos multiplier. If this happens, you will have to start over. Make sure you have spare currency before you risk an annul. 5) Craft multimod, life and an endurance charge. 6) Probaly annoint Constirution. If you made it that far, you probably don't need corruption anymore... ____________________________________________________________ ■ Belt Price scale: Budget - Expensive Explanation
Stygian vise with an onslaught jewel. On the belt itself, life and reduced flask charges used. This is a good spot to put aspect of the spider.
If you have more money, 12% increased maximum life from hunter influence helps. It is important for the abyssal jewel to have onslaught on kill and life. Onslaught is a large movement and cast speed buff, and will drastically speed up your clear. You should aim for 30+ life. Tip: If you already have an other source of onslaught (on a bow most likely), you may get 2% dodge instead on the jewel! ____________________________________________________________ ■ Jewels Explanation
Rare jewel: aim for LIFE at all costs, then any damage source that affects you, like in any other build. This build has room for 1 rare jewel, but uniques may be replaced by rares while you cannot afford them.
Spreading rot is good to apply wither faster early on. For as long as you use blight on random rares or unique mobs, you should use this. When you feel like you're killing everything that isn't an endgame bosse requiring you to place wither totems, you may swap this jewel for a 2nd rare instead. Green nightmare is a good option in the late game, as it gives frenzy charges on kill and a bit of dodge chance to reach cap without flasks. The 3% it gives puts us at 64% flat, which goes up to max only with conditional dodge sources (elusive, flasks, pantheon...). Don't forget dodge as increasing returns for each point you get, so you really want to reach that magic 75% cap. Transcendent Mind gives very good damage for all non allocated intelligence in radius. We have 80 non allocated int near the witch start, this is why pathing in this area looks a little weird. This is at the cost of mana recovery rate, but we use energy shield instead so we are not affected by the downsides of this jewel. Watcher's eye is really expensive, but pretty cool. The mod you are looking for is damage over time multiplier while affected by malevolence. Due to the price, this should be one of your last upgrades. It boosts your damage by around 7% compared to a rare jewel. Flow of life and Exposure are notables found on medium cluster jewels granting chaos damage over time multiplier. These jewels are the best damage possible on a cluster jewel, cost little points and grant some life. They are the best cluster jewels you can get. You want one medium jewel with at least a jewel socket. More information in the cluster jewel section below. Lethal pride of Akoya transforms perfect agony into Chainbreaker. Chainbreaker transforms our mana regeneration into rage, which we use to get a massive damage boost using a divergent berzerk gem. This jewels also adds much needed strength to nodes on the way. Unique jewels placement
Green nightmare
![]() Cluster jewel
![]() Spreading rot
Reminder that you should only use this early on. ![]() Transcendent mind
![]() Lethal pride
![]() Cluster Jewel information
This build uses one medium cluster jewel for damage near acrobatics. ____________________________________________________________________ Medium cluster jewel ____________________________________________________________________ Added Small Passive Skills grant: +4% to Damage over Time Multiplier ____________________________________________________________________ P1 Added Passive Skill is Flow of Life P1 Added Passive Skill is Brush with death or Explosure therapy S1 Added Passive Skill is a jewel socket ____________________________________________________________________ Trade link: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/nl4EEqVH0 Brush with death +10% to Damage over Time Multiplier Recover 1% of Life on Kill Recover 1% of Energy Shield on Kill Flow of life 24% increased Damage over Time 4% increased maximum Life Regenerate 0.6% of Life per second Exposure Therapy +10% to Damage over Time Multiplier +30% Chaos Resistance against Damage Over Time You want a medium cluster jewel With flow of life and a jewelsocket. Exposure therapy on top is BiS, but any other good notable will do as well. Brush with death grants as much damage as Exposure therapy, but isn't as good defenses wise. The jewel socket is very much worth one point. ■ Flasks Explanation
■ Health flask should be instant (bubbling or seething) and be of staunching to provide bleed removal. This is a good panic button for when you get low and don't have ED on an enemy, or when you're about to bleed to death. ■ Witchfire brew provides a lot of damage in melee (about the same as blight) range, and a lot of evasion. It's a must have. It puts a smoke cloud where you use it, so if you are about to facetank a boss, put the cloud on him to blind him. ■ Sulfur is a 5 uses flask with the belt mod, so it has a 24 seconds uptime. It is basically always up, even on bosses. This is why your sulfur flask should be warding, to provide very reliable curse immunity while clearing. ■ Quartz flask boosts your dodge chance for when it's not maxed. It's a great place to get freeze removal (of heat). ■ Quicksilver of adrenaline is almost a must. We move around by running, so make sure your quicksilver gives you as much movement speed as possible. Reminder that you can craft the suffix of your choice on a flask that doesn't already has one in your menagerie. This is very cheap to do, and the best way to craft your flasks. ![]() ■ Gems and links ■
■ Weapon There is no variation when it comes to essence drain. You should push for a 6l as soon as possible and buy a level 3 empower. If you only have a level 1 or 2 empower but you have a 6l, you should use Decay support instead: ■ Helmet You should put your auras in your helmet because vertex gives +1 level of socketed gems. This means you will only need a level 3 enlighten instead of 4. It will also give a slight damage and ES boost by leveling your auras more. If you are using devouring diadem, you should replace flame dash by Flesh and stone: ■ Gloves If you use an es base gloves, you should put your Contagion setup here for ease of coloring. Intensify and area of effect supports are mandatory to make contagion's aoe massive. Faster casting is a nice quality of life boost. If you are using devouring diadem, replace faster casting with flame dash: ■ Boots The goal of this gem setup is to have enhance affect both our wither totem and divergent berserk. Berserk HAS TO be a divergent variation to grant up to 44% MORE spell damage. A regular berserk will only grant damage reduction and movement speed. Wither almost doubles the damage enemies take in the circle, so be sure to use it on bosses. You may bind berserk to left click to trigger it automatically when you move and not have to cast it manually. The best uptime is achieved when you use it as soon as it is offcooldown anyways. ■ Body armor Here you have some choice. For more damage, the best option is blight: Last edited by Darkxellmc#0807 on Dec 24, 2022, 12:44:31 PM Last bumped on Apr 27, 2023, 5:59:43 AM
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■ Passive tree ■
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.12.0/AAAABAYCAQQHBbUG5wceCPQNjQ5ID6sRLRGWFr8ajRzcH0Ei6iL0I_YkiyYpJogmlSvnLJwwcTB8MgEzozfUOZk6QjpYPLZFnUkTSVFJsUp9S3hMg0yzTZJRR1NSVUtVxlsmW29d8l4DXkVh4mpDaoxsC20ZcNR0gXaCfIN_xn_7gh6D24TFhTKHdongjX2Nv48akx-TJ5Uul5WX9JhTmuCbtaEvoqOi2aOKo6OkBbDYshm00bVItzC86r6KwWvB88M6yAzIFMpZz3rQH9FF1CPXz9o72wvdqOOE5ljoWujW6-7tP-4O74jv6_DV9W_5N_mk-uv8xQ== Notes: This is a level 93 tree. Intermediate trees are available in the leveling section. Levels 93->99 should be spent pathing towards Athrophy. If you don't have enough strength, pick up Physique for 1 point (+30 strength) Acsendancy order: Ghost dance - Escape artist - Patient reaper - Prolonged pain Bandits: kill all of them! 2 passive points is better than anything they give, we are very starved for passive points. ■ Pantheon ■
![]() ■ Leveling ■
Leveling is surprisingly smooth, as blight got massively buffed. It is a great League starter, but will not be the fastest. Note that this leveling section covers a standard leveling process using chaos dots. Using spellslinger is faster and offers a fresh and interesting playstyle, but is more complex and will not be covered here. This section is meant to be beginner friendly. Here is a youtube guide I find relevent for chaosslinger leveling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iQM12qHc40 Level 4-12:
Grab blight in act one after killing hillock. Try to get a 3link setup with the following support gems: All these gems are purchasable from Nessa in act 1 after killing Hillrake and getting a quicksilver flask. Skill tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.11.0/AAAABAYAAAbnFr8mlWHiaox2gqLZpAWw2LTRtUjIDMgU9W8= Level 13-24:
Add a 3link essence drain to your setup, to boost singletarget. You should still pretty much only be uising blight, as it still clears well. Kill all bandits to get 2 passive skill points. Try to pick up rare items that makes you reach 75% elemental resistances. Chaos resistance doesn't matter. At this point, you might start to have a few alchs worth of currency to spend, consider buying these cheap uniques: Skill tree: Warning Following this leveling tree requires a few respec points. Keep the points you gain during the campaign. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.11.0/AAAABAYAAAbnDkgPqxa_H0EkiyYpJpVJE1VLXfJeA2Hiaox2gongjDaTH5hTotmkBbDYtNG1SMFrwzrIDMgU44TmWPVv Note that the selected cluster on the top right should be no witnesses, not trap and mine damage. Level 25-31:
At the start of act 3 (level 24), you gain access to a plethora of good gems, and 4 link items. You should use the following auras: Only use purity of elements instead of discipline if you lack elemental resistances. You should not need this gem, but it's better than no resistances at all. If you struggle with mana sustain, deactivate discipline and only keep malevolence active. At level 24, you also gain access to bane. Bane is much faster and smoother than blight, and will be your main skill from now on. Setup a 4-links bane with the following gems: Bane deals massive damage and will carry your clear for the rest of the acts. You should only be using blight on tougher targets, and add an ED cast on bosses with a lot of health. Skill tree: Warning Following this leveling tree requires a few respec points. Keep the points you gain during the campaign. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.11.0/AAAABAYAAAbnDkgPqxGWFr8fQSSLJikmiCaVJ6lJE1VLXfJeA2Hiaox2gn_GieCMNpMfmFOi2aQFsNi00bVItzDBa8M6yAzIFOOE5ljoWvVv Level 32-60:
At this point, you may want to try using ED + contagion. For this, you will need a 4links with the following gems: That said, low cast speed means it'll be clunky, and I personally much prefer using bane. Leveling the gems, even in offhand, is however a smart move. since you are using ES and not mana to cast your skills, you should replace arcane surge in your blight setup by efficacy As soon as you aquire spreading rot, socket it near pain attenument to let your blight apply wither. At this point, you should have 3 damaging setups: - Bane, that has great aoe clear and applies despair. - Blight, that you only use on tougher targets and gives infusion and wither. - Essence drain that deals good additionnal damage for singletarget situations. Skill tree: Warning Following this leveling tree requires a few respec points. Keep the points you gain during the campaign. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.11.0/AAAABAYAAAbnBx4I9A5ID6sRlha_H0Ei9CSLJikmiCaVJ6ksnDmZSRNJUUmxVUtd8l4DYeJqQ2qMbAttGXaCf8aCHongjDaTH5MnlS6YU6EvoqOi2aQFsNi00bVItzC86r6KwWvB88M6yAzIFMpZ0UXXz9sL44TmWOha74jw1fVv-Tc= Level 60-Early endgame:
At this point, you should be nearing/at blood aqueducts. You should try to obtain a 5-links body armor for your ED, with the following links: The best would be to get a 5-links kintsugi, but at this point, any random rare will do just fine. Drop bane, and make sure you have your 4-link contagion setup to combo with ED. Your next upgrade should be a Cane of unravelling, 5 links if possible. It will carry your damage in early maps just fine. Now is also a good time to do merciless labyrinth, before you kill Kitava. If you are not at leaguestart, try to get a Vertex helmet, to massively boost your energy shield, evasion and auras. This item is usually somewhat expensive during the first few weeks of a league, and drops to a few chaos after the first rush to maps. Any helmet with decent ES will do just fine. [link: vertex] Skill tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.11.0/AAAABAYAAAW1BucHHgj0DY0OSA-rES0Rlha_H0Ei6iL0I_YkiyYpJogmlSepK-csnDBxMHwyATmZOkJFnUkTSVFJsUp9S3hNklFHU1JVS13yXgNeRWHiakNqjGwLbRl2gnyDf8aCHoUyh3aJ4I19jb-TH5MnlS6YU5rgoS-io6LZo4qkBbDYshm00bVItzC86r6KwWvB88M6yAzIFMpZz3rRRdQj18_bC92o44TmWOha6Nbr7u4O74jw1fVv-Tf66_zF This skill tree is a trimmed down version of the final tree for level 71. You should be reaching to mind over matter last, to only take it when you have enough energy shield (>1500). This usually happens when you equip Hyrri's ire. Maps/Endgame
The guide for maps/endgame is everything else in this thread. To know what gear piece to upgrade, refer to the "what do I upgrade next" section. For each equipment slot, check the "gear section", and see what pieces you can use according you your budget. Never forget: there is no such thing as a 10c build that does all content. The more time you spend fine tuning and investing on your character, the better it will be. Progress your atlas, and spend the earnings you make while doing so to improve the strength of your build. If you have any question, feel free to post a reply to this thread. ■ Questions and answers ■
The 3Ex cheap version is already too much for me! I'm leaguestarting/am a new player. How do I start?
Worry not! Just grab a 5L cane of unraveling, a rare chestpiece instead of hyrri's ire, and a rare jewel instead of the green nightmare.
This will down the cost of the build to ~40c, which is what you will have after running a few maps. Make sure you follow the passive skill tree and grab enough life/resistances on your gear to reach 75% against all elements. You should then upgrade your gear piece by piece. Grab a 6l cane and a high evasion chestpiece when you can. When you have more than 2000 energy shield, start Using MindoverMatter. This is where the build really kicks in and you'll start rolling on endgame content, getting currency and upgrading your gear. How do I reach 75% dodge chance again? I'm only at #...
Reminder on all dodge chance sources for this build: - (Tree) Accrobatics [30%] - (Tree) Accrobatics improvement [10%] - (Tree) Green nightmare and Survivalist [3%] - (Tree) Freedom of movement [5%] Condition: killed recently - (Tree) No witnesses [0-19%] Condition: killed recently, elusive effect - (Pantheon) Soul of Lunaris [5%] Condition: Been hit recently - (Gear) Hyrri's Ire [10%] - (Gear) Matatl's Boots [6%] - (Gear) Abyss jewel of Readiness [2%] Condition: Been hit recently - (Gear) Quartz flask [10%] Condition: flask active How do you generate endurance charges?
The crafted suffix on rings and amulets is:
+1 to minimum endurance charges You cannot have less than your minimum amount of charges. If our minimum amount of charges is 3 (2 on rings and 1 on amulet), we permanently have 3 charges. This also means we have full endurance charges, as 3 happens to also be the default maximum. Why Prolonged pain over swift killer?
Swift killer grants 4 frenzies and 40% increased damage. This is an overall 20% more damage buff.
This is the same as prolonged pain's 20% more multiplier. Also, we already generate frenzies on kill from the green nightmare, so we still benefit from more them. Prolonged pain also gives defensive bonuses against dots, which is most welcome. TL/DR: Prolonged pain is better. Where does the 3k/s regen comes from?
Essence drains regenerates you for 0.5% of damage dealt (not damage taken by an enemy) per stack on enemies. 0.5% is too little to notice before maps, but as you start scaling your damage in the endgame, it becomes an extremely potent source of regen. It acts somewhat like leech, but is not capped. On the flipside, the regeneration will stop if the affected enemy dies. To know how much you are regenerating per stack, check your tooltip for ED. There is a line telling you "deals X chaos damage per second" near the end, divide it by 200 and you have your regen per stack. Here is the table of what your tooltip dps should look like and how much regen you are getting: 3Ex setup: 250k tooltip - 1250 regen/second 10Ex setup: 500k tooltip - 2500 regen/second Endgame setup: 800k tooltip - 4000 regen/second Keep in mind these numbers should be multiplied by the amount of enemies you are draining. If you just spread a contagion in a delirium, you most likely have 2-3 drains on rares, and should double or triple this number. On bosses, you most likely have only one. In the 10Ex bow craft, why do we multimod before crafting "no attack mods"?
The multimod is to block a suffix. If you simply craft "no attack modifiers", your exalt will likely hit a suffix and ruin your item. Crafting both "no attack" and a random suffix means your exalted orb is garenteed to hit +1 level of socketed gems. How do you generate rage? I don't see Chainbreaker on the tree?
Lethal pride of akoya ("of akoya" is important) transforms keystones in radius into chainbreaker. Chainbreaker transforms our mana regen into rage regen. Convenient, since we do not use mana anyways. This is how we generate rage to sustain divergent berserk. ■ "What do I upgrade next?" ■ So, you're following the build and you have # gear. I hope you like it! You don't know what to upgrade? Instead of asking in the forums, annoying mr streamer or DMing me directly, you should try to follow one of the following flowcharts first!
Starter -> Endgame viable flowchart
![]() Endgame viable -> All content smoothly flowchart
![]() All content -> Minmaxed flowchart
![]() Last edited by Darkxellmc#0807 on Oct 28, 2020, 4:54:13 AM
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a POB would be great
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" My profile Is public, but yeah, I'll add one. |
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Could you post leveling steps please. Cheers
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Last edited by vosszaa#4629 on Jul 6, 2019, 5:54:56 PM
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Added a leveling section. Leveling is piss easy with this, but not very fast. It's pretty much the same for any Chaos dot shadow, so there's that.
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Could you explain further your choice of the Green Nightmare Jewel, while I see the value of it, it looks like something you spec into as your last few points. Also, judging from your pictures, your lethal pride jewel appears to only be giving you extra strength, 4% life and some armour, am I missing something here?
Last edited by IchiMorghulis#4560 on Jul 7, 2019, 11:06:35 AM
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Thanks for the guide. I've been reading through ED/C builds for awhile now, and I think this one looks pretty great.
I wanted to refer to the 3ex, 10ex, and endgame item sets side by side, so I made a single PoB that contains all three of them. Under the "Items" section of PoB, I can just flip between three different Item Sets now, instead of having to navigate between three different builds. I also compiled the three passive skill trees (111, 116, and 120 points). Here is a pastebin import code for that PoB: https://pastebin.com/zShV8UMd Figured I would share this compilation in case others want to see all three imports at once as well. I put a link to this thread in the "Notes" section and tried to make it clear that it's all Darkxellmc's work, and I just made a combination PoB out of the 3 provided in the OP. Hopefully that's alright. Or if Dark actually likes this idea and wants to run with it, feel free to do so. |
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" Yes, that's indeed something I grabbed very late, around 94-95. It is pretty expensive in terms of passive points (costing 5 points total), but I think it is worth it. Frenzies are a great damage and mapping speed boost for the build. I originally had them on my jewelry, but I prefer having 3 permanent endurances for the tankiness it provides. Green nightmare is a good solution to generate frenzies, as other ways are impractical. Green nightmare also conveniently puts us at 70% base dodge, which means we get capped (75%) from our pantheon. Without it, you need your quartz flask to be up all the time. Even tho we have 3 uses of quartz flasks, it isn't reliable enough for my liking. |
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