3.11 NEBULOCH JUG. TECTONIC SLAM, HC SUPER TANK, 3.11 BUFFED! Featured by Goodgaming!

Hi what will be the price of Nebuloch in the new league after like 1 month ?
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
If I am reading the Seismic Cry stats correctly, I think this is what we would see on the 4 exerted slams:

Slam 1: 30% more damage, 30% increased AOE

Slam 2: 60% more damage, 60% increased AOE

Slam 3: 90% more damage, 90% increased AOE

Slam 4: 120% more damage, 120% increased AOE

and if one takes Measured fury on the tree, you get an additional exert which means

Slam 5: 150% more damage, 150% increased AOE

some one tell me I am off here because these numbers look insane to me

I see same ! xD
Insane number !
i made this tree rapidly with warcry reduction CD : i reach 100/117% (without SecondWind = +29%) so reduction cd by 2 ! 3s for enduring cry and 4s for infernal/seismic. calcul is CD/(1+ (%RDC/100) )
SecondWind link with 2 cries + keystone instant war cry , you can use them instantly both (i need to test but i think)....................... maybe infernal for mapping and seismic for boss.
sounds soooo goooood !
i replayed my TS jugg (95) with lower stuff than this build, i nuked big T16 easily, what will be xD

the quick tree with warcry 2H :
Last edited by ruffmagga#3598 on Jun 17, 2020, 10:09:53 PM
ruffmagga wrote:
AndyLovesHisBge wrote:
If I am reading the Seismic Cry stats correctly, I think this is what we would see on the 4 exerted slams:

Slam 1: 30% more damage, 30% increased AOE

Slam 2: 60% more damage, 60% increased AOE

Slam 3: 90% more damage, 90% increased AOE

Slam 4: 120% more damage, 120% increased AOE

and if one takes Measured fury on the tree, you get an additional exert which means

Slam 5: 150% more damage, 150% increased AOE

some one tell me I am off here because these numbers look insane to me

I see same ! xD
Insane number !
i made this tree rapidly with warcry reduction CD : i reach 100/117% (without SecondWind = +29%) so reduction cd by 2 ! 3s for enduring cry and 4s for infernal/seismic. calcul is CD/(1+ (%RDC/100) )
SecondWind link with 2 cries + keystone instant war cry , you can use them instantly both (i need to test but i think)....................... maybe infernal for mapping and seismic for boss.
sounds soooo goooood !
i replayed my TS jugg (95) with lower stuff than this build, i nuked big T16 easily, what will be xD

the quick tree with warcry 2H :

I am pretty sure GGG said if you use the keystone, you can not use two warcry's at the same time as they share cools downs. That was the price you pay for getting the instant cool down.

I think I am going to have a 4 link with dash, second wind and two war crys, and also invest in cool down reduction on tree along with getting the 5th exert notable.

I hate replacing gems for bosses but your idea sounds really good: infernal for clearing and seismic for bosses.
yeah i know but try now one cry and second wind,
tehre is a cooldown right ? but you have 2charge, you can use the warcry a 2nd time while is on cd. i think the 2nd charge of secondwind bypass the 1st CD.
i test (on 3.10) put 3links : cry + cry + secondwind. both share charge (of secondwind and) and same cd, look like this new keystone is same that the old mechanic.
i need to test this keystone but i think its same think unless you share cooldown, ahahahah

edit : imagine 5th exterd slam + ruthless. 150more + 130more on the same hit with the good timing ^^
i imagine cycle like :
enduring cry > HIT(1) > seismic cry > HIT EX(2) > HIT EX(3=boom!) > HIT EX (4) > HIT EX(5) > HIT EX (6 = big boom!) ... boss down ^^

there is a new cry : next 2 attack deal double damage ^^ i cant choose !!
Last edited by ruffmagga#3598 on Jun 17, 2020, 10:37:25 PM
BloodLab wrote:
Hi what will be the price of Nebuloch in the new league after like 1 month ?

you can see here old prices. maybe more this league because more "meta", slow league. (im not expert) . in metamorph this build was more popular cause its super tank. will see this league if will be popular or not.
but you can see between week 1/2 its the cheepest. maybe player reroll after 2/3 weeks or new player

Last edited by ruffmagga#3598 on Jun 17, 2020, 10:47:30 PM
Your most recent POB wasnt working with the update. Any chance to have a quick look at it or should I try again later? Says the build you are trying to load uses an unrecognized version of the skill tree. just fyi. Am new to poe and pob so I could be way wrong
danielrubin wrote:
Your most recent POB wasnt working with the update. Any chance to have a quick look at it or should I try again later? Says the build you are trying to load uses an unrecognized version of the skill tree. just fyi. Am new to poe and pob so I could be way wrong

The new link is working correctly.

Make sure you are using the latest update of the Fork version of POB, not the regular version of POB.


Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge#5265 on Jun 17, 2020, 11:59:18 PM
Enduring cry sounds REALLY good. 2k health + ~18% phys reduction
lasts 2 seconds ~6 sec cooldown!

Deep breaths cluster gives 54% cooldown reduction. (req 3+2 travel points tho :/)

Just that cluster you get a ~3 sec CD enduring cry. endurance charge every 3 sec MINIMUM.

If you want to take it even further get "natural authority" cluster with cooldown.

Now you have 78% cooldown reduction. for a 1.3 sec cool down enduring cry!!

ohhh also btw. enemies are "debilitated" for 1 sec ~ each time you cry dealing 20% less dmg.

for something this often casted - u will want instant.

2k heal
1.3 sec cooldown
2.6 sec duration
instant cast
1 sec debilitate
enemies 5% increased dmg taken
~20% phys dmg reduce
~25% resist all
1 min endurance charge per use
requires 11 passive point investment.

not to mention increased duration support gem + 20% gem quality on both ???
thats like 4.5 sec duration.

yeahhhh thats really good.
then just use infernal cry for clear and explodey

then again I probably mathed something wrong here...

you can get over 100% increased warcry recovery speed so that would make it have no cooldown?? yeah that doesn't sound right
Last edited by Milk103#0516 on Jun 18, 2020, 12:27:36 AM
Milk103 wrote:
Enduring cry sounds REALLY good. 2k health + ~18% phys reduction
lasts 2 seconds ~6 sec cooldown!

Deep breaths cluster gives 54% cooldown reduction. (req 3+2 travel points tho :/)

Just that cluster you get a ~3 sec CD enduring cry. endurance charge every 3 sec MINIMUM.

If you want to take it even further get "natural authority" cluster with cooldown.

Now you have 78% cooldown reduction. for a 1.3 sec cool down enduring cry!!

ohhh also btw. enemies are "debilitated" for 1 sec ~ each time you cry dealing 20% less dmg.

for something this often casted - u will want instant.

2k heal
1.3 sec cooldown
2.6 sec duration
instant cast
1 sec debilitate
~20% phys dmg reduce
~25% resist all
1 min endurance charge per use
requires 11 passive point investment.

not to mention increased duration support gem???? ~4.2 sec duration cry.

yeahhhh thats really good.
then just use infernal cry for clear and explodey

Don't forget Second Wind, that looks like a fabulous link for the warcrys.

Also, with new new damage numbers being released tonight, we are going to want to get Measured Fury. That cluster (which is right in our regular path so no need to deviate), also has warcry cool down improvements.
dang wtf so yeah second wind support ~ 24% cooldown.
save one passive point from natural authrity cluster. yet still get even more cooldwn ~ 90% .6 sec cooldown enduring cry??

you can get 100% cooldown recovery speed pretty easily.

healing is not instant its over 1 sec so i guess we are capped at 2k life per second regen.

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