[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

I think this will be a league starter for me! I've been slamming through BA to level gems + marauder (I only have one marauder and wanted a second for dicking around), and it's fun even at lower gem levels.
I want to rock right meow
Laeortia wrote:
I think this will be a league starter for me! I've been slamming through BA to level gems + marauder (I only have one marauder and wanted a second for dicking around), and it's fun even at lower gem levels.

glad to hear you are enjoying it!

i agree; this build is a classic action rpg class, big tough barbarian with a big 2 hander smashing entire screen and leaping/dashing from pack to pack

The PoB here says the DPS is around 1.5mil, is that the damage you need to kill bosses like elder-shaper that quickly or?
zorlakov11 wrote:
The PoB here says the DPS is around 1.5mil, is that the damage you need to kill bosses like elder-shaper that quickly or?

The PoB config is very modest

once you use Berserk, it goes from 1.5mil to 1.9 mil

Activate all Flasks, 1.9 to 2.2

60 rage (which we get due to warbringer maxing rage on use) to 2.8 mil

Add in used a warcry recently and enemy was taunted becomes 3 million

Add in frenzy charges from war cry cluster etc becomes 3.4 million

add in maximum pride effect = 4 million ground slam, 8.1 million Vaal Ground Slam

damage is not this builds problem :)

all the end game bosses require knowledge of when you can DPS, when you need to dodge etc. this is much more important then pure dps
Hello mate, I think i'm gonna league start with your build.
I'm a bit casual sorry for the question about the gameplay, when do you use ground slam and when do you use earthshatter ? Or do you only use one.

Ty dude
frawrst wrote:
zorlakov11 wrote:
The PoB here says the DPS is around 1.5mil, is that the damage you need to kill bosses like elder-shaper that quickly or?

The PoB config is very modest

once you use Berserk, it goes from 1.5mil to 1.9 mil

Activate all Flasks, 1.9 to 2.2

60 rage (which we get due to warbringer maxing rage on use) to 2.8 mil

Add in used a warcry recently and enemy was taunted becomes 3 million

Add in frenzy charges from war cry cluster etc becomes 3.4 million

add in maximum pride effect = 4 million ground slam, 8.1 million Vaal Ground Slam

damage is not this builds problem :)

all the end game bosses require knowledge of when you can DPS, when you need to dodge etc. this is much more important then pure dps

Thanks for answering, I have just 1 more question (if you know the answer since its new league): will I be able to do these bosses without huge amounts of currency invested? I like the game but don't play much so around 20-30exalts in 2 months is what I expect I can have. I started playing last league and ran a necromancer that had like 80m total DPS in PoB (counting all my 60+ skeletons), so that's why I ask about the DPS.
Awà wrote:
Hello mate, I think i'm gonna league start with your build.
I'm a bit casual sorry for the question about the gameplay, when do you use ground slam and when do you use earthshatter ? Or do you only use one.

Ty dude

use only one, other slams in guide are just for show

i think i will update and remove them as its confusing

thank you for feedback
zorlakov11 wrote:

Thanks for answering, I have just 1 more question (if you know the answer since its new league): will I be able to do these bosses without huge amounts of currency invested? I like the game but don't play much so around 20-30exalts in 2 months is what I expect I can have. I started playing last league and ran a necromancer that had like 80m total DPS in PoB (counting all my 60+ skeletons), so that's why I ask about the DPS.

i killed awakener 5 sirus in 3.14 with a 5 link tidebreaker, dps was not the problem

you can get into red maps and killing those bosses and conquerors for under 10ex, most expensive items is 6 link wep and ryslathas coil

this is not a minion build, we dont approach 20+ million dps (which no one really needs in PoE lol) without alot of investment into items
Thank you for the quick answer dude, i'll try that with ground slam then !
Awà wrote:
Thank you for the quick answer dude, i'll try that with ground slam then !

good luck with league start!

i should be streaming my start using this build so if yall want to hang out/follow along feel free!

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