[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

aka2411 wrote:

considering your build is significantly different than the OP one and OP kinda not updating anymore, can you make a separate thread for this haha :d

Thinking about it...
Lunartuna wrote:
aka2411 wrote:

Thinking about it...

Yours is also a bit more expensive. The fact it has a headhunter in it is already not obtainable for like 90% of the playerbase. Hopefully if you do, you also create some budget options.

wakasm wrote:
Lunartuna wrote:
aka2411 wrote:

Thinking about it...

Yours is also a bit more expensive. The fact it has a headhunter in it is already not obtainable for like 90% of the playerbase. Hopefully if you do, you also create some budget options.

Oh im not using headhunter. that was a quote within the other quote hehe.

Lunartuna's version is working perfectly fine without HH. (My friend plays it)

HH is just an addition, endgame grind for those who finished they build, it's not mandatory at all.
Oh im not using headhunter. that was a quote within the other quote hehe.


What's the benefit of using Vicious Projectiles over Added Chaos Damage?
Last edited by BigK67 on Oct 1, 2019, 9:22:57 PM
hi guys. this is pretty much my first post on here, ever, and of course it's full of questions.

i don't know how to link my items here but here is the pastebin https://pastebin.com/bd1NjaL4.

so i was wondering:

1) what should i upgrade next? my budget is only 2 ex (i'm poor!). i think most of the 6 link armors i'd want for this build cost 3+ ex which is why i'm still using the tabula. i know i need more life as i'm sitting at just under 4k. still running yellow maps btw but want to hit red maps soon.
2) speaking of being so poor how do you guys have such nice builds? i've seen some that are worth 10 ex easy. the most i've ever had in a league was 4 ex.
3) i've been seeing several builds that include temporal chains (via blasphemy) and despair (via flask). i didn't think you could use more than one curse without some piece of equipment allowing it. am i missing something?
4) how do you kill izaro without destroying whatever else is in the room? i'm using venom gyre and the return projectiles tend to disable/kill the thing i'm not supposed to in order to earn the extra key.

help a noob out please?
BigK67 wrote:
What's the benefit of using Vicious Projectiles over Added Chaos Damage?

For venom gyre vicious projectiles gives more dps. For cobra lash add chaos gives more dps.
Lunartuna wrote:
BigK67 wrote:
What's the benefit of using Vicious Projectiles over Added Chaos Damage?

For venom gyre vicious projectiles gives more dps. For cobra lash add chaos gives more dps.

Crafted these boots which let me drop my anti freeze basalt flask for a Dying Sun, which in turn let me drop GMP from my Cobra Lash setup for vicious proj while also gaining plague bearer aoe. Damage and clear speed absolutely through the roof!

I highly recommend boots like these for both quality of life and flask freedom, although I notice you guys seem to run around without an anti curse and anti freeze flask. How you guys do that I have no idea.
jrelthewise wrote:
Lunartuna wrote:
BigK67 wrote:
What's the benefit of using Vicious Projectiles over Added Chaos Damage?

For venom gyre vicious projectiles gives more dps. For cobra lash add chaos gives more dps.

Crafted these boots which let me drop my anti freeze basalt flask for a Dying Sun, which in turn let me drop GMP from my Cobra Lash setup for vicious proj while also gaining plague bearer aoe. Damage and clear speed absolutely through the roof!

I highly recommend boots like these for both quality of life and flask freedom, although I notice you guys seem to run around without an anti curse and anti freeze flask. How you guys do that I have no idea.

If you make the switch to venom gyre and leper's alm shield you never have to worry about freeze, shock, or ignite again. Shared suffering makes it so if you have any elemental ailments on you, the next time you hit something with an attack you will remove the ailment from you and apply it to whatever you hit.

so when you run up to a box with venom gyre, you just throw some projectiles out, click the box, and if your frozen the returning projectiles instantly unfreeze you as they hit the box mobs.

jrelthewise wrote:
I notice you guys seem to run around without an anti curse and anti freeze flask. How you guys do that I have no idea.

Another option that also synergizes with plague bearer which is another way to avoid freeze. Curse though... not sure.

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