After WoW "Classic" launch success, Diablo 2 "Remastered" is only a matter of time.

Destructodave wrote:
As someone who played WoW off and on since Open Beta, I just dont see the draw of classic whatsoever. I'm also not huge on nostalgia, so maybe thats it. But I just dont get it.

I mean if I was gonna pick a time to go back to play WoW, it wouldn't be classic, it would be Wrath of the Lich King, or Burning Crusade.

I know there is a good bit of players that just didnt experience it, so I understand that, too. But I dont consider classic anywhere near the pinnacle of WoW, so I dont know why people wanted it so much over say, BC or Wrath.

So rejoice, because Blizzard already said that if classic is successful, they might think about special servers for special add-ons. And i am totally with you. BC was the time of my life. Boy oh boy, that was fun.
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
Aynix wrote:
Why would anyone play Diablo 2 in these days? People play WoW classic because there is barely any MMORPG worth playing nowadays./quote]

This point kinda puts an end to this discussion.
The reason - apart from nostalgia - why people both new and old to the game, flocked to the classic wow is because it's basically a new mmo in an age where you really don't have any other option other than retail wow.
And it wouldn't even take that many solid choices for classic to go belly up, two or three other ones worth the audience to make a switch every now and again would do just fine, kinda the way it is with arpg genre at the moment.
I am actually quite sure that Blizzard is aware of this as well, seeing how they are about to release another remastered old game - Warcraft III, and again in a market that really has no other solid option other than Starcraft II who's predecessor most likely won't see a proper remake for generations, or at least as long as their only one of the two eSport titles remain a solid foothold in that specific field.

No rest for the wicked.
ff14 and eso are doing pretty well. So the argument is not the most solid out there. but i guess we are already beating a dead horse ;)
The Sirus fight is a disgrace.
RPGNoobANKA wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
Don't know why we would need a PoE 2 if PoE 1 is flexible enough to grow into a new version of itself. Hope their engine is up to that type of change.

That is the biggest hurdle at the moment. The engine. But if I am not mistaken, GGG did say in a Podcast, that they made progress in hiring dedicated engine programmers.

And the Global Illumination addition 6 months ago (Betrayal) was a step forward. And 4.0 could bring much more gfx improvements.

just bought a RTX card, Global Illumination under the new card is beautiful, but the game still have many potential to overhaul graphic. Just this league the server seem burned down , showing the server need to catch up the progress of client side hardware (except raping my HDD part)
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Destructodave wrote:
As someone who played WoW off and on since Open Beta, I just dont see the draw of classic whatsoever. I'm also not huge on nostalgia, so maybe thats it. But I just dont get it.

I mean if I was gonna pick a time to go back to play WoW, it wouldn't be classic, it would be Wrath of the Lich King, or Burning Crusade.

I feel the same, though WoW's Classic period was a huge bit of fun, especially with PVP. I did the whole PvP and end-game progression/raiding thing for a long, long, time. It was a great game, but there are a metric crap-ton of anxiety fueled hours built into my memories. Farming for raid mats, hours and hours spent wiping to learn encounters, keeping everything min/maxxed as a raid healer while still being able to "have fun." Moving back and forth between builds just to stay on my "main" most of the time... I don't want to experience any of that ever again. I even did that in EQ back in its heyday... dunno why I insisted on doing it in WoW, too.

I'd stop with either of your suggestions as far as any sort of "Classic" scheme goes. Naxx was probably my favorite WoW raid, but also the most stressful. Though, I have to say that AQ C'Thun raids were a ton of actual "fun" learning the raid. Those were really "fun" without too much stress.

I know there is a good bit of players that just didnt experience it, so I understand that, too. But I dont consider classic anywhere near the pinnacle of WoW, so I dont know why people wanted it so much over say, BC or Wrath.

Did they include all the hooks they gave UI Modders? How many current players are going to "love" Classic without those great UIs?

I have no idea how the game is changed since I quit years ago. I left my main riding on a dragon somewhere on top of a mountain and called it quits.

BUT, I do see why people would like to play "Classic." I just don't feel like revisiting it all again. WoW was a truly innovative MMORPG and it broke the right rules and put in some good ones. Others tried similar things, but just couldn't get traction while WoW cruised along at lightspeed.

PS - On the OT: A remastered D2 would be great. It'd be better for me than any WoW remaster/classic simply because the mechanics were really good. And, there is something to be said for "boss-runs." D3 got that wrong to a certain extent and compensated a bit with Rifts and necessary crafting... which required farming... which sucks hard in D3 because wtf-why? D2 runs always had something of possibility happening, something you might look forward to, some really nice surprise.

But, they'd have to allow ATMA or there'd be no point in my trying to complete a "Collection of Everything."

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