3.8| Stress Free PoE - HOLY RF |Clear the Atlas with YOUR Items at YOUR Pace (SSF & Co-op)

BY THE WAY, anointing ammy can be redic good :-)

Clear Oil Teal Oil Golden Oil Growth and Decay

^^ look that shit up :-)

Somebody loan me 145c for gold oil pls? :P

d3viant6 wrote:
WELL. Rode this into maps, seems very good for getting thru story and lab (did not do uber lab yet) deathless labs, BTW. My ONLY concern is it seems a bit weak starting maps, I hope DPS ramps a bit more, my weps are great for cheap, only 5L on RF now, of course I need to run 100 more maps and get a dozen more levels. I'm just wondering where this becomes red map capable, cause I surely am not ready now. Any critique of my char would be appreciated!!
Hey d3viant6,

Sorry you don't feel confident going forward. I see there's already been discussed and suggestions, but I'll give my two sense.

From what I can tell, you're using the tree 3.7 Pastebin instead of the 3.8 Passive tree link. It's not too much a difference but it'll help substantially going forward. Your gems are quite different from mine. One that really helps is Wave of Conviction with the Exposure it provides. You could also swap Enfeeble for Flammability if you're finding survivability easy.

3.8 JUST came out for Xbox while I was sleeping last night. So I'll be posting an example of high tier mapping with the current build either today or tomorrow (I'll let everyone know).

RF also scales a lot more with mods now. So keep a lookout for gear with the suggested mods too.

Let me know if this helped at all.

Great gear by the way.

Hi2u wrote:
What do you think about adding Empower as 6-Link to the Build?
Hey Hi2u,

Empower is nice for sure. And anytime you have one of those gems, try to level it anyway you can. But it still isn't very strong at level 3 compared to the other suggested support gems. It's very strong for some gem setups, but according to the updated PoB, it's not too strong here.

Good question.

Atjh wrote:
Any tips for the leveling process? Feels very slow to me. Am smashing things with ground slam while the totem works in the background. Anything I should be doing different as I work my way to Act 3?

Also, using Righteous Fire in a HC league may be an exercise in "F"utility - but I'm willing to give it a try.
Hey Atjh,

Sounds like you've already had some good suggestions. This build does level pretty slow cause HFT hits pretty weak early on and all of our damage is focus on DoT, which doesn't help the Attacks that the Marauder gets while levelling via story. So, besides the good suggestions you've already received, I like a couple spells that are fire-based so I don't have to worry about Accuracy (which of course we ignore). So Fireball or Firestorm. They aren't native to the levelling process, but you could always start a Witch and do the intro (beating Hillock) to get the Fireball. I personally just tolerate HFT until RF can be sustained.

Thank you, everyone, for being so helpful to each other. It's great to see everyone sharing gear and levelling suggestions. I'll be as responsive as I can coming up but there will be a few more hospital visits in the coming days, so thank you for your patience. But please, ask about anything about the build anytime.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
d3viant6 wrote:
Atjh wrote:
Any tips for the leveling process? Feels very slow to me. Am smashing things with ground slam while the totem works in the background. Anything I should be doing different as I work my way to Act 3?

Also, using Righteous Fire in a HC league may be an exercise in "F"utility - but I'm willing to give it a try.

Use molten until you get to a decent 4link+ RF setup, it's ass until about Act6-7 maybe? After that it's smoooooth. I threw some (small) coin at my build, did get an OK 6L (15c) and went Dory's scepter (8c) and 1alc (lol) shield, now I can actually live thru this, and feeling a BIT better. Refer to (yikes) Demi's version for some better equip tips. I feel NOW like it's progressing a bit better than Sunday, my scepters are up on trade for like 3-4c (very good ones) so come get 'em :-) I DID find a (very) good hat that rEAAAAAAly makes both cyclone for curse application, AND RF do muuuuuuch better, check the stats, I think it was maybe 4c? It's great to be non meta at least to start

AND if you're HC you should be picking up the whole life wheel like in Demi's POB for this 10k life version IMHO, that SHIELD makes a HUUUUGE difference, check it out yo!

Will definitely spend some chances on this shield. Thanks for the suggestion.
Atjh wrote:
Will definitely spend some chances on this shield. Thanks for the suggestion.

I personally prefer Saffell's instead... :-)

You lose the block, life and life regen and 1% max fire res, but you gain spell block, spell damage, and most important 4% max res against cold and lightning.
Those 4% max res to the other elements doesn't sound like much, but in effect they cut 1/6th of the damage you take from cold and lightning, and then add the spell block 20%...
"Will definitely spend some chances on this shield. Thanks for the suggestion.", IT'S ONE ALC so no worry you will get one

Spell damage does nothing for RF, just sayin > a reminder!

OK, so here's the POB I see available:
3.7's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/EQnJ24zz <<< is it right one?


Last edited by d3viant6#7582 on Sep 11, 2019, 11:33:39 AM
Cyzax wrote:
I personally prefer Saffell's instead... :-)

You lose the block, life and life regen and 1% max fire res, but you gain spell block, spell damage, and most important 4% max res against cold and lightning.
Those 4% max res to the other elements doesn't sound like much, but in effect they cut 1/6th of the damage you take from cold and lightning, and then add the spell block 20%...
Hey Cyzax,

Great shield. Both shields are great. Increasing Max resists is such a big difference in the middle of the atlas.
d3viant6 wrote:
"Will definitely spend some chances on this shield. Thanks for the suggestion.", IT'S ONE ALC so no worry you will get one

Spell damage does nothing for RF, just sayin > a reminder!

OK, so here's the POB I see available:
3.7's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/EQnJ24zz <<< is it right one?

Hey d3viant6,

Thanks for the well wishes. You're very kind.

No no. You're not blind at all. I posted the 3.8 tree and gem links as soon as I could before 3.8 was launched, but PoB doesn't update everything right away as they work at GGG and it's crazy busy for them at launch. It then gets busy for guide writers after league launch as well (my fault for doing more than one guide though). I prefer to keep the previous league's pastebin in the guide so that there is a reference point for whatever details people are looking for. But I've had a few people in a couple of my guides this league skim over the 3.7 part and start applying last league's build to this league. So keeping the previous league's Pastebin might be something I ditch in the future.

I'll be updating this guide's Pastebin to 3.8 right after this post.

When GGG announced that RF was getting some base fire damage added to the skill, I was hoping it would scale with Spell damage...but it still doesn't. You bring up a good reminder.
Thank you both for your replies. Let me know if there's anything you need or any suggestions that you may have.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Hey Everyone,

I have updated the Pastebin for PoB to 3.8 and also the video example of the build if you're looking to see what this build plays like in the center of the atlas. The map rolled Elemental Equilibrium which sucks for our damage...but re-rolling maps is for suckers ;). Lots of good showcasing in it though. Except for the glitched Syndicate encounter.

Here's the video so you don't have to go looking around. The map tier and quantity are in the description.

Thanks for your patience!
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
d3viant6 wrote:
Spell damage does nothing for RF, just sayin > a reminder!

Correct, but it does work for the totem! :-)
Cyzax wrote:
d3viant6 wrote:
Spell damage does nothing for RF, just sayin > a reminder!

Correct, but it does work for the totem! :-)

I concede, but it's not something we go out of the way for, amIrite? :-)

ALSO, I hit 500K DoT DPS finally, took a couple jewels to do it (got both for 11c). I must be getting lucky with gear shopping :-)

ALSO, my STR is pusing 600 so I'm going to try DW with MH DOON for giggles
https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Blight/PrbDhL << 1 alc wep

I _DO_ know I need to be gem swapping to Conc effect on bosses, but I forget 90% of the time, same when I played Incinerate (that's MY problem, not a build problem).

I also got WoC running in a 'mid' level CWDT with IC and that's helping.

THANKS for updating the PoB!!!!!

Transitioned to RF at level 59 :-)

Apart from Saffell's, everything is self-found. Once I hit maps, it's gearing time :-)

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