An Update About the Launch of Path of Exile: Blight on Xbox One

You all need to have some patience it’s not Jeff or GGG’s fault. Like he said It’s on Microsoft’s side. So take a chill pill, remember this is a game they let you you play for free. Be thankful for that.

I don't think you understand how this works.. they don't "let" us do anything. We allow them the opportunity to monetize our attention. we play their game, tell our friends, buy stash tabs and supporter packs for a free game that (admittedly) would NOT exist otherwise. we as a playerbase aren't owed anything except the respect and consideration of the company we fund however we choose to do it. And that clearly is the issue here.

Good news. They must be working hard to fix it. Normally half of these posts would be deleted for offending all the vegans and or virgins.
You all need to have some patience it’s not Jeff or GGG’s fault. Like he said It’s on Microsoft’s side. So take a chill pill, remember this is a game they let you you play for free. Be thankful for that.

I don't think you understand how this works.. they don't "let" us do anything. We allow them the opportunity to monetize our attention. we play their game, tell our friends, buy stash tabs and supporter packs for a free game that (admittedly) would NOT exist otherwise. we as a playerbase aren't owed anything except the respect and consideration of the company we fund however we choose to do it. And that clearly is the issue here.


Well said Shakespeare
What is this headline game servers restarting in 43 mins?
Imagine blaming GGG for this delay and not... y'know... one of the largest companies in the world. Nope definitely not Microsoft's fault. It absolutely has to be GGG's. Instead of jumping down their or anyone's throat, take a step back and breathe deeply.
Red timer not specific to idk....they'd never restart pc just to launch xbox
Goldie_S01 wrote:
Imagine blaming GGG for this delay and not... y'know... one of the largest companies in the world. Nope definitely not Microsoft's fault. It absolutely has to be GGG's. Instead of jumping down their or anyone's throat, take a step back and breathe deeply.

ggg's patch failed cert. its their fault.
Sorry...saying this is xboxs fault doesnt launch seemlessly on console for xbox almost daily...with none of this shit...look no further than mhw iceborne...which i should be playing now instead
Well...i guess we'll see in approx 33 minutes..right?
3.8.0d that's why

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