An Update About the Launch of Path of Exile: Blight on Xbox One

If I coulda moved my MTX’s I would been on PC long ago also, I feel like we are the neglected red headed step child sometimes. Well all the time :/
Are we talking hours, days, weeks?

i hope to hell it's in the next 14 hours, especially if we don't hear anything else from ggg
we heard all we will here from thim till tommorow. They seem to refuse to say anything. Im gussing they cand find the error. The refusing to update us means its so bad that they are drafting a major response explaing that the delay will be massive
GGG what is going on? How long does it take?
What about race ladders etc. We have to know when is gonna work.

GGG THIS IS A WHALE SPEAKING OUT. We get in first, we supply the tradeboard with items and high level bases. We supply currency etc.

The fact so many of you people are like this is only making it worse. Like a good 30% of the player base has nothing to say but "I'm rich, and I think I'm better than all of you at GGG."

I bet console would get a lot more priority if most of the players weren't constantly throwing fits and insulting them.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
wellhead wrote:
Are we talking hours, days, weeks?

i hope to hell it's in the next 14 hours, especially if we don't hear anything else from ggg
we heard all we will here from thim till tommorow. They seem to refuse to say anything. Im gussing they cand find the error. The refusing to update us means its so bad that they are drafting a major response explaing that the delay will be massive

Let's not over react, I'm as upset as the next person, but it's obvious that GGG expected it to be released, and something unknown came up.

I am not sure of how the certification process works now, but I am sure GGG are working as hard as possible to get it sorted.

That said, it would be nice to have some kind of estimate, or at least what the certification cycle period is now at MS.
It’s honestly prolly not gonna be ready till the end of the week if they are this silent, it was already sent back once from the certification, it prolly has sent back twice now, and will be awhile before everything is ironed out with Microsoft, they do take the longest but recently they have stepped it up to compete with the other consoles/PC———I would’t be surprised if we didn’t see the launch for a few days from this. Kinda sucks with their silence, but if it is this stressful at launch, no sense of playing a league that is gonna cause frustration and stress. Looked fun, but few streamers I know been complaining behind the scenes. Anyways take care y’all and hope it launches soon for ya, sitting this one out :)
I happen to have a day off work and would just like an eta. They must have some idea. Very poor for no comms for over 12 hours.

I am not sure of how the certification process works now, but I am sure GGG are working as hard as possible to get it sorted.

That said, it would be nice to have some kind of estimate, or at least what the certification cycle period is now at MS.

this! all i want is just some sort of update on where they're at, but instead they leave us in the dark. a little transparency goes a long way GGG
xbox poe.. where people want e̶x̶a̶l̶t̶s̶ divines for junk items ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
Well I was really looking forward to this league ...not so much anymore if the league hasn't started before Friday I will have to skip this one since borderlands 3 is coming out this Friday.
One of the biggest threads for console and they don't even bother telling us what's going on.

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