[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Hello! Just finished my helmet!

All my resistance are above 75% and i need to craft things on it

https://gyazo.com/92583984b776cc34e509baa3b774bb3c (not updated on my character yet)

What should i craft with the Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers or is there a suffixe that would be better than 2 more prefixes

Craft fire resistance and buy an aul urprising.

My character now


after that i will be looking to upgrade my bad claw

edit: helmet link
Last edited by Dynastiew on Oct 6, 2020, 10:03:03 PM
Hello, enjoying the build so far.

Would anyone be able to have a look at my character? Map clear is quite good but im feeling quite squishy even with my flasks up. Very prone to one shots, and single target damage is quite low
Wiizper wrote:
Hello, enjoying the build so far.

Would anyone be able to have a look at my character? Map clear is quite good but im feeling quite squishy even with my flasks up. Very prone to one shots, and single target damage is quite low

Check the uber melee variant, and switch to viper strike. I've been playing that and melting bosses, all content(no hogm though).
Rechno wrote:
Wiizper wrote:
Hello, enjoying the build so far.

Would anyone be able to have a look at my character? Map clear is quite good but im feeling quite squishy even with my flasks up. Very prone to one shots, and single target damage is quite low

Check the uber melee variant, and switch to viper strike. I've been playing that and melting bosses, all content(no hogm though).

I play with a mix of the normal build and uber melee variant with pestilent strike and map clear is nice and Sirus 8 and every other boss dies pretty nice. Made it to lvl96 too since I'm not dying much after messing with the talent tree and swapping potions to get max block.
ChosenOne_00 wrote:
What's the minimum amount of ex we need to invest to do all end game content or at least T16 and hardest heist stuff?

Bought my two OK claws (they don't have Attack speed which is a massive dps increase) for 2 and 3ex respectively. Perfect Form 6L was 4.8 ex. Everything else together was another 2-3 ex maybe. So 10 ex or so to do everything pretty seamlessly. I still have shit rings a, a mediocre helm, and OKish boots (I made those with an essence, which reminds me that essences are severely undervalued early league).

This is the 3rd league I've played this build and it is easily my favorite build in the game. Started this league with Poison BV and it's just kind of boring compared to Poison PS Pathfinder. As I always tell people new to this build - this build is exceptional at farming Delve, even just doing low levels for tons of Resonators (like level 65-80 is solid) is fun and extremely profitable. Also with how much Exalts cost (or don't cost) this league the Chaos recipe is EXTREMELY profitable. Just set up a few tabs for the different pieces and grab all the rare un-ID'd gear you find in Delve runs. It's an extra 25-40 chaos every time you go which is half an Exalt for doing almost nothing.
Wiizper wrote:
Hello, enjoying the build so far.

Would anyone be able to have a look at my character? Map clear is quite good but im feeling quite squishy even with my flasks up. Very prone to one shots, and single target damage is quite low

As someone mentioned - Pick up a 21/23 Viper Strike and swap that on big bosses (shouldn't need it for map bosses). It's only like 15C or something. I haven't played the updated version to it's fullest yet, but it looks like it's much tankier so I can't speak on the squishyness once fully integrated, since I'm just used to it with this build. Takes a bit of skill and movement to master not getting one-shot, though they happen in almost any build, regardless of defenses.
Best build.
Hello, i was heavily thinking about using replica alberon for pestilent strike build. Any suggestions on tree ? I really have no idea, looked up to poe ninja, have somethin in my mind but i really would like to have your opinion as well since it will be my first poison build..
Thank you.
demosty wrote:
Hello, i was heavily thinking about using replica alberon for pestilent strike build. Any suggestions on tree ? I really have no idea, looked up to poe ninja, have somethin in my mind but i really would like to have your opinion as well since it will be my first poison build..
Thank you.

I'm guessing that'd be strength stacking at that point? Probably use the gems that turn dex nodes into strength (forgot the name) for a start. Someone with more experience in building builds could probably help you out. Or go check out a build that stacks strength and see what you can steal from it.
Man oh man do I have a heap of questions with this build I would LOVE to get it to work but im getting stuck and frustrated.


1. Having some severe survivability issues.
2. Sometimes the enemies take like no damage while I am slashing, I assume this is an accuracy ring issue which I am trying to buy but maybe not.
3. What is the channeling mana cost reason? I am having no mana issues and I havent really gone out of my way to spec for mana or regen.
4. Ive been aggregating from the ninja on different gems I can try out, I cant find a solid combo, mainly this build is for the heists stuff only because I saw some other dude doing science and asked him what build and this was it. So I have tried wither, no wither, ancestral protector, withering step, touch, plague.

Please someone haaaalp

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