[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

GreyLensman wrote:
hazerer wrote:
right now im undecided between this build and poison blade vortex assassin as a league starter.

does anyone have an advice for me which build will have an edge over the other after the new patch? (min/ maxed)

Depends on what you mean by min/maxed. If you are someone who feels that more than 10 seconds for an end-boss fight is too long, the damage on a maxed out BV Assassin will definitely be higher, even after the nerfs there.

I happen to prefer the Pathfinder defenses (much better) and playstyle, and I think the damage here is in the sweet spot.

This is really a matter of personal preference.

If you are looking for a straight-up evaluation of which build will be better at handling 10 bosses, I think either can. "Better" will be a function of which bosses and what mods. (Also whether you choose to go ranged on the PF.)

thank you.

i absolutely hated CL for endgame content. especially bosses. PS would be the choice.
Where is the Vennto leveling filter? I can't find it on first page or in lvling section.
Inviz1 wrote:
Where is the Vennto leveling filter? I can't find it on first page or in lvling section.


Wish you all good league start and lots of fun in 3.13!!!
Hi, you've mentioned flat chaos on weapon is second most important stat on our claws. Now when we have 100% chaos conversion doesn't flat phys on weapon has the same value as flat chaos? Thank you.
Last edited by Ive0607 on Jan 15, 2021, 12:27:36 PM
Ive0607 wrote:
Hi, you've mentioned flat chaos on weapon is second most important stat on our claws. Now when we have 100% chaos conversion doesn't flat phys on weapon has the same value as flat chaos? Thank you.

They're actually equal and the chaos flat is higher than the phys unless you also get %phys but then you need to drop chaos multi. For pestilent strike at least we did not see any improvement.
Qurestion about the optimised filter in main post, is this for the bow start or the melee one? Sorry if this has been answered I checked the last ~10 pages and couldn't see a clear answer.
Hi there sorry if this question has already been asked but when i try to paste any of the POB's into POB it comes up with an error claiming the version is wrong and i need to update but there is no update can anyone help me?

In the fast AF leveling tree I dont get smth.

Why do we do this?

and not that?

Am I missing something?
If it's intelligence issue we can even take the big +30 Int node for the same amount of point
my main concern is that you get oneshot by the 10 bosses while attacking with PS. Poison BV seems to be a bit more mobile. never played it though.

I played Poison BV Assassin in 3.10 and Scourge Arrow Pathfinder last league for a bit, so that's my reference point. (Planning to try PS here to start this league.)

BV Assassin HAS to be constantly moving or you die. If you like zooming, it's that kind of build. Less fragile than Deadeye, but much more so than PF.

Pathfinder is still a fast build, but it can be built a lot more defensively and the QoL with flasks is something special. You can get "stuck in" with much less worry about getting one shot or just blown up, given all the layers of defense and the crazy flask uptime.

Note - they were two of my favorite builds over 8 (?) leagues, despite playing quite differently. So I don't think you can go wrong with either.

Another personal thing from my side: I don't min max and I find 5-10M Sirus dps to be more than enough for most builds. It's easier to get that on the Assassin, and if you min max I imagine you can get the Assassin to 30 or more even after the nerfs. You won't get that on the PF if it matters to you. But for the same skill level and investment, you will probably die about the same. Assassin is more fragile, but killing faster means less one-shots to time perfectly. Although with PF you can often time them less perfectly. This is a play preference thing too.

Also worth noting the BV Assassin's popularity. I didn't play it again after it became FoTM, because I try to avoid metas on principle. (A silly principle I'm sure, but the practical side is that meta builds are always more expensive because everyone is trying to buy the same gear.)

If you are someone who plays more than one build in a league, I would encourage you to try both. They are both great, and different enough that you'll enjoy comparing them.
Last edited by GreyLensman on Jan 15, 2021, 12:52:56 PM
Ziffx wrote:
Hi there sorry if this question has already been asked but when i try to paste any of the POB's into POB it comes up with an error claiming the version is wrong and i need to update but there is no update can anyone help me?

Do you have the POB Community fork downloaded?

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