[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

dumptruckzzz wrote:
Solemplow wrote:
Bustled wrote:
For anyone playing Pestilent Strike and doesn't have the best gear yet... swap to Viper Strike for bosses, it's life changing. I know it's been mentioned a few times already but it's worth repeating.

For anyone playing Transcendence, there is a mod on the timeless jewel that provides 2% elemental resistance per 10 devotion. Might not be much, but it definitely helps make capping res easier.


I have shit gear and claw (wasp nest) etc

I also have pestilent strike 40% enchant, and awakened unbound ailment for my VS setup (i don't have a second red link for melee physical).

I don't know if my gem screw me up but i deal the same damage as PS on boss.

EDIT: And when i try to use awakened unbound and not melee physical, i have a 15% dps up on viper strike pob.

There must be something i don't know tho, why i deal so little damage with VS and this.

If you're gem swapping from PS to VS on bosses, you would use this setup noted in the guide:

-Next, if you can acquire Awakened gems, your next setup will be
Pestilent Strike - Awakened Deadly Ailments - Vile Toxins - Awakened Added Chaos damage - Awakened Unbound Ailments - Awakened Multistrike

Yeah thats exactly what i use with PS (not high level awakened tho).

I have no problems clearing (just blasted throught a t16 pit right now)

The problem is, i don't feel like i deal more damage with VS.

i got theses gems for my VS setup

The only difference with the author setup is that i have awakened unbound inplace of melee physical.

And yet, when i use the author's pob, it says to me (when i change gems) that i should use awakened inbound and not melee physical for more damage.
Solemplow wrote:

Yeah thats exactly what i use with PS (not high level awakened tho).

I have no problems clearing (just blasted throught a t16 pit right now)

The problem is, i don't feel like i deal more damage with VS.

i got theses gems for my VS setup

The only difference with the author setup is that i have awakened unbound inplace of melee physical.

And yet, when i use the author's pob, it says to me (when i change gems) that i should use awakened inbound and not melee physical for more damage.

This comes from the poison duration. Unbound Ailment gives lot's of poison duration and POB calculates this in.
Well I just did a 100% Delirious T16 with some DPS mods on it and I still managed to facetank Kosis's beam which is pretty insane.
Absolutely love it, did an easy Simulacrum as well. Can't wait to get into harder Maven fights

My gear is far from perfect but the build is still so good I can't imagine when I'll really upgrade stuff.
How much would something like this be worth?

Don't know any other poison claw builds so I'm asking here lol
projectoffset wrote:
How much would something like this be worth?

Don't know any other poison claw builds so I'm asking here lol
Without life on it - it's worth nothing.
Hey boys, I made a cute little claw (with a terrible name lmao...)
still gotta divine the t1 flat chaos and inc damage with poison, and gonna try to tailor orb, but besides some pure phys unholy might claw this seems like the highest raw DPS we can get out of a claw?

Process was Dread Essence spam for t1 DoT, remove attack twice (because I hit accuracy twice...)
total tries: 350 essences...
Fill prefixes, aug chaos for chaos suffix.
Rem/add chaos till you get t1 increased poison damage.
Suffixes cant be changed, scour prefixes.
Aug chaos twice
Craft cDoT multi

The only really hard part was collecting the essences, and my soul died a bit when I hit the accuracy... twice... but its done! (Minus finishing touches)

Put it into PoB and lmk how much more damage it increases your build by! It was pretty crazy for me haha.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Last edited by Seamoose1 on Jan 30, 2021, 3:51:27 AM
Seamoose1 wrote:
Hope you guys enjoy!
Grats, great item.
Rijndael wrote:
tricko04 wrote:
Thank you for a very good guide!
I have two questions

1. Is it possible to map without using Ancestall Call? (I don't want to Gemswap if possible)

2. Is there a recommended order of Gear upgrades?
1.Wasp nest & tabula
3.craft claw
4.6L PF
5.craft other armor

6LPF is very expensive and I am in trouble

Could be different for others but this is how i geared:

1. I didn't run ancestral call at all. just went straight to tribal fury. Note this is on pestilent, pestilent + prolif should be enough for white mobs.

2. I skipped tab and actually delayed my 6L.
Got 2 wasp nests and a 4L perfect form.
Got an embalmer gloves instead for a pseudo 5link.
tribal fury
from there 6L PF
awakened gems - unbound ailments and added chaos. the rest are too pricey
craft claws

pretty sure getting a helmet enchant might be more cost effective than the claws if you're crafting them yourself. Good claws go for 3 ex on the market.

Thanks for the advice!
I wasn't sure if I should get the 5L PF or the 6L corrputed.
I got the 5LPF because I'm interested in the defense mechanism of PF

PestilentStrike (no ancestal call)
2Wasp & 5L PF
Tribal Fury
craft Craw

I'm going to follow the above steps to upgrade my gear!

im currently playin this build in non Transcendent Version, when i swap into Transcendent, im way mor tankier or not ?

And how big is the dmg loss?
Acardipane wrote:

im currently playin this build in non Transcendent Version, when i swap into Transcendent, im way mor tankier or not ?

And how big is the dmg loss?

Personally didnt notice much of a loss of dmg when swapping to transcendence version, that said it's a bit of a pain to balance resists when swapping so keep that in mind. As far as tankiness goes, for me it was like night and day. The transcendence version is incredibly tanky.


On a different note, what would you recommend me upgrade first?
Personally thinking enlighten lvl 4 so i can slot in culling strike, then amulet > watcher's > better rolled weapons?

Currently missing a little bit of resists that i can fix once i find a cold res to X res harvest craft, and 5% chaos res but that can be fixes with some divines later on

Here's what im currently running:

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