3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bow instead of a staff/mace?
Uyuhk wrote:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bow instead of a staff/mace?

I believe bow/quiver is the more expensive option which provide much more dps. The unique staff is more budget and you would want to upgrade to bow when you have the money.
tduong wrote:
Uyuhk wrote:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bow instead of a staff/mace?

I believe bow/quiver is the more expensive option which provide much more dps. The unique staff is more budget and you would want to upgrade to bow when you have the money.

DPS is effectively the same as it's basically the same mods.

Advantage of bow is you get can +movespeed implicit (but lose out of block) but you can also use a quiver for additional life and resistance or other stats like strength.

Bow requires self casting offering which is the preferred method now.

Mace or staff you can cyclone to procure offering and some people like that playstyle because it's perhaps a little more chilled.
Cyrom wrote:
Done some min/maxing in STD (started since metamorph league) and well.. this is the result: https://pastebin.com/6NqhuLtj

2.5m dps per zombie (and thats 15 of them) 6k+ Life 10k+ ES, 1.6k ES regen/s (yes that is regen, not recharge)

Just wanted to post this so if people are interrested in a super tanky version of the build with insane dps, here are some idea's.

So how much more expensive is this build?
So SO still avalaible or better other new spectre for Ritual ?.
@execreth - @eledhyr - @arthasspaw - @edherisctf - @douchebagontheway_hd

@the_pest - @ioneshotbosses_eightkai
brunowa wrote:
tduong wrote:
Uyuhk wrote:

Bow requires self casting offering which is the preferred method now.

Hey love your build!

How do you self cast offering?
theloveboat wrote:

Hey love your build!

How do you self cast offering?

You push the offering button? :)

At start of map, desecrate on ground and then click offering and you're good. Do this for bosses too.

When mapping, every few packs or whenever you are looting, just click your offering button as there will be corpses everywhere already.

With this playstyle you literally just run through and around packs using phasing and your Quicksilver flask.

Even faster if you swap in flesh offering and also minion speed instead of minion damage gem.

You can see example of playstyle here although probably not the best map to demonstrate considering it was very hard to run "around" packs in tight sewers:

Last edited by brunowa#6253 on Jan 25, 2021, 2:43:50 PM
Where is the latest POB? Which one of the ones in the 1st page should I be following?
I have 30hours /played then I just discovered your build, I love it !!

Thank a lot !
About spectres.

I raised a primeval crab and, oh my God, the crab is a absolute beast.

Running foir of them, they dash to enemies, have aoe attack and cast water pillars all around the place.
They too have a hidden buff which we don't know the exact values, the frigid roar

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