3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I made baron zombies again this league. My build is not exact copy of OP builds. Just wanted to chime in on where I am at with mine currently

AG Gear:
-Crafted Body with nearby enemies are blinded
-Victario Flight
- -9 phys elder helm
-Vixens with vuln corrupt (+1 curse so i can have vuln + assassin mark on big bosses)

Current POB: https://pastebin.com/7TcX4VRP

This build does a large amount of dps with investment and clears great with some minion movement speed. Every boss just dies instantly and can clear legions in new vastir easily. This is a bit more of a glass cannon varient,comes down to smart play though and you should be fine. Mostly my build from here is harvest crafting my quiver to finish it and to hopefully drop my last efficient training to replace with a abyss jewel or maybe a primordial for a 2nd carrion golem for extra clear.

Ive done all content in the game on this build from 100% delerious jucied deathless along with all boss content and simulacrum.

To those running baron zombies, I stopped at 1k strength minimum because I can get better scaling elsewhere. There is no need for a 13th zombie and str does not add enough in my opinion to warrent going to 1500.

The only minion that ever dies in this build is occasionly carrion in harbi packs because of aggression and he is dumb. Other than that he has eaten soo much other stuff and survived.

Alternative helm enchants is dread banner effect at 25%/40% both are extremely good cheaper alternative and will occasion pop on on trade for maybe 3-5ex.

Getting at least a +1 int amulet is a really nice boost in minion dps and survivability and extremely cheap. I had to augment life craft mine than remove affixs to multimod. Ideally is a str suffix; but I rolled 30 keep prefix change suffix and never got a good str roll and just have up.

Overall, I have been enjoying this build this league, keep telling myself to stop spending currency on it and prep a new build; but I cant stop improving it.

Last edited by MightyCheese#6523 on Feb 22, 2021, 3:04:26 PM

Check the FAQ on why your zombies may be dying.

Ensure they are resistance capped by having spirit offering constantly up and into some nodes on tree. Also make sure there is some kind of minion life leech either from tree or on jewel. Those are the best defences against dying zombies.

If they are still dying (they shouldn't be at this point unless the mods are crazy) then you could go more defensive with further minion life, more leech etc.

Man, i'll do all about FAQ, they rez are capped i think they just die because of physic, and yes indomitable army are set.
Last edited by Alonly_stalker#7339 on Feb 22, 2021, 3:32:46 PM
Alonly_stalker wrote:

Check the FAQ on why your zombies may be dying.

Ensure they are resistance capped by having spirit offering constantly up and into some nodes on tree. Also make sure there is some kind of minion life leech either from tree or on jewel. Those are the best defences against dying zombies.

If they are still dying (they shouldn't be at this point unless the mods are crazy) then you could go more defensive with further minion life, more leech etc.

Man, i'll do all about FAQ, they rez are capped i think they just die because of physic, and yes indomitable army are set.

Whats the HP on your minions ? My zombies only die when i encounter a shit ton of harbingers. Cant do anything against those guys, otherwise its fine. Tried cortex yesterday , phases the boss in seconds so its fun. Clear is lacking though. Made some improvements from the last time, lot more upgrades are pending. If nothings working try including minion leech? should help I guess.
Last edited by bluu_94#7187 on Feb 22, 2021, 10:49:18 PM
Second time I tried Sirus and I get insta kill... I felt so useless. I don't know what to do, I saw so many videos about this fight but when I go in, I can't...
Paldrom wrote:
Second time I tried Sirus and I get insta kill... I felt so useless. I don't know what to do, I saw so many videos about this fight but when I go in, I can't...

You can spend 30C on 3x20 Intrinsic Catalysts & the 20% quality of your belt & rings for a slight boost in damage & survivability.
Alonly_stalker wrote:
Where i'll get damage for all that minions? my zombies are just useless peaces of meat that just cant kill big rare monsters at t16 maps like beyond things.

pob tree

Also my zombies still die sometimes, with heawy modifiers on map like +(alot) to crit some rares or event bosses kill them. BTW map bosses from this maps are still useless and cant do anything (thanks GGG for great balance).

The Zombies dying can be answered by not running Def auras in chest (see guide).

You can get a decent boost in damage by crafting "Death Attunement" on your amulet. IT cost like 20-30c to get the oils for it.

A well-crafted minion weapon will help as well, once you saved up if you have not already.
Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Feb 23, 2021, 5:46:03 AM
KiadawP wrote:
Hello, Can anyone explain how you can get a lab to enchant without losing the implicit on a boot like what I saw in this thread?

I am ready to upgrade my boots but do not want to screw up by losing my resist impliceit. Thanks.

Enchantments dont override implicits.
KiadawP wrote:
Paldrom wrote:
Second time I tried Sirus and I get insta kill... I felt so useless. I don't know what to do, I saw so many videos about this fight but when I go in, I can't...

You can spend 30C on 3x20 Intrinsic Catalysts & the 20% quality of your belt & rings for a slight boost in damage & survivability.


Another advices?
So to those that run with the bow instead of the staff, what do you do for desecrate and offering? Are you manually casting it? Or is there another way to auto-cast like with cyclone?
When should you transition from skeletons to zombies doing the main damage?

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