3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I guess Feeding Frenzy has merit when it comes to mapping, but what about bossing.

What do you guys think are the best gems for Bossing like Sirus & Maven?

Out of the 4? & why:
1) Feeding Frenzy
2) Minion Speed
3) Minion Damage
4) Predator
Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Mar 15, 2021, 3:32:38 AM
What if you put feeding ftenzy, with AG and stone golem, will it fees the zombies???
Minion Damage is best for bosses.

Predator is good too but you have to click an extra button (which I personally don't like).

I find that feeding frenzy works best linked to golem. This way you get more DPS on your 6L and your golem still procs feeding frenzy.
kINNS wrote:
What if you put feeding ftenzy, with AG and stone golem, will it fees the zombies???

According to PoE WIki


Feeding Frenzy Support is a minion support skill gem. It changes the supported minion behavior to be aggressive, causing them to prioritize seeking enemies and killing them.

Supported minions have a chance to give the owner the Feeding Frenzy buff on hit, which grants a damage and speed bonus to all friendly minions.

Feeding Frenzy buff: Feeding Frenzy grants 10% more Minion Damage, 10% increased Minion Movement Speed and 10% increased Minion Attack, and Cast Speed

From my understanding, if you have feeding Frenzy on say Golem, it will proc Feeding Frenzy buff which grant damage & Speed bonus, but it will not make them agressive.
Couldn't beat Maven control T16 elder guardian. Cannot recover life enough, & with Over the top bullet storm fulls screen spam, my ES just cannot restart.

The Zealot Oath is more a curse than useful imo on Geofri. I love the eho from it, & mapping is a bleeze, but bosses with immunity phase & hard to hit (no leech) is issue

I have a similar issue with Sirus, After being hit by the big S beam, I couldn't recover life & die to next attack/spell. The zealot orth setup is an issue for me with bosses you can't consistently leech.

Does anyone have any tips?

Here is my pastebin

I compare the PoB with OP (Tanky build) & my stats are similar (slightly lower), so I think I may ned work on the mechanical area against bosses. Any general tips?

My gears can be found top of this page (8 post before this & I do not want to repost to choke the page)
Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Mar 15, 2021, 7:07:08 AM
kINNS wrote:
What if you put feeding ftenzy, with AG and stone golem, will it fees the zombies???

AG must stay in helm with Spectres with a minion life gem.
You want the AG to live a very long life. In Maven's "tenth" invitation.... Maven will keep laughing at you...while she kills all your minions slowly but surely, and fills the screen with pure devastation. Having minion life linked to the AG will give you just enough time to turn AG off (unplug the gem or lift the helm off)...or better yet, don't go in with an AG.

I beat the "tenth" invitation by rushing towards one boss at a time, ignoring all the fireworks and killing a boss fast before the other bosses gang-up on me.

I also noticed if I put minion damage instead of feeding frenzy on the zombies, they don't remain engaged with a boss while I run around....they end-up following me as if they were on meat shield mode, even if there is a feeding frenzy gem linked to my skellies and stone golem.

So, I prefer feeding frenzy in all situations, especially simulacrum.

However, there is one situation I would put minion damage instead of feeding frenzy: PVP and it depends on the opponent.

KiadawP wrote:

Does anyone have any tips?

Here is my pastebin

My tips are in 1660 (bottom of page). I looked at your POB, it looks more similar to what I used to use back in metamorph league, check the skill tree changes I made in the tips. Not a Sirus expert, but I use flame dash and keep dashing around him to prevent Sirus from zeroing on my position. I sometimes dash to his opposite direction. I pop speed to get out of that circular maze of his fast since my boots is just the Alberon's Warpath. That's really all I do (stay alive), while my zombies and skellies work on him. My last Sirus fight was just 1-death. Also, I did not have any issues with any T16+maven control fights, even with 8-corrupted mods (but did die a couple of times while clearing the map). Simulacrum, no issues either. It would be the "tenth" invitation that I started having real issues with. I solved that on the second tenth invitation: Ignore all the fireworks that fill the screen, and quickly mow down each boss one at a time and fast before the other bosses have time to do too much damage on you. You may need to be ready to turn off the AG in case your minions start dying before you can finish them all.
Last edited by 10011001#5138 on Mar 15, 2021, 10:16:07 AM
kiadaw wrote:

From my understanding, if you have feeding Frenzy on say Golem, it will proc Feeding Frenzy buff which grant damage & Speed bonus, but it will not make them agressive.

I have tried this in the battlefield, my zombies were linked to minion damage, while my stone golem was linked to feeding frenzy. The zombies just won't keep engaging the boss while I run circles around him. They end-up following me around like meat shield while my skellies that are linked to the golem and the feeding frenzy continue to fight the boss. Therefore I prefer the zombies are always linked to feeding frenzy....especially in simulacrum maps.

Hit this huge milestone today in standard on my CI Zombie Summoner. Solo, in Hideout.

Initially I was also playing the hybrid version, but figured with all the legacy stuff in standard I might as well enjoy the QoL of going CI. It has not disapointed.

Awesome work on the build guide!
Just going to post my final iteration of my current build outside of some stat cleanup as I am pretty much done with the league. Only thing I going to add left is movement speed on quiver and enchant my boots

POB: https://pastebin.com/XVDtByEP

POB is set up for Single Target DPS with AG Gear listed under Bottled Faith along with modifiers

Overall, I really did enjoy this build and assuming necromancer and aura stacking survive in 3.14, ill probably play it again. This build requires like no harvest to even get started. I imagine the jewels will bit a bit more expensive and stay close to the same price. Mostly just need to spam reforge phys and hope for the roll you want or just buy it.
Last edited by MightyCheese#6523 on Mar 15, 2021, 8:34:52 PM

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