3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Hi, sb can guide me what should upgrade? My zombies dying on t13 maps.
POB: https://pastebin.com/WZcFHx5r
nyftron wrote:
Hi, sb can guide me what should upgrade? My zombies dying on t13 maps.
POB: https://pastebin.com/WZcFHx5r

Hmmm... I suggest reallocating some skill tree points and taking a couple of "minions have x% increased maximum life" (where x is between 12 to 30) on your tree until your zombies stop dying (or improve survivability). You can also allocate "minions regenerate x% of life per second" on the tree. Keep your offering skill up, as the offering boosts your minions. If you encounter some really tough harvest or archnemesis rares and they manage to kill some zombies, do a retreat and respawn. And definitely, zombies die in physical reflect maps.

Last edited by 10011001 on Jun 6, 2022, 1:09:21 AM
I can no longer kill Shaper and Uber Elder with my current build. I don't know what to upgrade. I was able to kill the Eater, Exarch and Maven at first try though. Here's my POB: https://pastebin.com/ed9r15s7
I don't know if that Elegant Hubris' 240 minion damage is worth pathing to.
Could someone take a look and see what I can improve?
nyftron wrote:
Hi, sb can guide me what should upgrade? My zombies dying on t13 maps.
POB: https://pastebin.com/WZcFHx5r

Your main issue is that your zombies have low elemental resistances. They are at 70% WITH commander of darkness. However, your zombies will often be out of range leaving them with just 40% all res. That will 100% get them killed in maps. With the current increased difficulty of content I feel you really need to have them res capped without commander of darkness AND have the minion 8% all max res mastery from the tree. Your minions also don't have any additional Chaos resist. Add that to their low life and they will die very often.

Points of action:
- Get their elemental resists up: jewels with minion res and/or spec into Indomitable Army
- Get their Chaos res up: spec into Grave Intentions
- Get minion 8% max res mastery. Can be found on both above mentioned notable clusters
- Increase their max life: can also be found on the above mentioned notables and on other parts of the tree. You can also increase their life by raising the level of the skill gem by using a lvl 4 empower for example.

Hope this helps!
Kazm0t wrote:
I can no longer kill Shaper and Uber Elder with my current build. I don't know what to upgrade. I was able to kill the Eater, Exarch and Maven at first try though. Here's my POB: https://pastebin.com/ed9r15s7
I don't know if that Elegant Hubris' 240 minion damage is worth pathing to.
Could someone take a look and see what I can improve?

Your profile is set to private so we can't check your character. Do you have a PoB?
Fritso wrote:
Kazm0t wrote:
I can no longer kill Shaper and Uber Elder with my current build. I don't know what to upgrade. I was able to kill the Eater, Exarch and Maven at first try though. Here's my POB: https://pastebin.com/ed9r15s7
I don't know if that Elegant Hubris' 240 minion damage is worth pathing to.
Could someone take a look and see what I can improve?

Your profile is set to private so we can't check your character. Do you have a PoB?

It's there on my original post.
Kazm0t wrote:
Fritso wrote:
Kazm0t wrote:
I can no longer kill Shaper and Uber Elder with my current build. I don't know what to upgrade. I was able to kill the Eater, Exarch and Maven at first try though. Here's my POB: https://pastebin.com/ed9r15s7
I don't know if that Elegant Hubris' 240 minion damage is worth pathing to.
Could someone take a look and see what I can improve?

Your profile is set to private so we can't check your character. Do you have a PoB?

It's there on my original post.

Sorry, I missed that.

Can you tell me why you are not able to kill Shaper and Uber Elder? Are you lacking damage, survivability, or are your minions dying? Also is this the regular versions of the bosses, or the new uber ones?
I first tried Maven Shaper with the Squire but totally got wrecked. Every time Shaper does the slam, I die. Zombies kept dying too. I went back and used my previous 2 handed mace and I got my zombies health way better, but I still died to shaper's slam. Then I just went for the shaper without the maven and same thing but I didn't lose any zombies. After that I tried Uber elder without the maven. The zombies kept dying. The AG and spectres were fine. I believe the zombies have like 91K life.
I haven't played in standard for quite a while. I used to do uber shaper and uber elder deathless. Imagine my surprise.
Kazm0t wrote:
I first tried Maven Shaper with the Squire but totally got wrecked. Every time Shaper does the slam, I die. Zombies kept dying too. I went back and used my previous 2 handed mace and I got my zombies health way better, but I still died to shaper's slam. Then I just went for the shaper without the maven and same thing but I didn't lose any zombies. After that I tried Uber elder without the maven. The zombies kept dying. The AG and spectres were fine. I believe the zombies have like 91K life.
I haven't played in standard for quite a while. I used to do uber shaper and uber elder deathless. Imagine my surprise.

Well, the Uber version of Shaper and Uber Elder have only been released in this latest patch 3.18, so you couldn't have done them before.

Can you check your Atlas passive tree and see if you have 'Cosmic Wounds' allocated? It's located at the top cluster in the tree with all shaper/elder related nodes.
Yup, stupid me. Didn't think of that. Imagine my surprise again. I just clicked on whatever I thought would reward more. Never thought of the consequences. Refunded... and I will try again. Thanks a lot man. Do you have this atlas passive enabled?

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