[3.8] CI Mjolner CoC Ball Lightning Assassin - up to 6M Shaper DPS, 11k ES, 5k+ ES Recovery/s

Heey, im in love with your build! Its cruising through the endgame maps and such :D im just wondering what i could do to make the build deal more damage :S it requires along time against bosses so looking to improve that part of it. Here is my profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/HolyxxOG/characters

hope that u have some suggestions! <3
HolyxxOG wrote:
Heey, im in love with your build! Its cruising through the endgame maps and such :D im just wondering what i could do to make the build deal more damage :S it requires along time against bosses so looking to improve that part of it. Here is my profile: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/HolyxxOG/characters

hope that u have some suggestions! <3

A proper helmet will be a big thing for you.

You want -9% nearby lightning resist and the 40% ball lightning enchant ideally, though the first one (-9% res) is more important.

Also fitting in aspect of the spider is nice, as its 15% more damage.
Last edited by faytte#6379 on Jan 15, 2020, 6:02:43 PM
faytte wrote:

I just imported your character. Swapping your chest to ball lighting (21/20) and ticking on your flasks, 3 stacks of web, conc ground, moving your awakened ele focus to level 5, I see your damage is 112K shaper with vaal righteous fire active.

That is still impressive, but I don't see how you are getting to 140K.
Also while opting for awakened added lightning over slower projectiles will result in more sheet damage, it will result in your balls moving faster and getting less hits on enemies (and likely a damage loss). Not sure if you had added lightning over slower projectiles because you were using double arc though. With slower projectiles you are down to 99K, which is still very impressive.

I would also mention to everyone that some of the calcs I see are a bit misleading for shaper/sirus. While benefit of the doubt should be checked on exposure type, none of these fights are triggering cast when damage taken that often so the uptime of exposure is going to be incredibly limited.

It might be better for these fights to get rid of immortal call in the damage while taken set up (if your skill and survival allows for it) and replace that red gem socket with spell totem(high enough level that cast when damage taken will not cast the totem), and manually cast the totem as these bosses do not move around much. Your Cast when Damage taken should still trigger when damage to resummon golems and cast your wave manually,but totem will be there to keep exposure up.

<edit: I was stupid and forgot how cast on crit worked>

Obviously I'm using slower projectiles on a BL setup, currently I'm trying out arc so that's why I have added lightning there.

Here's my current POB, 150k BL without shock: https://pastebin.com/nzEiMZHc

The 112k you got was probably without the 15% chance to deal double damage and the Thread of Hope passives.

I could push 200k if I went for Coward's Legacy since I'm already running Atziri's Reflection.
Good crusader prefix amulet would add another 10k+.
Also I will probably at least get small shocks off due to arc in mjolner, and bigger ones against metamorphs.

gromkins wrote:
blingi wrote:

I'm at 6.03 aps now after divining some of my jewels to have less AS.
I dropped unnatural instinct and am not getting any AS clusters from the tree.

You are using arc? Does that even get the same amount of hits for es generation? Sorry I only glanced over discussions of arc back in the thread.

I tried it out for 3 Sirus/Conquerer rotations, and didn't have any problems keeping my ES full. It's hard to judge at this point, but I felt the damage on double arc was a bit lower than on my previous arc/BL setup. Map clear felt amazing though.
Last edited by blingi#3223 on Jan 15, 2020, 6:10:35 PM
blingi wrote:

Obviously I'm using slower projectiles on a BL setup, currently I'm trying out arc so that's why I have added lightning there.

Here's my current POB, 150k BL without shock: https://pastebin.com/nzEiMZHc

The 112k you got was probably without the 15% chance to deal double damage and the Thread of Hope passives.

I could push 200k if I went for Coward's Legacy since I'm already running Atziri's Reflection.
Good crusader prefix amulet would add another 10k+.
Also I will probably at least get small shocks off due to arc in mjolner, and bigger ones against metamorphs.

Reviewed it and..yeah it looks very sound. With your arc hits (average crits being 470K) you should be able reliably get some shocks even on uber elder and I imagine Sirus. I will math it out later on based on those values, but at those levels having main hand arc over ball lightning might be better (uncertain. Ball lightning hitting 13-14 balls per cast is pretty big in its favor).

Very impressive you can do this without going low life. As someone else with a 15% double damage lethal pride jewel, this is making me reconsider low life. You could push your damage more with a +1 lightning gem/spell damage shield since you wont need curse immunity on bosses.
Last edited by faytte#6379 on Jan 15, 2020, 6:49:17 PM
How much of a budget is needed for this build.

Looking for something a little more tankier than my CoC Ice Nova Assassin and thinking about respeccing.

Is it possible to do on say a 8 or 10 ex budget and then farm up more currency?

jim_Bonks wrote:
How much of a budget is needed for this build.

Looking for something a little more tankier than my CoC Ice Nova Assassin and thinking about respeccing.

Is it possible to do on say a 8 or 10 ex budget and then farm up more currency?


Yes. The discount version is use Fennumus boots and any item with aspect of the spider. Most of the basic gear can be gotten very cheaply. Pushing it to the end becomes pricy, but not as pricy as certain builds I've seen.
faytte wrote:

Reviewed it and..yeah it looks very sound. With your arc hits (average crits being 470K) you should be able reliably get some shocks even on uber elder and I imagine Sirus. I will math it out later on based on those values, but at those levels having main hand arc over ball lightning might be better (uncertain. Ball lightning hitting 13-14 balls per cast is pretty big in its favor).

Very impressive you can do this without going low life. As someone else with a 15% double damage lethal pride jewel, this is making me reconsider low life. You could push your damage more with a +1 lightning gem/spell damage shield since you wont need curse immunity on bosses.

I don't feel like I need more boss damage at this point, but you could do that of course. I'm also still running Rumi's which you could drop for an Atziri's Promise or something like that if you just want full on damage.
Replace ES jewels with more crit multi, go for a frenzy charge on hit chest + awakened CoC, double curse with awakened CoH etc..
This build has a ton of room for scaling its dps if you have the currency.

jim_Bonks wrote:
How much of a budget is needed for this build.

Looking for something a little more tankier than my CoC Ice Nova Assassin and thinking about respeccing.

Is it possible to do on say a 8 or 10 ex budget and then farm up more currency?


I did the same after I league started summoner.
Boss damage won't feel great on a budget and you will get oneshot by metamorphs occasionally without fortify.
Still fun for relatively fast map clearing though and it can be scaled continuously with upgrades.
Last edited by blingi#3223 on Jan 15, 2020, 6:57:40 PM
Big thanks for the guide and all helpful comments, did the build, farmed some endgame maps, did cortex and sirius 6 deathless and felt overall really tanky. I'm somewhat of a buildaholic so I'll be scrapping it for my next build. I've got a pretty nicely rolled Lethal Pride if someone might be interested, it's impossible to sell on trade anyways. Also if you are interested in some items for the build you can ask me to see what I got left for sale.

That's 5% inc str and 10% DD on the path that we take always and an additional 5% DD on Lord of the Dead for only 1 passive point.

If someone's interested hit me up ingame @UkkosenJumalaEpi or here on messages and give me an offer, starting price at 10ex, buyout 25ex. I'll be selling it to the highest bidder in approximately 48 hours.
Ok so can someone please explain to me why on Earth this build says to pick up Zealots Oath? Life Regeneration applies to Energy Shield instead of life. I have 0 life regeneration per second.

With Consecrated Ground (Regenerate 6% of your Maximum Health per second while on Consecrated Ground) That would be, 0.6 Life regenerated Per Second.

What in the cinnamon toast fuck is the point?
~ Seph
sephrinx wrote:
Ok so can someone please explain to me why on Earth this build says to pick up Zealots Oath? Life Regeneration applies to Energy Shield instead of life. I have 0 life regeneration per second.

Consecrated ground is a beneficial ground effect that provides additional life regeneration. The character and their allies regenerate an additional 6% of their maximum life per second.

If the character has Zealot's Oath, consecrated ground will regenerate energy shield instead.

I have 455 ES regen while on consecrated ground.

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