[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Arukabe wrote:
BeerLeague wrote:
Arukabe wrote:
Hi, I love how GC version effect look like. But I want to know how inferior it is to other versions like BL and Icicle because from End-game section it's talk only about these 2 skills.

Thank you in advance.

GC is great for bossing, probably the best mine skill out there for that. For clear, its good, but it isnt instant cast so it slows you down a bit.

With gear it has the potential to be the highest dps build though.

Because the skill is not cast instantly, will it cause problems for the high tier farming? like A8 T16map, Delirium, Sirus, etc..

Nope, the playstyle is just a bit different.
I have read your ascendancy section, use Born in the shadows for GC and BL but I look at your profile, you use Demolitions Specialist for BL so I have a bit confuse. Do I have to use Demolitions Specialist for GC like you?

I never play Miner before, sorry for have many questions.
Thank you!
Arukabe wrote:
I have read your ascendancy section, use Born in the shadows for GC and BL but I look at your profile, you use Demolitions Specialist for BL so I have a bit confuse. Do I have to use Demolitions Specialist for GC like you?

I never play Miner before, sorry for have many questions.
Thank you!

I think it says the opposite - use demo for GC and BL because you get more damage from high impact mine.

You can use either though
Thank you for the guide! I appreciate the work you put in.

I am currently running 14-16s trying to finish my watchstones, but I keep getting 1 shoted multiple times each map. Its beginning to really frustrate me. Do you have any tips/gear advise for me or is it a play-style (incompetence) issue? I only have about 2 exalts in the bank.

Thank you again!
Last edited by nematodes#4993 on Apr 21, 2020, 12:11:59 PM
nematodes wrote:
Thank you for the guide! I appreciate the work you put in.

I am currently running 14-16s trying to finish my watchstones, but I keep getting 1 shoted multiple times each map. Its beginning to really frustrate me. Do you have any tips/gear advise for me or is it a play-style (incompetence) issue? I only have about 2 exalts in the bank.

Thank you again!

No enfeeble, no aspect of the spider - no ES on one ring, super low ES on boots.

Need to fix that stuff first.
How did you craft your wand?
IGN: OnGoD/Kostobaro/Seselia/Ypdite
AddOnPCK wrote:
How did you craft your wand?

No great way to craft +1/+1 wands. You will want to buy the base and go from there - the +1 to all spells mod is super rare.
AddOnPCK wrote:
How did you craft your wand?

I'll add onto this a bit, technically speaking Faceted, prismatic, metallic and aetheric will be the best way to craft these types of wands, but that is still going to need probably 50+ (at 1.5ex each) crafts to hit a +1/+1 combo.
BeerLeague wrote:
nematodes wrote:
Thank you for the guide! I appreciate the work you put in.

I am currently running 14-16s trying to finish my watchstones, but I keep getting 1 shoted multiple times each map. Its beginning to really frustrate me. Do you have any tips/gear advise for me or is it a play-style (incompetence) issue? I only have about 2 exalts in the bank.

Thank you again!

No enfeeble, no aspect of the spider - no ES on one ring, super low ES on boots.

Need to fix that stuff first.

Do I run enfeeble over discipline? I only saw discipline on your gem links if you are using the unique shield.

NEVER mind! I'm big dumb
Last edited by nematodes#4993 on Apr 21, 2020, 1:49:08 PM
Last chance this week if anyone wants some videos of anything. Will probably do one more gearing video, but if there are no more requests I’ll probably shelf them character, or sell off the gear after I finish 40/40 - just a few more blighted maps to go.

Will still answer questions and keep the guide up to date though.

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